PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I've been hearing different things. When word that the new law was going to go into play Jan 1(first heard about it, what, 4-6 weeks ago?) a couple of long time UGL's told me that because their powder source was licensed it was going to be business as usual for them and their customers.
Same Old Timers told me that its always been illegal to sell/ ship aas/sarms without a license, just wasn't enforced.

I try really hard to like panda. Iike the back story. White kid from South Florida goes to the Far East to get in on the ground floor...or buy his spot on the floor.
Originally from the North East I spent a lot of time in South Florida. My ex and I had a condo in the Mercury on Collins. Mid 90's until 2001 was a lot of fun down on South Beach.
I just don't know what to believe where this guy is concerned?
About a month ago, prices on some of Pandas raws literally doubled overnight as did the shipping charge.
I didn't like jumping the gun like he did. I mean, jumping at the opportunity to raise prices when we were still more than 2 months out from Jan 1 was a cheap shot. We wouldn't see him jump at the opportunity to drop prices.
I do believe that prices need to be corrected. We were seeing more and more ugl's with $40 to $45 Tren E and Mast E finished product.
I'm here in So Cal. Prices for rec's keep falling and quality/purity is at an all time high. Increased spending by and for LE has resulted in these all time low prices on illicit hard(and not so hard) especially when adjusted for inflation...prices have never been lower.
Issue dealers have is that its hard making money locally. They have to get their products out of Cali to make a solid margin.
I just hope that you keep an eye on things @PandaRep and that you don't simply take the word of your boss when he starts talking about the Laws of Economics..ok? I do like him but he very rarely believes we(commoners) deserve the truth.
More often than not the laws that apply to businesses in most parts of the world won't apply to him or don't when he refers to the Laws of Economics to answer why he's raising prices or doing something that looks off.
That fucking punk pinnacle was just a parrot who had a lot of shit to say to everyone except the shadiest guy in the room.
I would hope that if it turns out that all these adjustments upward in pricing for products and services aren't necessary that he is as quick and eager to adjust prices downward.
A lot of these big factories synthesizing aas and gh have inventory.
There will be more demand for product by licensed powder suppliers(that we are told panda is..though i'm not so sure he is) but only because unlicensed guys will supposedly be unable to buy and sell.
Overall, the demand for raw steroid powder in terms of total amount weight wise will be the same as it has been here in the USA. There will just be fewer sources to buy from.
The industrial factories synthesizing aas and gh will remain the same, correct. If one of the huge factories burned to the ground the other handful of remaining factories can turn up production if necessary to cover any increase in demand.
You licensed powder suppliers will be busier and will have more potential business up for grabs. Whoever is on their game and who can offer good customer service will get the business.
Any increase in price to us, the consumer, is manufactured to increase profits of those who remain in the raw powder biz from manufactuter to wholesaler in China.
No reason retail prices should go up. You all will make more profit because of increase in volume sales wise.
Now...if some products are outlawed...trestolone but are being manufactured secretly then prices for those products should double.
Also...panda..I'm no longer under any supervision of any kind. I can roam. No po, wise guy with the "self evident" remarks. Why is it you wanna be that way?

This is a copy of my business license with part of the company name showing. This is a search of my company online. I’ve translated it for you to show what my company is legally allowed to do. Export of chemical intermediates and production of pharmaceutical medicine. I can even make you some medicine for your dog if he has a cold. The new law is already written into law. It takes effect January 1st. Already signed by the president. My factories are increasing their prices for me. I need to keep the doors open, so I have to up the prices. I want to keep the prices low as possible for customers. Which I’m trying to do. I’m sure other suppliers will be charging more then my prices like they already do. If prices decrease for me in the future I will in turn decrease prices for customers. You may think of me as a money hungry asshole, which, I do do this for money. However, when I first got into this industry I was the one who shook up the raws market prices. When I first started landmark charged $1000 for a kilogram of test e. I came in and said $650. They in turn had to lower prices to compete with me and it systematically dropped the entire markets prices on raws. I was the one who disrupted the entire markets pricing 4 years ago. I do this business to make money obviously, but my new price raises reflect my actual costs for the powder from the factory. I actually just bought 300kg of test e because my factory said they are not sure when they can make a new batch. All the raws they now have to make at nighttime during the off hours for inspectors. There is more risk for factories, so they are charging more. Unfortunately unlike every other raw that can be made within 8hrs test e takes 16hrs to produce a batch, so they can’t sneaky make it at nighttime. All other raws won’t go anywhere, but I can’t guarantee test e will always be around in the future. The beginning of this year I am in the process of relocating to India. So, at that point prices will drop again. But for now we have to make due with the current situation
Roughly when did you make your last order? I know it landed recently.
5 weeks ago, it took a month

Panda can you please describe to me the container for the 100ml semi finished oil? I asked this question here before and couldn't get an answer, how do I get the oil out of the container and into a vial?
I've been hearing different things. When word that the new law was going to go into play Jan 1(first heard about it, what, 4-6 weeks ago?) a couple of long time UGL's told me that because their powder source was licensed it was going to be business as usual for them and their customers.
Same Old Timers told me that its always been illegal to sell/ ship aas/sarms without a license, just wasn't enforced.

