So here's the deal.... When we buy raws, especially high demand stuff like test cyp, we buy drums of it. Not a few kilos, thousands of kilos. We supply man labs around the world. Along with, as you'd imagine, thousands of home Brewers and little local labs. So when one guy buys 50gms of test or something me other raw and claims it didn't do anything, or it didn't brew right, it's met with a massive amount of skepticism. That whole purchase, which was tested for purity and content prior to sale, would be bad. That equates to millions, and that's a true number , of vials of bad gear. Either brewed by one of the major labs we supply, or Joe Home Brewer. And that just doesn't happen.
I get these messages alot. Once I start asking questions they always fold, or cannot provide real data on their purchase and process.
So if the our test cyp didn't work right for you, and forgive the harshness, it's probably on you. If you can provide some data to back up your claim, namely independent lab tests from a sealed container then we need to talk.
And I'll saw this, there's a large amount of trust here, you trust us with your hard earned money to send you real products and we trust you not to totally BS us if something goes wrong.
We also don't work off of feelings. Or side effects.
I cannot feel the difference between 500mg of test and a gram. Blood work shows a clear difference though. The only time I "feel" the difference is when I've been on for say 2 months, and drop back down to 200mg/week, then after a few weeks I can feel it.
Get some blood work, send some picks of the Raws, tell us your brewing process. No one's sweeping you under the rug.