PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I think this is the 4th or 5th time you've accused members of being secret sources. Each time I, as well as others, have said to post it up or shut up. So, which one will it be?

He's not really lying. He's just doesn't want to incriminate himself. If 2dumb were honest, he'd admit that he and Picholas had something going in PM but Picholas screwed the pooch. And then 2dumb made it worse by trying discredit Millard which turned Picholas' temporary ban into a permanent one. Dude can't win for losing.
Damn, I had to put some time in on a jobsite today. Missed out on all the fun I see! I keep telling myself this can't get any worse for him/them but it does. Unreal.
Fuck I know. I don’t check this place out for 2-3days and it’s gonna take me that long to get caught up. All kinds of goofy shit going on.
He's not really lying. He's just doesn't want to incriminate himself. If 2dumb were honest, he'd admit that he and Picholas had something going in PM but Picholas screwed the pooch. And then 2dumb made it worse by trying discredit Millard which turned Picholas' temporary ban into a permanent one. Dude can't win for losing.

Poor 2dumb, he just can't catch a break. On top of that, everyone is so mean and overly critical when he clearly hasn't done anything wrong. I feel bad for the guy. He didn't ask to be a born loser, it was just the hand he was dealt.
Poor 2dumb, he just can't catch a break. On top of that, everyone is so mean and overly critical when he clearly hasn't done anything wrong. I feel bad for the guy. He didn't ask to be a born loser, it was just the hand he was dealt.

2dumb reminds me of one of McNamara's Morons. During the Vietnam War the US military were desperate to find additional troops because of exemptions from the draft. Since the war was so unpopular they knew rescinding those exemptions would be political suicide so Robeet McNamara devised a plan to lower the mental standards so an additional 100,000 low IQ men could be drafted each year. These recruits became known as McNamara's Morons.

They said it would do these men good to be in the military where they'd learn new skills but it was an unmitigated disaster. Some of the recruits were so dull they couldn't follow simple orders. Some didn't understand that to throw a grenade 100 ft, you couldn't throw it in a straight line, but that it needed to be thrown in an arc. Others didn't even know what state they were from, and some had never learned to tie their own shoes.

Once in combat these recruits were killed or injured in disproportionately large numbers. They were also responsible for high rates of friendly fire because they didn't understand how to use their weapon safely. The problem was so severe that even Gen William Westmoreland complained to McNamara about it.

2dumb is the equivalent of a moron in the army. Just today, we saw 2dumb involved in 2 friendly fire incidents when he reposted a customer's order number twice in a row. He's shown time and again that he's unable to follow simple instructions, he's never learned how to control his emotional impulses like most people do by the time they enter school. if you gave 2dumb a live grenade he'd blow himself up. And he wears slip-on shoes.

His failure as a rep, and before that as a member, is directly correlated to his low IQ. It's only a matter of time before he becomes a fatality of his own stupidity by getting himself busted. The question is how many customers he will take with him. 2dumb is definitely one of McNamara's Morons.
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Mid terms are over - next one is two years out

AntMan VS Black Santa
That reminds me of something I seen the other day.

I'm 34. I'm not an old school traditional thinking guy. Pretty tolerant. Have no problems with gay people. Not racist by any stretch of the imagination...


Even i said, wtf!?!
2dumb reminds me of one of McNamara's Morons. During the Vietnam war the US military were desperate to find additional troops because of exemptions from the draft. Since the war was so unpopular they knew rescinding those exemptions would be political suicide so Robeet McNamara devised a plan to lower the mental standards so an additional 100,000 low IQ men could be drafted each year.

They said it would do these men good to be in the military where they'd learn new skills but it was an unmitigated disaster. Some of the recruits were so dull they couldn't follow simple orders. Some didn't understand that to throw a grenade 100 ft, you couldn't throw it in a straight line, but that it needed to be thrown in an arc. Others didn't even know what state they were from, and some had never learned to tie their own shoes.

Once in combat these recruits were killed or injured in disproportionately large numbers. They were also responsible for high rates of friendly fire because they didn't understand how to use their weapon safely. The problem was so severe that even Gen William Westmoreland complained to McNamara about it.

2dumb is the equivalent of a moron in the army. Just today, we saw 2dumb involved in 2 friendly fire incidents when he reposted a customer's order number twice in a row. He's shown time and again that he's unable to follow simple instructions, he's never learned how to control his emotional impulses like most people do by the time they enter school. if you gave 2dumb a live grenade he'd blow himself up. And he wears slip-on shoes.

