PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I'm not heating or filtering and I'm injecting as is. I'll let you know in 5 months if there is abscesses. I used to back load a syringe with meth and spit into the syringe behind it because I didn't have water at the time and didn't get an abscess, I think I can handle this. You're very welcome Oldschool!
Ur a tool I use to slam speed with all kinds of shit this isn’t the same Listen to @XKawN the dude knows his shit
Why are you guys bragging about slamming meth nobody gives a shit we are talking about hormones not who is the biggest meth head.
Why are you guys bragging about slamming meth nobody gives a shit we are talking about hormones not who is the biggest meth head.
No one was bragging obviously your reading comprehension is slow ... was explaining it’s not the same and u will get a infection ..........
No one was bragging obviously your reading comprehension is slow ... was explaining it’s not the same and u will get a infection ..........
Guess the stuff you took gave you brain damage. You can get an infection from both numbnuts, just because one of you guys didn't it doesn't mean it's not possible lol but like I said we aren't here to talk about the narcotics we took in the past. Wrong thread :rolleyes:
Guess the stuff you took gave you brain damage. You can get an infection from both numbnuts, just because one of you guys didn't it doesn't mean it's not possible lol but like I said we aren't here to talk about the narcotics we took in the past. Wrong thread :rolleyes:
No one is saying you can’t get it from both .... saying it isn’t the same
Finnaly was able to pickup my package today total time from payment to waiting for me at post office was like 11 days, amazing for international.
My girl was like whatttt. Stealth is +++++ tops!
The tren dint look to yellowy? And the teste was crystaline as opposed to meth rock style.
My frien was super impressed also PP
Finnaly was able to pickup my package today total time from payment to waiting for me at post office was like 11 days, amazing for international.
My girl was like whatttt. Stealth is +++++ tops!
The tren dint look to yellowy? And the teste was crystaline as opposed to meth rock style.
My frien was super impressed also PP

Keep the vials standing upright, once you poke a hole in them or else they leak all over the place, apparently.

I'm curious to see what the unfinished oil actually comes in. Some rubbery sack I can just push a needle into I'm guessing.
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I really don't know why it wasn't brought up that shooting iv is different than im. Getting an infection im is much more difficult to deal with as opposed to iv. With iv the infectious material can dissipate quicker into your blood as opposed to stagnating and serving as a protective host for the infection to multiply. It moving around the circulatory system more quickly gives that less time and gives ample blood supply to work on it. The shit your body cleans it with travels in your blood.

Shit in depot in a muscle is fucking stuck there. Less blood flow so from the beginning it's a slower process. In addition it stays as a bulb longer cause you're using fucking dense ass oil and not a thin watery solvent. Worst thing is it so goddamn deep that you can't do a small cut to excise any problems. You need to go 2-3 inches deep? Gratz you need a doctor for that. What's that you're baller enough to do it yourself? Enjoy losing some gains literally forever. You can't just get the infected portions alone. You're actually going to be removing CHUNKS of healthy flesh to to get to it and work on it. Some of this does not come back. The doc can save you more than you can.

Honestly at this point please someone give me that fucking noose I've been asking for. I need to go to the shadow realm. NOW.