PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Amazing! Intetnational package TD in 10 days. I ordred on a thursday, weekend it was packed, sent on the monday. Got to my country on thursday and today, sunday its at a pickup station. I can only get it on Wednesday so dont know yet if its all good so ill update again.
Interested in PPL for raws that Im missing. Will be my first go to. Only prob is I can’t order till all this holiday shit is over and business picks back up after the first of the year. Hopefully all will be well with PPL when I’m ready.
Interested in PPL for raws that Im missing. Will be my first go to. Only prob is I can’t order till all this holiday shit is over and business picks back up after the first of the year. Hopefully all will be well with PPL when I’m ready.

If you're referring to the new law coming in it's all good. No change is expected or anticipated.
Interested in PPL for raws that Im missing. Will be my first go to. Only prob is I can’t order till all this holiday shit is over and business picks back up after the first of the year. Hopefully all will be well with PPL when I’m ready.

Holidays whence you order don't matter. Chinese ones do when ordering from China.
If you're referring to the new law coming in it's all good. No change is expected or anticipated.

Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re saying panda will continue with business as usual because he’s working under a license, but isn’t the law and the license just allowing for pharmaceutical stuff such as test, Deca, primo and var?

I know there was mention of India but believe it was just mentioned that would be a warehouse and not a manufacturing facility.
Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re saying panda will continue with business as usual because he’s working under a license, but isn’t the law and the license just pharmaceutical stuff such as test, Deca, primo and var?

I know there was mention of India but believe it was just mentioned that would be a warehouse and not manufacturing.

My understanding is panda has the proper licensing. No change to be expected. Realize that when dealing with bureaucrats that anything is possible, but that's the assumption and intention.
Will prices still reflect the same after Jan 1 on website? Already have an order planned out with cost. Also shipping is $100 right? Or $50 ?

There's no guarantee of fluctuations, but there's not a change planned. If there was,I be telling you guys to get those orders in! Shipping costs are correct on the website.
So heads up. The factory has told us that they WILL be increasing prices on raws. Looks like it will be about a double increase in pricing. Which inturn will lead to about a double increase in raw pricing. There have been several sellers already folding.

This post isn't to create panic, it's so you guys are informed. The website is current on pricing. So if you were waiting, I wouldn't. Also realize the holiday is hitting so expect shipping delays.

I love delivering good news. o_O
So heads up. The factory has told us that they WILL be increasing prices on raws. Looks like it will be about a double increase in pricing. Which inturn will lead to about a double increase in raw pricing. There have been several sellers already folding.

This post isn't to create panic, it's so you guys are informed. The website is current on pricing. So if you were waiting, I wouldn't. Also realize the holiday is hitting so expect shipping delays.

I love delivering good news. o_O

Hmmm one of the biggest suppliers of raws is raising prices eh? I wonder what’s going to happen down the chain? Maybe you’re preparing to shutdown shop in China and move west to india due to the new regulations? Only thing I know is if primo goes to $40 a gram I’m gonna flip. I’ll go straight to South America to tell them stop the cocaine production and start making primo.

I just got my package yesterday from you. Stealth was good. So I’m actually good for a minute :D
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Hmmm one of the biggest suppliers of raws is raising prices eh? I wonder what’s going to happen down the chain? Maybe you’re preparing to shutdown shop in China and move west to india due to the new regulations? Only thing I know is if primo goes to $40 a gram I’m gonna flip. I’ll go straight to South America to tell them stop the cocaine production and start making primo.

I just got my package yesterday from you. Stealth was good. So I’m actually good for a minute :D

Funny, first thing I thought of was Primo. It's increase from the factory. Supply and demand. Even in communist countries, basic capitalist principles still exist. I was surprised when I was told they WEREN'T going to rise, it's the first dang I ask when I became the rep.
Funny, first thing I thought of was Primo. It's increase from the factory. Supply and demand. Even in communist countries, basic capitalist principles still exist. I was surprised when I was told they WEREN'T going to rise, it's the first dang I ask when I became the rep.
I don’t know of any company’s that move more raws then PPL. I feel like if the factory’s didn’t raise the prices, panda could of done so anyways.

Basically what I’m saying is if pandas prices are raising then EVERYONES prices are going to raise. Down to the dude at the gym selling bottles of test.
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I don’t know of any company’s that move more raws then PPL. I feel like if the factory’s didn’t raise the prices, panda could of done so anyways.

Basically what I’m saying is if pandas prices are raising then EVERYONES prices are going to raise. Down to the dude at the gym selling bottles of test. You think that’s true?
I think China is raising the price and yes everyone down the line will have to ... I believe every lab will have to raise