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Is there a reason to go up to or past 100mg on abombs? I've never ran them. I have some Balkan (50mg) I've been saving for spring. Just curious if 50mg isn't enough or what. I'll definitely start there but just curious.
Is there a reason to go up to or past 100mg on abombs? I've never ran them. I have some Balkan (50mg) I've been saving for spring. Just curious if 50mg isn't enough or what. I'll definitely start there but just curious.
They have done studies on weight gain showing that 50 mg is ideal 100 milligrams will yield around 50% more weight gain and over 100 milligrams has diminishing effects quickly. I couldn't find the study here on my phone but here's a copy and paste from another source:

Dosing and Administration of Anadrol
Anadrol exists in oral format only, in the form of tablets or capsules. Within medicine, Anadrol enjoyed great widespread use throughout the 1950s to the 1980s and even still to this day. What dosage it was prescribed depended on the medical condition it was being prescribed for. As with many anabolic steroids and drugs, the FDA guidelines have changed over the years a variety of times. 2.5mg of Anadrol administered three times daily have been used, upwards of a total of 30mg daily. By the 1970s, Anadrol was commonly prescribed following a protocol of 1 – 2mg per kg of bodyweight daily, according to FDA guidelines.

Anadrol is usually manufactured in the format of 50mg tablets. Bodybuilders and athletes have frequently settled on the use of 25 – 50mg daily as a beginning dosage. Those with more experience have been known to use 50 – 100mg daily. Experienced users have also ventured as high as 100 – 150mg per day, but this is known as a very high-risk practice and Anadrol is such a potent and strong compound that for even the most experienced and advanced users, 50mg per day is strong enough. Dosages higher than this present a significantly increased risk of liver toxicity. In fact, studies have demonstrated that although 100mg of Anadrol is more effective than 50mg, there is a bell-curve effect in that anything greater than 100mg do not produce any significantly greater results, resulting in diminishing returns[10].
Is there a reason to go up to or past 100mg on abombs? I've never ran them. I have some Balkan (50mg) I've been saving for spring. Just curious if 50mg isn't enough or what. I'll definitely start there but just curious.

Possibly but you're getting into diminishing returns and increased side effects. The AIDS wasting studies went up to 150 mg/day and they found 150 was slightly more effective than 100 but it came with significantly greater negative effects on liver function tests.
Nope, haven't. I'd give it a whirl though!

I only tried the Iran Hormone drol on kind of a whim... I ordered some stuff and added the drol to my order because it was on sale and super cheap. @mands had also got me interested in trying it because he liked it a lot.
I have a box il keep you posted on the comparison
Possibly but you're getting into diminishing returns and increased side effects. The AIDS wasting studies went up to 150 mg/day and they found 150 was slightly more effective than 100 but it came with significantly greater negative effects on liver function tests.
Yeah it just seems that tripling a dose of an oral for a few extra pounds at the cost of a liver seems reckless. Especially if the same desired effect can be achieved with less sides and money.
Yeah it just seems that tripling a dose of an oral for a few extra pounds at the cost of a liver seems reckless. Especially if the same desired effect can be achieved with less sides and money.
I only felt like going to the gym on 150, nothing else lol. That's where the appetite was nonexistent as well.
Will you sell me your government funded HGH kits? It will help fund your drug habit... I'm just trying to help.
No because I’m using that too. I want to die muscular no matter the circumstances. I’m here for a good time not a long time.

Btw I’m 125mg deep on abombs on shoulder routine. If you guys haven’t gone this high... well you’re missing out. Creating super humans one dose at a time
Just received an international package land from panada. Stealth was good, made it past Canadian customs. Ordered thru the rep on the board and have to give him credit since he was helpful with the process. Can't speak for the quality of the raws yet, since I will be brewing in a few weeks