PurplePandaLabs Raw source

So heads up. The factory has told us that they WILL be increasing prices on raws. Looks like it will be about a double increase in pricing. Which inturn will lead to about a double increase in raw pricing. There have been several sellers already folding.

This post isn't to create panic, it's so you guys are informed. The website is current on pricing. So if you were waiting, I wouldn't. Also realize the holiday is hitting so expect shipping delays.

I love delivering good news. o_O
Do we have a definitive date in price increase?
I don’t know of any company’s that move more raws then PPL. I feel like if the factory’s didn’t raise the prices, panda could of done so anyways.

Basically what I’m saying is if pandas prices are raising then EVERYONES prices are going to raise. Down to the dude at the gym selling bottles of test.
Not necessarily.

If China doesn’t carry out the laws, which if history has taught us anything, they won’t, this is a prime opportunity for competitors to win business.
So heads up. The factory has told us that they WILL be increasing prices on raws. Looks like it will be about a double increase in pricing. Which inturn will lead to about a double increase in raw pricing. There have been several sellers already folding.

This post isn't to create panic, it's so you guys are informed. The website is current on pricing. So if you were waiting, I wouldn't. Also realize the holiday is hitting so expect shipping delays.

I love delivering good news. o_O

If raw prices double, we're going to see who the greedy fuck UGLs are real quick.

We'll undoubtedly see some new start up(s) with (current) Pharmacom pricing on gear that has the bare minimum of sterility.

They won't last long. Come here with bathtub Cyp at $70/vial and watch as i use the words scumbag and mother fucker in new and imaginative ways.

On the other hand, the labs that really want to succeed are going to have to remain competitive in their pricing.

This is all going to be very interesting.
If raw prices double, we're going to see who the greedy fuck UGLs are real quick.

We'll undoubtedly see some new start up(s) with (current) Pharmacom pricing on gear that has the bare minimum of sterility.

They won't last long. Come here with bathtub Cyp at $70/vial and watch as i use the words scumbag and mother fucker in new and imaginative ways.

On the other hand, the labs that really want to succeed are going to have to remain competitive in their pricing.

This is all going to be very interesting.
There gonna have no choice but to raise up how much idk
That is definitely expected, but you know there will be sources that think they can get away with charging gym prices.

It'll be a cold day in hell before i pay gym prices to a bathtub brewer on the internet.
It’s gonna be interesting to see
Say kg of Tren e cost 4 k it’s 8k now they will be spending large amounts of money to re up
Other sources have said the prices will rise minimally for finished ...

If raw prices were doubled, source prices would go up more than what’s being quoted per vial.

I’d wait and see how everything shakes out.
If raw prices double, we're going to see who the greedy fuck UGLs are real quick.

We'll undoubtedly see some new start up(s) with (current) Pharmacom pricing on gear that has the bare minimum of sterility.

They won't last long. Come here with bathtub Cyp at $70/vial and watch as i use the words scumbag and mother fucker in new and imaginative ways.

On the other hand, the labs that really want to succeed are going to have to remain competitive in their pricing.

This is all going to be very interesting.

I’ve heard from sources on other boards, Srcs that aren’t overnight pop ups that prices are going to go up 5-10 per vial, not 15-20 not none of that shit.

Does that equate to double the prices from raw factories?

@biggerben69 have you heard otherwise?

I think it would be fair to wait and see from the indications I’ve not heard prices are doubling for raws this may just be a PPL thing just like pcom etc

better to just wait and see.
Other sources have said the prices will rise minimally for finished ...

If raw prices were doubled, source prices would go up more than what’s being quoted per vial.

I’d wait and see how everything shakes out.

I’ve heard from sources on other boards, Srcs that aren’t overnight pop ups that prices are going to go up 5-10 per vial, not 15-20 not none of that shit.

Does that equate to double the prices from raw factories?

@biggerben69 have you heard otherwise?

I think it would be fair to wait and see from the indications I’ve not heard prices are doubling for raws this may just be a PPL thing just like pcom etc

better to just wait and see.
Who said they will raise the price I wanna see the first man jump lol there all waiting on eachother to go
Compared to other illicit drugs AAS are CHEAP imo. I use to be able to go through $150 in 1 night worth of blow and bar drinks. I could of bought a 3 month cycle with that easy.
This doubling of price just might be a good thing for us. For me it doesn't matter, I have enough raws on hand to last me 25 years and it's packed in a way to do just that.

