PurplePandaLabs Raw source

You're fucking kidding?!! No no no....bro, you were one of the first people I followed when I came to Meso!!!!! You sold out???!!!! I'm so disappointed...not as much as when I found out Santa wasn't real, but damn.

Kinda kidding (maybe...) good luck with your new gig

Wait... Santa isn't real? Who's eating the milk and cookies I put out every Christmas Eve?
Not sure what happened to pinnacle.
I'm @Robfromga if you've followed anything I've posted over the years you'll know I've given alot of sources shit. Hopefully that means something. And I have vested interest in seeing this thing done right. I'm eastern standard time.
Traded in your member status :eek:

I am familiar with you as a member. I’ve read your posts many times throughout the threads here at Meso.
I also appreciate the honesty man. That actually makes a difference to me that you didn’t hide behind the rep handle and just bullshit ways around answering the question! :)

I’m sure you probably seen how the rep for Pristine played out in that thread and understand everything that’s involved with taking a rep position. So I’ll just leave it at that... :oops:

Hope to see questions, problems, and concerns from members being taken care of.
Good luck... there’s no turning back now :D
Traded in your member status :eek:

I am familiar with you as a member. I’ve read your posts many times throughout the threads here at Meso.
I also appreciate the honesty man. That actually makes a difference to me that you didn’t hide behind the rep handle and just bullshit ways around answering the question! :)

I’m sure you probably seen how the rep for Pristine played out in that thread and understand everything that’s involved with taking a rep position. So I’ll just leave it at that... :oops:

Hope to see questions, problems, and concerns from members being taken care of.
Good luck... there’s no turning back now :D
He could end up being as good a rep as Ripped was...so there's that
He pretty much set the standard as what a real rep should be.

My goal is to make this shit fun. Got a few contests up my sleeve ,just have to get the prizes on hand before I let them fly.
He was definitely the gold standard. But, having followed you, you have a shot at being a damn good rep.
Traded in your member status :eek:

I am familiar with you as a member. I’ve read your posts many times throughout the threads here at Meso.
I also appreciate the honesty man. That actually makes a difference to me that you didn’t hide behind the rep handle and just bullshit ways around answering the question! :)

I’m sure you probably seen how the rep for Pristine played out in that thread and understand everything that’s involved with taking a rep position. So I’ll just leave it at that... :oops:

Hope to see questions, problems, and concerns from members being taken care of.
Good luck... there’s no turning back now :D

Yeah I wasnt going to hide. I pm'd someone here prior to accepting, to get a trusted opinion on it. I won't BS anyone, that's not my style. If there's a issue I'll do whatever I can to make it right.
He could end up being as good a rep as Ripped was...so there's that
I don’t want anyone to fail. I’d rather see a rep or source do well because in return it helps our members here.
I also don’t like when things get sugar coated, swept under the rug, or just flat out bullshitting.

@PandaRep was straight up with who he was as a member here. That’s a step in the right direction I think. Also a good way to start off on the right foot imo.
I don’t want anyone to fail. I’d rather see a rep or source do well because in return it helps our members here.
I also don’t like when things get sugar coated, swept under the rug, or just flat out bullshitting.

@PandaRep was straight up with who he was as a member here. That’s a step in the right direction I think. Also a good way to start off on the right foot imo.

