PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Once again I’m gonna advise everyone to let this thread fade out...

Take a look back at the article posted by Millard regarding the bust of the domestic lab. Take specific not of the amount of Raws seized and what they claim those Raws to be worth. If you break those numbers down they are claiming 28 grams of raws to be worth around $5,200. Small personal brewers could easily purchase 2 to 3 or even as much as 4 ounces at once. In the eyes of LE you’ve now purchased $15,000-$20,000 worth of raws. Now let’s say you’ve made a few orders of that size. I’d say at this point LE would have a tough time determining if you maybe one of the smaller labs buying from panda.

Or maybe LE stumbled upon one of the biggest (maybe THE biggest) importers of steroids into the US and they decide to arrest his domestic brewer and it all stops there. Smfh.
Once again I’m gonna advise everyone to let this thread fade out...

Take a look back at the article posted by Millard regarding the bust of the domestic lab. Take specific not of the amount of Raws seized and what they claim those Raws to be worth. If you break those numbers down they are claiming 28 grams of raws to be worth around $5,200. Small personal brewers could easily purchase 2 to 3 or even as much as 4 ounces at once. In the eyes of LE you’ve now purchased $15,000-$20,000 worth of raws. Now let’s say you’ve made a few orders of that size. I’d say at this point LE would have a tough time determining if you maybe one of the smaller labs buying from panda.

Or maybe LE stumbled upon one of the biggest (maybe THE biggest) importers of steroids into the US and they decide to arrest his domestic brewer and it all stops there. Smfh.
Once again I’m gonna advise everyone to let this thread fade out...

Take a look back at the article posted by Millard regarding the bust of the domestic lab. Take specific not of the amount of Raws seized and what they claim those Raws to be worth. If you break those numbers down they are claiming 28 grams of raws to be worth around $5,200. Small personal brewers could easily purchase 2 to 3 or even as much as 4 ounces at once. In the eyes of LE you’ve now purchased $15,000-$20,000 worth of raws. Now let’s say you’ve made a few orders of that size. I’d say at this point LE would have a tough time determining if you maybe one of the smaller labs buying from panda.

Or maybe LE stumbled upon one of the biggest (maybe THE biggest) importers of steroids into the US and they decide to arrest his domestic brewer and it all stops there. Smfh.
Shit, I bought 17 kilos for when the zombie apocalypse hits. If they raid me all I'm going to do is give them some PWO and challenge them to a PL comp!! I must be a millionaire...
Hey everyone, been awhile since I've posted. This site is taking 1 minute to load a page, and trying to catch up is painful. Ordered some raws from them a couple months ago which I did in the past and made some good gains off of. However, I'm concerned with the raws this time around, and there seems to be some negative talk on here so I thought I might as well make a post.

Aromasin, I've ordered raw form in the past and it's always been crystallized. This order, it looks just like flour. Can Aromasin look like fine powder instead of it's usual crystalline appearance? Still has that aromasin taste.

I also made Test E and Tren E as it's my usual go-to. Colour looks fine, however nearing the end of week 5 now and I have not detected any of the Tren symptoms I normally get. Nor do I get that "taste" in my mouth for a few seconds when injecting Tren, nor have I gotten Tren cough yet... and boy do I miss my Tren cough (not really, but it's a nice reminder my shit's legit). Using 500mg Tren E / week, and 250mg Test E / week (I prefer high tren low test)

Granted, just about to finish week 5 and I'm aware it could still be too early, though the lack of symptoms I normally have with the unusual appearance of raw has me questioning. Any thoughts? Thanks.


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Hey everyone, been awhile since I've posted. This site is taking 1 minute to load a page, and trying to catch up is painful. Ordered some raws from them a couple months ago which I did in the past and made some good gains off of. However, I'm concerned with the raws this time around, and there seems to be some negative talk on here so I thought I might as well make a post.

Aromasin, I've ordered raw form in the past and it's always been crystallized. This order, it looks just like flour. Can Aromasin look like fine powder instead of it's usual crystalline appearance? Still has that aromasin taste.

I also made Test E and Tren E as it's my usual go-to. Colour looks fine, however nearing the end of week 5 now and I have not detected any of the Tren symptoms I normally get. Nor do I get that "taste" in my mouth for a few seconds when injecting Tren, nor have I gotten Tren cough yet... and boy do I miss my Tren cough (not really, but it's a nice reminder my shit's legit). Using 500mg Tren E / week, and 250mg Test E / week (I prefer high tren low test)

Granted, just about to finish week 5 and I'm aware it could still be too early, though the lack of symptoms I normally have with the unusual appearance of raw has me questioning. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Sounds like you need to send it in for testing! @Weights & Measures Only way to know for sure. IMHO.
Hey everyone, been awhile since I've posted. This site is taking 1 minute to load a page, and trying to catch up is painful. Ordered some raws from them a couple months ago which I did in the past and made some good gains off of. However, I'm concerned with the raws this time around, and there seems to be some negative talk on here so I thought I might as well make a post.