However if China wants to lose market and let someone else start up by raising prices, I'm 100% for it. The more sources all over the world the better, it confuses LE, it creates competition and eventually it's the only way we will be able to source as globalism and specifically the United States tries to shut down China through trade sanctions.
If raw prices double, we're going to see who the greedy fuck UGLs are real quick.

Like the gas stations fill their tanks with cheaper prices fuel and as soon as the oil prices go up they immediately jack up their prices. Then when the oil price drops they say well it is still the expensive gas in my tanks. Works one way for them not both.
Other sources have said the prices will rise minimally for finished ...

If raw prices were doubled, source prices would go up more than what’s being quoted per vial.

I’d wait and see how everything shakes out.

I’ve heard from sources on other boards, Srcs that aren’t overnight pop ups that prices are going to go up 5-10 per vial, not 15-20 not none of that shit.

Does that equate to double the prices from raw factories?

@biggerben69 have you heard otherwise?

I think it would be fair to wait and see from the indications I’ve not heard prices are doubling for raws this may just be a PPL thing just like pcom etc

better to just wait and see.
I've been hearing different things. When word that the new law was going to go into play Jan 1(first heard about it, what, 4-6 weeks ago?) a couple of long time UGL's told me that because their powder source was licensed it was going to be business as usual for them and their customers.
Same Old Timers told me that its always been illegal to sell/ ship aas/sarms without a license, just wasn't enforced.

I try really hard to like panda. Iike the back story. White kid from South Florida goes to the Far East to get in on the ground floor...or buy his spot on the floor.
Originally from the North East I spent a lot of time in South Florida. My ex and I had a condo in the Mercury on Collins. Mid 90's until 2001 was a lot of fun down on South Beach.
I just don't know what to believe where this guy is concerned?
About a month ago, prices on some of Pandas raws literally doubled overnight as did the shipping charge.
I didn't like jumping the gun like he did. I mean, jumping at the opportunity to raise prices when we were still more than 2 months out from Jan 1 was a cheap shot. We wouldn't see him jump at the opportunity to drop prices.
I do believe that prices need to be corrected. We were seeing more and more ugl's with $40 to $45 Tren E and Mast E finished product.
I'm here in So Cal. Prices for rec's keep falling and quality/purity is at an all time high. Increased spending by and for LE has resulted in these all time low prices on illicit hard(and not so hard) especially when adjusted for inflation...prices have never been lower.
Issue dealers have is that its hard making money locally. They have to get their products out of Cali to make a solid margin.
I just hope that you keep an eye on things @PandaRep and that you don't simply take the word of your boss when he starts talking about the Laws of Economics..ok? I do like him but he very rarely believes we(commoners) deserve the truth.
More often than not the laws that apply to businesses in most parts of the world won't apply to him or don't when he refers to the Laws of Economics to answer why he's raising prices or doing something that looks off.
That fucking punk pinnacle was just a parrot who had a lot of shit to say to everyone except the shadiest guy in the room.
I would hope that if it turns out that all these adjustments upward in pricing for products and services aren't necessary that he is as quick and eager to adjust prices downward.
A lot of these big factories synthesizing aas and gh have inventory.
There will be more demand for product by licensed powder suppliers(that we are told panda is..though i'm not so sure he is) but only because unlicensed guys will supposedly be unable to buy and sell.
Overall, the demand for raw steroid powder in terms of total amount weight wise will be the same as it has been here in the USA. There will just be fewer sources to buy from.
The industrial factories synthesizing aas and gh will remain the same, correct. If one of the huge factories burned to the ground the other handful of remaining factories can turn up production if necessary to cover any increase in demand.
You licensed powder suppliers will be busier and will have more potential business up for grabs. Whoever is on their game and who can offer good customer service will get the business.
Any increase in price to us, the consumer, is manufactured to increase profits of those who remain in the raw powder biz from manufactuter to wholesaler in China.
No reason retail prices should go up. You all will make more profit because of increase in volume sales wise.
Now...if some products are outlawed...trestolone but are being manufactured secretly then prices for those products should double.
Also...panda..I'm no longer under any supervision of any kind. I can roam. No po, wise guy with the "self evident" remarks. Why is it you wanna be that way?