PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Wow never thought I would say this but that’s a really nice response.

I don’t doubt anyone. Truly I don’t, that’s why I bring this to Pandas attention and we both make judgement on it.

Oh , you unblocked me? Maybe because I'm fair and call it like I see it?
Oh , you unblocked me? Maybe because I'm fair and call it like I see it?
I just thought you just liked to hear yourself talk in these shithead source threads. You and this dipshit source are a real asset to this community
Thank you!
Since you like to educate people so much, why don't you tell the members here what lube to bring to prison with them when they get caught because of this sources piss poor security and lies. After all, staying out of jail,isn't as important as what to look for in tren sides
Shit, I bought 17 kilos for when the zombie apocalypse hits. If they raid me all I'm going to do is give them some PWO and challenge them to a PL comp!! I must be a millionaire...
Don't stockpile steroids, buy ammo instead
ammo if the currency of the future, even if a zombie apocalypse never happens.
Since you like to educate people so much, why don't you tell the members here what lube to bring to prison with them when they get caught because of this sources piss poor security and lies. After all, staying out of jail,isn't as important as what to look for in tren sides

Thanks again. Please quote where I've ever said one positive think about this shit show... I'll wait.

And if you think that some low post count warrior complaining no tren sides, isn't any different than the cock suckers that ride these threads, than your just as much of a moron as these guys . Neither have any proof and are just a shill for one source or another.
@Robfromga I got nothing against anyone here.... I’m a very fair person too.

I may have came in like an asshole months ago and that I see was wrong. Everyone has a right to be concerned about a lot of things.

But as far as raws being bunk/underdosed or not the raw itself.... It’s not to say it doesn’t happen but I find it impossible when there’s no other complaints.

Forget BOP for a second.... BOP reeks of Monster Energy drinks and Ball sweat. There’s a lot of cool guys there but that’s about it “cool”.... nothing I would touch.

Again, I give the benefit of the doubt when being a rep, that’s neutrality in its purest form.
@Robfromga I got nothing against anyone here.... I’m a very fair person too.

I may have came in like an asshole months ago and that I see was wrong. Everyone has a right to be concerned about a lot of things.

But as far as raws being bunk/underdosed or not the raw itself.... It’s not to say it doesn’t happen but I find it impossible when there’s no other complaints.

Forget BOP for a second.... BOP reeks of Monster Energy drinks and Ball sweat. There’s a lot of cool guys there but that’s about it “cool”.... nothing I would touch.

Again, I give the benefit of the doubt when being a rep, that’s neutrality in its purest form.

You're an antagonist and a narcissist .
You poke the bear, which itself is fine, but you cry like a beta bitch when the bear pokes back . Quite simply you can't take what you dish out.

Your comments toward @CensoredBoardsSuck true, or not show everyone exactly who and what you are. You are not trustworthy.
You're an antagonist and a narcissist .
You poke the bear, which itself is fine, but you cry like a beta bitch when the bear pokes back . Quite simply you can't take what you dish out.

Your comments toward @CensoredBoardsSuck true, or not show everyone exactly who and what you are. You are not trustworthy.

That’s fine by me... The less I do the better.

No usually someone pokes me and I poke back but whatever you feel man. I really don’t care anymore lol.
@Robfromga they’re true. You really have no idea who’s sourcing, who’s getting paid by sources, who’s real, who’s fake.

If a guy like CBS is real.... wouldn’t you want to know? Does a name on a screen dictate everything you feel?

I’m staring at Aromasin raws right now and it’s course..... I’m also banging out meals/weights and growing.

How real is that? Take a look at how many guys don’t do that. CBS is another lie man..... if you don’t see that for what it is. You think Anyone here isn’t hooked in some sort of way?

I wouldn’t want your trust or anyone’s trust because I don’t know you. So that doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is that there’s a lot of guys in this thread that hide behind a mask and they go banging on everyone else’s door telling them what to do.
@Robfromga they’re true. You really have no idea who’s sourcing, who’s getting paid by sources, who’s real, who’s fake.

If a guy like CBS is real.... wouldn’t you want to know? Does a name on a screen dictate everything you feel?

I’m staring at Aromasin raws right now and it’s course..... I’m also banging out meals/weights and growing.

How real is that? Take a look at how many guys don’t do that. CBS is another lie man..... if you don’t see that for what it is. You think Anyone here isn’t hooked in some sort of way?

I wouldn’t want your trust or anyone’s trust because I don’t know you. So that doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is that there’s a lot of guys in this thread that hide behind a mask and they go banging on everyone else’s door telling them what to do.

Enough with the meso kabal conspiracy theories, dipshit. You were told to post evidence and you haven't. Post evidence or STFU.
Pick a line and stick to it . You just contradicted yourself, again.

Which is a large part of the problem. I don't think panda is nearly as bad as he would be perceived if he had a better rep . You're a shit show . We all know these labs don't give a crap . You compound the issue with your fragile personality. You're dangerous at best . You cost this lab money Everytime you run your mouth .
You guys still don't get it, arguing with this dipshit does nothing but bump the thread to the top, which increases sales. He played the CBS card to bait people to do just that. This source should be on page 5 by now never to be seen again.
Pick a line and stick to it . You just contradicted yourself, again.

Which is a large part of the problem. I don't think panda is nearly as bad as he would be perceived if he had a better rep . You're a shit show . We all know these labs don't give a crap . You compound the issue with your fragile personality. You're dangerous at best . You cost this lab money Everytime you run your mouth .
Than you haven't paid any fucking attention to this thread for the last 2 years, all the problems are from panda himself.
Pick a line and stick to it . You just contradicted yourself, again.

Which is a large part of the problem. I don't think panda is nearly as bad as he would be perceived if he had a better rep . You're a shit show . We all know these labs don't give a crap . You compound the issue with your fragile personality. You're dangerous at best . You cost this lab money Everytime you run your mouth .

If that was true.... why am i still here? Me and him talk everyday.

What contradiction lol... jeez. Really?

I don’t have a fragile personality... I just know Who I am typing behind this and I know who everyone else is and it’s just comical at best lol
You guys still don't get it, arguing with this dipshit does nothing but bump the thread to the top, which increases sales. He played the CBS card to bait people to do just that. This source should be on page 5 by now never to be seen again.

Oh you’re too kind
You guys still don't get it, arguing with this dipshit does nothing but bump the thread to the top, which increases sales. He played the CBS card to bait people to do just that. This source should be on page 5 by now never to be seen again.

I hope you're kidding... You think this thread appearing at the top of the threads and yet filled with bullshit is increasing sales? Come on...

Lol at 2dumb thinking far enough ahead to bait CBS... He's a loud mouth that needs the last word, that's it.
Are we cool CBS?

No, we most certainly are not "cool", nor will we ever be. So you can stop sucking up and save your pathetic, empty apologiies. We've all seen you lose your shit before, apologize and beg for forgiveness, then go right back to being the same imbecile you always are, on the very same page. It's who you are. Some people act stupid. With people like you, it runs bone deep.