PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Btw I’m 125mg deep on abombs on shoulder routine. If you guys haven’t gone this high... well you’re missing out. Creating super humans one dose at a time

If you're not mixing TNE with anadrol, you're really missing out. Like peas and carrots.

I experimented with dosing a while back.. I determined that 50mg oral drol 3hrs out, 50mg injectable drol 90min, 150mg of test base 90 min out on top of a solid dose of test was superhuman shit. A good two scoops of your favorite PWO will really get you froggy with all that. I used cannibal ferox and permaswole. I still remember that workout that I had gotten the doses tweaked, it was probably two years ago. Give it a whirl, fella.

Lol, you know you and @Eman were in one of his videos right? Real talk too. He called you guys the haters.

Edit: I see @tbagger said pretty much the same thing lmao.

Lol, I don't think my post came up on the video... I'll have to rewatch it. I think it was just my avi.

I don't mind Boston as much these days... Of course, he doesn't really have the same presence that he used to I don't think so that's probably why. He used to be a lot more irritating... I have to respect him for building a business to a certain extent because I know how hard it can be but the opinions he'd state as facts were just way too fucking much.
If you're not mixing TNE with anadrol, you're really missing out. Like peas and carrots.

I experimented with dosing a while back.. I determined that 50mg oral drol 3hrs out, 50mg injectable drol 90min, 150mg of test base 90 min out on top of a solid dose of test was superhuman shit. A good two scoops of your favorite PWO will really get you froggy with all that. I used cannibal ferox and permaswole. I still remember that workout that I had gotten the doses tweaked, it was probably two years ago. Give it a whirl, fella.

Lol, I don't think my post came up on the video... I'll have to rewatch it. I think it was just my avi.

I don't mind Boston as much these days... Of course, he doesn't really have the same presence that he used to I don't think so that's probably why. He used to be a lot more irritating... I have to respect him for building a business to a certain extent because I know how hard it can be but the opinions he'd state as facts were just way too fucking much.
That TNE/PWO/Anadrol mix sounds Erotic as fuck! I knew you were a crazy bastard too :). I need to experiment and make some TNE without guac solvent. Even if it crashes all the time, nothing a little heat can’t fix.

Your mix reminds me, long ago when I was on these abombs and pinning Androxine(water base Tren):eek:. Some rough but good shit :). I will try your mix soon. Thank you for sharing.

I agree Boston isn’t so bad nowadays but he can still be annoying as he hates a lot on folks. Fucker has some big ass arms tho
That TNE/PWO/Anadrol mix sounds Erotic as fuck! I knew you were a crazy bastard too :). I need to experiment and make some TNE without guac solvent. Even if it crashes all the time, nothing a little heat can’t fix.

Your mix reminds me, long ago when I was on these abombs and pinning Androxine(water base Tren):eek:. Some rough but good shit :). I will try your mix soon. Thank you for sharing.

I agree Boston isn’t so bad nowadays but he can still be annoying as he hates a lot on folks. Fucker has some big ass arms tho
He went too hard on the oil they look kinda funky so does his chest
That TNE/PWO/Anadrol mix sounds Erotic as fuck! I knew you were a crazy bastard too :). I need to experiment and make some TNE without guac solvent. Even if it crashes all the time, nothing a little heat can’t fix.

Your mix reminds me, long ago when I was on these abombs and pinning Androxine(water base Tren):eek:. Some rough but good shit :). I will try your mix soon. Thank you for sharing.

I agree Boston isn’t so bad nowadays but he can still be annoying as he hates a lot on folks. Fucker has some big ass arms tho

I'm not interested in anymore water based stuff... It just becomes way too counterproductive. I pinned test suspension two days in a row this past summer, then fucked up a regular pin... I hurt so bad for a solid 2 weeks. Swore I'd never use it again. I also didn't notice any added benefit to water based vs oil, matter of fact I liked oil even better.