PurplePandaLabs Raw source

i went over there and found the post you were referring to that ended in you being banned.

It's kinda funny. For a board that wants to increase it's membership, they sure get bent out of shape for some of the dumbest shit. Fuckers remind me of me. :D

Where we talking? —-) gonna go take a look around:)
They banned u there? I’m confused didn’t even think PPl was on there

I haven’t been around much lately — but didn’t know they was doing it like that.
He’s everywhere now trying to regain business. Rumor has it, he’s losing the majority of all his luxurious things in China nearing bankruptcy.
PPL isn't there... Cyclez aka 2dumb aka purplepandarep is there reselling raws and GH. I'm not sure if he's still selling raws but he was reselling GH when I left.

Lol, gotcha——

Think I’m catching up—- still doesn’t look like much in that thread to get the boot—- especially since if I remember correctly the German chick didn’t like ppl either:(
Lol, gotcha——

Think I’m catching up—- still doesn’t look like much in that thread to get the boot—- especially since if I remember correctly the German chick didn’t like ppl either:(

I very much doubt she even knows cyclez is affiliated with PPL. He's operating on his own on that forum...
Holy shit, I didn't know @Oldschool and @Roger rabbit were banned too... Why?

I was banned for voicing my opinion on why sg sucks and why it will never grow. Shared statistics with them and their downfall and well.. they didn’t like that apparently.

I mean the entire forum is silly. You have regular members and vip.

When in reality the “regular” member is just a holding tank for people and when you become “vip” you get access to like 3 sources lmfao. The site is a joke at best. The most active thread was the “joke of day” and the same lame ass member would post and only one member posted. I think at best 3 members were ever logged on at the same time. But the silly owner always says “ I’ve put my heart and soul in this forum we need it to grow” what a joke.
Holy shit, I didn't know @Oldschool and @Roger rabbit were banned too... Why?

One of OS's last posts was about Mindless. They didn't like OS calling him out. Not sure if that was the reason though?

RR got banned after speaking his mind through PM with one of the mods there. He explained why the site wasn't attracting the membership numbers they're seeking.

Knowing RR, i'm sure he was polite in his reply, but i don't know what was actually said or what the tipping point was for them to ban him.
“ I’ve put my heart and soul in this forum we need it to grow”

That dude has never typed less than 12 paragraphs to explain something lol.

I completely agree with you too. Several of us made a valid attempt to grow that forum and it was a failure.. the regular members are unbearable.
Do a member search for Eman. You'll see his last post. Pretty tame and well articulated. You wouldn't think such a reply would be a ban worthy offense.

PPL isn't there. Sorry, forgot to address that.

The reason why members here are getting banned there is because 2dumb has been there a while and has some pull. So he is the one doing so.
I was banned for voicing my opinion on why sg sucks and why it will never grow. Shared statistics with them and their downfall and well.. they didn’t like that apparently.

I mean the entire forum is silly. You have regular members and vip.

When in reality the “regular” member is just a holding tank for people and when you become “vip” you get access to like 3 sources lmfao. The site is a joke at best. The most active thread was the “joke of day” and the same lame ass member would post and only one member posted. I think at best 3 members were ever logged on at the same time. But the silly owner always says “ I’ve put my heart and soul in this forum we need it to grow” what a joke.

Hey now. i started the new picture of the day thread over there after a few members shitted up the original... i posted in that thread almost daily.

You think i'm lame? Let me tell you something, Mr. Rabbit... You're right, but please don't spread the word around too loudly. :D
I recieved my order about 20 days after payment. Actually my order landed 14th day but local post office is really shit so it took 6 days to me after landing.

Stealth was cool as always.

I ordered directly from panda so communication was also good.

I didn't have time to brew yet but I made my batch plan, I have some sesame oil in my hand I wanted to use it and in this batch I am going to try low bb recipes.

EQ @300mg %1BA no BB in MCT oil
Test E @250mg %1 BA no BB in Sesame Oil
Deca @250mg %1 BA no BB in Sesame Oil
Test U @250mg %1 BA no BB in Sesame Oil

Test P @100mg @1BA %10BB in MCT&Castor oil (2,1 volume mix)
NPP @100mg @1BA %10BB in MCT&Castor oil (2,1 volume mix)
Tren E @200mg @1BA %10BB in MCT&Castor oil (2,1 volume mix)
Mast E @200mg @1BA %10BB in MCT&Castor oil (2,1 volume mix)

Also I am thinking to put 1g raw var into the 50ml olive oil. I can shake n draw 2.5ml to get 50mg. Also same recipe for cialis.

Especially for oral part of brew has anyone experienced something like this? Becuase I don't have access to ora produtcs and also the highest ethyl alcohol I can get is %45 it is a kind of vodka so chime in fellas!