I looked at it like when a new source comes on, we know they were a member, or they admit to being one, but never disclose the handle. I wouldn't order crap from them. Take that for whatever it's worth.
Thank you man. Seriously[]
Hey, I gotta tell you....sometimes you gotta give panda the business to get him moving in the right direction. By business I mean the business end of wild eyed rant.
He was definitely the gold standard. But, having followed you, you have a shot at being a damn good rep.
Hey, I gotta tell you....sometimes you gotta give panda the business to get him moving in the right direction.
By business I mean painting a bulls eye on Panda to be on the business end of wild eyed, to the point, without pulling any punches, curse words used to highlight and call attention to what's important and in members best interest rant.
Seems to be necessary when dealing with him sometimes? I kinda like the guy?
You may be just what he needs and I commend him on what is without question one of the best decisions he's made in some time. It tells me he's serious about improving his relationship with his customers and meso as a whole.
Absolutely Panda put some thought into this decision. Your personality is in stark contrast to his.
I'm certain he's aware that you will tell it like it is. In fact, I'm thinking he's counting on it.
Demand he give you his wechat #...his wickr is not gonna do anything but infuriate you.
You could be a real asset to his organization...but only if he uses the opportunity he has with you being here to its potential. Don't just be a buffer for him. Being able to communicate with him throughout the day and having SCHEDULED times each week that you 2 touch base is going to be important for you to being successful and his overcoming his perceived lack of giving a flying shit about his customers and this board.
I'd insist on a Thursday and Sunday or Monday call or video chat to discuss the upcoming week and goal setting and then the next meet to see if goals were met etc. He needs to keep his appt with you even if there isn't anything pressing. Will keep him in the loop.
This is gonna be fun. He is lucky to have you.
Hey, I gotta tell you....sometimes you gotta give panda the business to get him moving in the right direction.
By business I mean painting a bulls eye on Panda to be on the business end of wild eyed, to the point, without pulling any punches, curse words used to highlight and call attention to what's important and in members best interest rant.
Seems to be necessary when dealing with him sometimes? I kinda like the guy?
You may be just what he needs and I commend him on what is without question one of the best decisions he's made in some time. It tells me he's serious about improving his relationship with his customers and meso as a whole.
Absolutely Panda put some thought into this decision. Your personality is in stark contrast to his.
I'm certain he's aware that you will tell it like it is. In fact, I'm thinking he's counting on it.
Demand he give you his wechat #...his wickr is not gonna do anything but infuriate you.
You could be a real asset to his organization...but only if he uses the opportunity he has with you being here to its potential. Don't just be a buffer for him. Being able to communicate with him throughout the day and having SCHEDULED times each week that you 2 touch base is going to be important for you to being successful and his overcoming his perceived lack of giving a flying shit about his customers and this board.
I'd insist on a Thursday and Sunday or Monday call or video chat to discuss the upcoming week and goal setting and then the next meet to see if goals were met etc. He needs to keep his appt with you even if there isn't anything pressing. Will keep him in the loop.
This is gonna be fun. He is lucky to have you.

I really appreciate that advice and reply.
I've run a couple ideas past him and Pandas reply has been "man whatever you need I support you 100%".

And think you're right, time difference and communication will be the biggest hurdle. I got a good guy feeling from him during our talks, otherwise I wouldn't have put my ass on the line. Ultimately he is a business man. And he wants money. And there's zero wrong with that. And I don't see wanting to screw anyone at all. In the game he's sometimes forced to deal with sketchers , like previous domestic Brewers,to get it done.
Thanks man. Back at ya.
Ironic the guy who's accused so many, myself included, of being panda shills, is now a panda employee.

You've also criticized there security, and now you're a cog in the machine.

Well who cares if people consider you a hypocrite, I hope the employee discount is worth it.

You should ask millard to change your robfromga status to rep to. Just so no one forgets were your loyalties and priorities lie.

Good luck.
@PandaRep good luck man. Being honest about your member handle was a great first step. Enjoyed you as a member and I hope panda communicates with you and does what’s needed for you to succeed.
Alright. I understand Meso has been without a rep here for a little bit. @purplepandalabs has asked me to come in and help here. @Millard Baker can you please change my user status to rep?

I'm here to make sure your transactions go smoothly. Answer any questions, help order questions.

For the time being orders while still need to be done through the website, or through panda. Although that may change.

We're going to try to do some cool stuff as I settle in. One thing is some contests with a few give aways, so stay tuned to that.

I'll be on here at least once a day. To respond to PM's and questions. And with that said everyone keep in mind that the holidays are right around the corner and there will be a slow down. So if you need something is get it in.
I apologize for the late reply. My father just arrived in China to spend the holidays with me and meet his new grandchild. Rob/Pandarep you will have my full support as long as you rep here and I hope that you will been as good of a rep as you were a member here. Purple Panda will always continue to strive to improve through customer feedback and make our company better and better, to be a value to the community through quality products at a reasonable price. We will always try and take to heart logical and legitimate concerns and advice from members.