PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Does anyone else see an exit scam as a real possibility here?
I doubt it, my guess is that people are still ordering, and ppl is still making money. Probably the reason he doesn't show up anymore, doesn't need to. But what's going on over at bop
Does anyone else see an exit scam as a real possibility here?
I doubt it is only because he's still got this dip shit rep in here running his yap. I would think if he was going to exit scam he'd fire the douche and come in here and give the illusion of fixing things to increase orders.
I doubt it is only because he's still got this dip shit rep in here running his yap. I would think if he was going to exit scam he'd fire the douche and come in here and give the illusion of fixing things to increase orders.
Actually, every time ppl comes here, he actually makes things worse. And with his behavior in the mk thread, he should probably stay off the internet forever
I doubt it, my guess is that people are still ordering, and ppl is still making money. Probably the reason he doesn't show up anymore, doesn't need to. But what's going on over at bop
A lot of people are coming out of the woodwork with bad PIP from Test E. Some complaining about the Tren being shit and off colored. It’s turning into a shit show over there for Panda. It’s bad when you have a mod ripping the rep over their responses and excuses and blame shifting.
A lot of people are coming out of the woodwork with bad PIP from Test E. Some complaining about the Tren being shit and off colored. It’s turning into a shit show over there for Panda. It’s bad when you have a mod ripping the rep over their responses and excuses and blame shifting.
Wow, never heard of the mods going after sources over there
Yeah, this one mod ripped into Bicep (their rep) and said he’s sick of them always blaming the customer instead of actually looking into things.
Doesn't he have a shill army over there to protect him, like he used to have here.
that's really a dudes name? Bicep? Lol, I mean, I don't have a lot of wiggle room as far as names are concerned but Jesus man, come on haha.
LMAO, yeah - that’s his name. But I guess that bitch 2dumb is Cyclez at SST or whatever other board he’s on, so you know...
I can see where all the amateur sources over at bop would be fucked if they got a bad batch of test e. Talk about a pain in the ass
Synthetic Genetics aka SG

i went over there and found the post you were referring to that ended in you being banned.

It's kinda funny. For a board that wants to increase it's membership, they sure get bent out of shape for some of the dumbest shit. Fuckers remind me of me. :D