Aromasin, I've ordered raw form in the past and it's always been crystallized. This order, it looks just like flour. Can Aromasin look like fine powder instead of it's usual crystalline appearance? Still has that aromasin taste.

I also made Test E and Tren E as it's my usual go-to. Colour looks fine, however nearing the end of week 5 now and I have not detected any of the Tren symptoms I normally get. Nor do I get that "taste" in my mouth for a few seconds when injecting Tren, nor have I gotten Tren cough yet... and boy do I miss my Tren cough (not really, but it's a nice reminder my shit's legit). Using 500mg Tren E / week, and 250mg Test E / week (I prefer high tren low test)

Granted, just about to finish week 5 and I'm aware it could still be too early, though the lack of symptoms I normally have with the unusual appearance of raw has me questioning. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Hit a vein ....
I never get Tren cough unless I pin poorly.
Hey everyone, been awhile since I've posted. This site is taking 1 minute to load a page, and trying to catch up is painful. Ordered some raws from them a couple months ago which I did in the past and made some good gains off of. However, I'm concerned with the raws this time around, and there seems to be some negative talk on here so I thought I might as well make a post.

Aromasin, I've ordered raw form in the past and it's always been crystallized. This order, it looks just like flour. Can Aromasin look like fine powder instead of it's usual crystalline appearance? Still has that aromasin taste.

I also made Test E and Tren E as it's my usual go-to. Colour looks fine, however nearing the end of week 5 now and I have not detected any of the Tren symptoms I normally get. Nor do I get that "taste" in my mouth for a few seconds when injecting Tren, nor have I gotten Tren cough yet... and boy do I miss my Tren cough (not really, but it's a nice reminder my shit's legit). Using 500mg Tren E / week, and 250mg Test E / week (I prefer high tren low test)

Granted, just about to finish week 5 and I'm aware it could still be too early, though the lack of symptoms I normally have with the unusual appearance of raw has me questioning. Any thoughts? Thanks.
I would definitely steer clear of this place. As far as aromasin I’ve order from a few different suppliers it comes in powdered form.
Never evaluate Tren from sides. Idk how to explain it but I’ve had Tren give me caugh I’ve had some not. But all of it was Tren.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the response. I enjoy making my own gear but I find it difficult to find raw sources.

I'll give it a few more weeks before making any judgement. I didn't consider sending it away for testing. Always a good idea for peace of mind. Cheers.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the response. I enjoy making my own gear but I find it difficult to find raw sources.

I'll give it a few more weeks before making any judgement. I didn't consider sending it away for testing. Always a good idea for peace of mind. Cheers.
Tren E is little harder to predict.
Also I'd say without bloods or a lab report, this is worthless as "it's FIYA"!
Hey everyone, been awhile since I've posted. This site is taking 1 minute to load a page, and trying to catch up is painful. Ordered some raws from them a couple months ago which I did in the past and made some good gains off of. However, I'm concerned with the raws this time around, and there seems to be some negative talk on here so I thought I might as well make a post.

Aromasin, I've ordered raw form in the past and it's always been crystallized. This order, it looks just like flour. Can Aromasin look like fine powder instead of it's usual crystalline appearance? Still has that aromasin taste.

I also made Test E and Tren E as it's my usual go-to. Colour looks fine, however nearing the end of week 5 now and I have not detected any of the Tren symptoms I normally get. Nor do I get that "taste" in my mouth for a few seconds when injecting Tren, nor have I gotten Tren cough yet... and boy do I miss my Tren cough (not really, but it's a nice reminder my shit's legit). Using 500mg Tren E / week, and 250mg Test E / week (I prefer high tren low test)

Granted, just about to finish week 5 and I'm aware it could still be too early, though the lack of symptoms I normally have with the unusual appearance of raw has me questioning. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Please PM me your order number so we can clarify this.
Tren E is little harder to predict.
Also I'd say without bloods or a lab report, this is worthless as "it's FIYA"!

Wow never thought I would say this but that’s a really nice response.

I don’t doubt anyone. Truly I don’t, that’s why I bring this to Pandas attention and we both make judgement on it.