His failure as a rep, and before that as a member, is directly correlated to his low IQ. It's only a matter of time before he becomes a fatality of his own stupidity by getting himself busted. The question is how many customers he will take with him. 2dumb is definitely one of McNamara's Morons.

We all could of had a great thing here. Everyone gets there raws and whatever else and no one gets fucked. That’s still on the table because that’s how we do business. We separate our business from personal shit.

You guys don’t look at the bigger picture. Instead you speculate and make your little comments like it’s the best thing since sliced bread.

You guys got Panda who’s a go-getter. A guy who’s always looking for the next best thing for his customers. Unfortunately no business is perfect but we always try our best to make it right.

You guys speculating and insulting us. Threatening us, and derailing a thread that’s meant for customers is pretty ridiculous.

I expect Positive and Negative reviews and Honest opinions on everything so We can always improve on our methods but HOLY SHIT lol.. you guys can’t stop. And almost all of you are your own sources...

Let’s all get stupid in here. I’m down.

Or we can Start working together and figuring out what you guys want and need as raws, figure out why Shipping is slower or what’s wrong with shipping. Or any genuine questions and concerns

A lot of you ask me about why the website doesn’t reply that fast... again all good questions I can bring to Panda and he can rectify.
Let’s all sit around and sing Kim Ba Yah while we’re at it and hold hands as we lift and get swole together! GTFOH you fucking panty waste.
2dumb reminds me of one of McNamara's Morons. During the Vietnam War the US military were desperate to find additional troops because of exemptions from the draft. Since the war was so unpopular they knew rescinding those exemptions would be political suicide so Robeet McNamara devised a plan to lower the mental standards so an additional 100,000 low IQ men could be drafted each year. These recruits became known as McNamara's Morons.

They said it would do these men good to be in the military where they'd learn new skills but it was an unmitigated disaster. Some of the recruits were so dull they couldn't follow simple orders. Some didn't understand that to throw a grenade 100 ft, you couldn't throw it in a straight line, but that it needed to be thrown in an arc. Others didn't even know what state they were from, and some had never learned to tie their own shoes.

Once in combat these recruits were killed or injured in disproportionately large numbers. They were also responsible for high rates of friendly fire because they didn't understand how to use their weapon safely. The problem was so severe that even Gen William Westmoreland complained to McNamara about it.

2dumb is the equivalent of a moron in the army. Just today, we saw 2dumb involved in 2 friendly fire incidents when he reposted a customer's order number twice in a row. He's shown time and again that he's unable to follow simple instructions, he's never learned how to control his emotional impulses like most people do by the time they enter school. if you gave 2dumb a live grenade he'd blow himself up. And he wears slip-on shoes.

His failure as a rep, and before that as a member, is directly correlated to his low IQ. It's only a matter of time before he becomes a fatality of his own stupidity by getting himself busted. The question is how many customers he will take with him. 2dumb is definitely one of McNamara's Morons.

Probably the best analogy I've ever read. Bravo.
That reminds me of something I seen the other day.

I'm 34. I'm not an old school traditional thinking guy. Pretty tolerant. Have no problems with gay people. Not racist by any stretch of the imagination...

View attachment 102282

Even i said, wtf!?!
You think that’s fucked up. There is an attempt to ban the song baby it’s cold outside. They are saying it’s about rape. This one is the craziest so far. They want to ban Rudolph the red nosed reindeer because it promotes bulling and poor treatment of people with disabilities. The examples were the other reindeer making fun of Rudolph and the misfit toys. That shits mind blowing to me. If anyone thinks there isn’t a plan to fundamentally fuck this country up that’s all the proof you need right there.
You want to misquote me. Go right ahead. Instead of reading all the negative stuff in this thread and trying to figure out what’s right or wrong but yeah apparently I was very wrong about a lot of guys here. It’s only good for them but for anyone else it’s open season. Amazing how many guys I see in this thread talking when they got their own price list, and their hitting you up on Wickr, e-mail and PM talking up something they just received and how much it is...

Talk about hypocritical.

And then they interfere with a Meso member who had a legitimate problem with his order?
Yea you're trustworthy. Go suck a bag of dicks 2dumb.
You think that’s fucked up. There is an attempt to ban the song baby it’s cold outside. They are saying it’s about rape. This one is the craziest so far. They want to ban Rudolph the red nosed reindeer because it promotes bulling and poor treatment of people with disabilities. The examples were the other reindeer making fun of Rudolph and the misfit toys. That shits mind blowing to me. If anyone thinks there isn’t a plan to fundamentally fuck this country up that’s all the proof you need right there.
The song is a little rapey.

But it should be considered art. And not censored.