PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Omg dude, funny you said that. Not too long ago my sons were debating if water is ‘wet’.
Had one son that said water is wet.
The other said water is not wet.

The debate was water is already wet so water is wet in itself. While the other side explained that you cannot make water wet. You can make other things wet with water.

I see both sides! Now it’s a like a fucking mystery to me lol... :D
I was sucked into that debate/riddle a few weeks ago. I got frustrated and told the girl asking it to fuck off.
I don't react well to questions I can't difenitivly answer, lol...
Are you serious lol?
You literally shit talked panda for months and trolled this whole thread because I call you out for it like the bitch you are you want to tell me about what others tell you about me?

Maybe your new found fan club did not see all of your posts in this thread as @Robfromga ?

but it seems to me like I really touched a nerve and you can’t live down how bad you trolled, shit talked ppl and even argued with others because they continued to be customers of ppl but all of a sudden you’re on a high horse? Your a chump little rob.

how do you go from one end of the spectrum to the complete other end? Oh you lack integrity. Nothing you can say or do as a bootlicker can change everything You’ve said and done as @Robfromga

but I will indulge you what I will do for you is give you some of my attention when I get some real free time.

I will go back through this thread quoting all your bashing and every time I see you post I post that shit until the thread is filled with nothing but your quotes as @Robfromga and then anytime anyone comes to defend you and tries to lick your ass so they are in good graces for your contests I will post your @Robfromga quotes for them every time they speak as well!

how does that sound to you?
As that the kind of attention you want?
You wanted to be big man when you were demanding everyone to not deal with panda
And now you want to be big man when you e became pandas bitch.

it’s cool tho free gear for whoring and brewing isn’t a job I want anyways.

no worries your spot is secure faggot

People like you take the internet too seriously.
I think hes making some very salient points.

The only reason I have a problem with this rep is because he personally attacked me every chance he got because I didnt agree with his anti panda sentiment. Funny how the tides have changed right.

Now, realistically, who cares who's the rep? His sole job is to refute any negative feedback or just bury it with a contest, keep the thread bumped to to the top, bullshit with members here.

He doesnt have any inside information. He just plays a middle man between you and panda or you and the real customer service reps. If you're too lazy or impatient to wait from a response from someone in China, and rather contact this rep, well so be it.

His character, his integrity, speaks for itself. Anyone willing to give his guy their personal information for a measly 3 vials gets what they deserve.

Now with that said, and like I said earlier, if rob is thinking about running the domestic side of the business, hes not just a hypocrite hes an idiot.

And this is the last thing I'll say about this subject.
Good call.
Updated the rules.
Letting him ride since he was in already.
Thanks for the heads up.
THAT would have been a mess.
You realize the noobs can just go get their post count up elsewhere and come back no longer as “junior member” right? Make it a certain join date and not before.
My 3 guesses are...

1). 0
2). 0
3). Wait for it... 1

Bet you thought i was going to put down another zero, but i pulled a switcheroo on your asses at the last moment. i got this shit in the bag, chumps.
Damn it man...I was all like "he's gonna guess a 3rd zero" and then all of a sudden...KA-BAM! You picked freakin 1?!?! Now I'm just not sure of anything anymore! So confused, so very confused!:(
Any of you guys received the wrong item from panda just to have him refuse to reship the item you ordered because he didn't wanna pay for shipping it again? @ickyrica said panda took care of a mistake for him but that's not the way he's handling this. His customer service is usually good so I'm surprised by this.

Edit: he did offer a refund but that doesn't really help. I'd still have to reorder and pay the shipping cost again.
Any of you guys received the wrong item from panda just to have him refuse to reship the item you ordered because he didn't wanna pay for shipping it again? @ickyrica said panda took care of a mistake for him but that's not the way he's handling this. His customer service is usually good so I'm surprised by this.

Edit: he did offer a refund but that doesn't really help. I'd still have to reorder and pay the shipping cost again.
Back in the day I had a re shipper fuck my package up royally, that was made right at no extra cost. I also had a pack have manufacturing issues of sorts, that was also made right, which panda didn't have the responsibility to do but did.

Not aware of any other times where I needed his assistance
Back in the day I had a re shipper fuck my package up royally, that was made right at no extra cost. I also had a pack have manufacturing issues of sorts, that was also made right, which panda didn't have the responsibility to do but did.

Not aware of any other times where I needed his assistance
I expected him to just reship the item that was left out. Am I not being realistic?
Any of you guys received the wrong item from panda just to have him refuse to reship the item you ordered because he didn't wanna pay for shipping it again? @ickyrica said panda took care of a mistake for him but that's not the way he's handling this. His customer service is usually good so I'm surprised by this.

Edit: he did offer a refund but that doesn't really help. I'd still have to reorder and pay the shipping cost again.
Mind if i ask what you ordered and what you recieved? Just curious.
Mind if i ask what you ordered and what you recieved? Just curious.
I ordered 4 items. One of them was deca. I received eq instead of deca. He admitted that the fault was with his warehouse but says he'll lose money if he has to reship. He wants me to reorder and pay for shipping. I've never had an issue in 2 years but he's being ridiculous all of a sudden.
It's time for @PandaRep to show if he is for the members like he claims. Time to shine @Robfromga !!!

What's the deal? Seems like it's a no brainers. What's the holdup????

Nice job trying to bait me.
He went to panda and not me. Should have delt with his rep.

He got something that he didn't order and was told to keep it and given a credit? So he's got his money and free gear? He won. Next....
Nice job trying to bait me.
He went to panda and not me. Should have delt with his rep.

He got something that he didn't order and was told to keep it and given a credit? So he's got his money and free gear? He won. Next....
Nice try. I don't want or need the eq. Having to pay an additional $50 to get what I ordered the first time is not a win. Nice cop out.