I try really hard to like panda. Iike the back story. White kid from South Florida goes to the Far East to get in on the ground floor...or buy his spot on the floor.
Originally from the North East I spent a lot of time in South Florida. My ex and I had a condo in the Mercury on Collins. Mid 90's until 2001 was a lot of fun down on South Beach.
I just don't know what to believe where this guy is concerned?
About a month ago, prices on some of Pandas raws literally doubled overnight as did the shipping charge.
I didn't like jumping the gun like he did. I mean, jumping at the opportunity to raise prices when we were still more than 2 months out from Jan 1 was a cheap shot. We wouldn't see him jump at the opportunity to drop prices.
I do believe that prices need to be corrected. We were seeing more and more ugl's with $40 to $45 Tren E and Mast E finished product.
I'm here in So Cal. Prices for rec's keep falling and quality/purity is at an all time high. Increased spending by and for LE has resulted in these all time low prices on illicit hard(and not so hard) especially when adjusted for inflation...prices have never been lower.
Issue dealers have is that its hard making money locally. They have to get their products out of Cali to make a solid margin.
I just hope that you keep an eye on things @PandaRep and that you don't simply take the word of your boss when he starts talking about the Laws of Economics..ok? I do like him but he very rarely believes we(commoners) deserve the truth.
More often than not the laws that apply to businesses in most parts of the world won't apply to him or don't when he refers to the Laws of Economics to answer why he's raising prices or doing something that looks off.
That fucking punk pinnacle was just a parrot who had a lot of shit to say to everyone except the shadiest guy in the room.
I would hope that if it turns out that all these adjustments upward in pricing for products and services aren't necessary that he is as quick and eager to adjust prices downward.
A lot of these big factories synthesizing aas and gh have inventory.
There will be more demand for product by licensed powder suppliers(that we are told panda is..though i'm not so sure he is) but only because unlicensed guys will supposedly be unable to buy and sell.
Overall, the demand for raw steroid powder in terms of total amount weight wise will be the same as it has been here in the USA. There will just be fewer sources to buy from.
The industrial factories synthesizing aas and gh will remain the same, correct. If one of the huge factories burned to the ground the other handful of remaining factories can turn up production if necessary to cover any increase in demand.
You licensed powder suppliers will be busier and will have more potential business up for grabs. Whoever is on their game and who can offer good customer service will get the business.
Any increase in price to us, the consumer, is manufactured to increase profits of those who remain in the raw powder biz from manufactuter to wholesaler in China.
No reason retail prices should go up. You all will make more profit because of increase in volume sales wise.
Now...if some products are outlawed...trestolone but are being manufactured secretly then prices for those products should double.
Also...panda..I'm no longer under any supervision of any kind. I can roam. No po, wise guy with the "self evident" remarks. Why is it you wanna be that way?
What’s up brother good to see u around ..... I send mine
Use your 20ga needle man.
Not to be insulting, but if you can't figure out how to remove the oil, maybe you should just buy finished

You're not even smart enough to describe a container. How am I supposed to know what something looks like and make a plan for getting something out of it if it's invisible? There is no picture or description of the container. Ffs I've asked this multiple times.
Steroidbro, please think before you post. If you have a vial stopper that is leaking, simply pull the oil out and run it through your syringe filters and put it in quality sterile vials and hit it with some heat to sterilize.

This isn't rocket science, see a problem fix the problem.
hit it with some heat to sterilize.
Just the filter is straight. I wouldn't run heat on the compounds themselves.

You're not even smart enough to describe a container.
Worst case scenario you get the semi finished product then decide where to go from there. Will take extra time since you have to wait before shipping the choice you go. It won't be a problem in the end. You big brain.
Are you fucking retarded?
They are filtering the oil into a container- so its probobly a sterile container otherwise there is no Point to filter it.
So they use a container that is sterile so they need a stopper to keep it sterile.

So how do you draw oil from an vial with stopper?

Think man please,

You're not even smart enough to describe a container. How am I supposed to know what something looks like and make a plan for getting something out of it if it's invisible? There is no picture or description of the container. Ffs I've asked this multiple times.
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You're not even smart enough to describe a container. How am I supposed to know what something looks like and make a plan for getting something out of it if it's invisible? There is no picture or description of the container. Ffs I've asked this multiple times.

Again, this isn't rocket science.
For one, I'm not describing shipping container on the open forum.
You'll take that gigantic needle you have that supposedly made the vials leak all the oil out, and put it in the container. You'll then draw out what you can. When you cannot get to the oil any more, angle the freaking bottle.
Or... Or you can pop the seal and pour it into a beaker that you can easily draw from.

Again, maybe the unfinished oils aren't for you.
You're not even smart enough to describe a container. How am I supposed to know what something looks like and make a plan for getting something out of it if it's invisible? There is no picture or description of the container. Ffs I've asked this multiple times.

Just trying to help here.... If it were me, I’d remove the top and pour the oil into a jar/bowl and filter it into vials from there.

I WOULD NOT use this oil without filtering it myself...
Are you fucking retarded?
They are filtering the oil into a container- so its probobly a sterile container otherwise there is no Point to filter it.
So they use a container that is sterile so they need a stopper to keep it sterile.

So how do you draw oil from an vial with stopper?

Think man please,

There is no rubber stopper, it would be finished oil if there was. It's just in some plastic bottle with a snap or twist off top, you think before you post. Worst case scenario is a 3ml syringe won't fit through the opening of the vial and I have to draw out of a cup.