PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I'm only on here and Reddit currently. I actually haven't ever sent a sample to Jano for testing, quite a few people from Reddit have sent him samples of my Raws for testing but I personally haven't.
You are a member on Evo and curious were you serious when you said you'd like to sell there? But assume selling raws won't fly there.
As for Jano if you're not directly involved with sending him products.Then why do you post his results on your website as a 3rd party? A very slippery slope imo sir. Not to mention Jano made public 17d ago he's being pursued/hasseled by LE atm. Not something i would want my business name getting caught up in. Just saying
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You are a member on Evo and curious were you serious when you said you'd like to sell there? But assume selling raws won't fly there.
As for Jano if you're not directly involved with sending him products.Then why do you post his results on your website as a 3rd party? A very slippery slope imo sir. Not to mention Jano made public 17d ago he's being pursued/hasseled by LE atm. Not something i would want my business name getting caught up in. Just saying
I do have an account on Evo, but yes you're correct that I can't source there. I personally like any board you don't have to pay to source on and it's based on the members vetting the source as opposed to the source paying money to source there. Not saying that in the future we won't be on some but I just personally don't like them as much because I think it greatly diminishes a sources credibility if they can just pay to be on a website. I'm not sure where on my website it shows him as a third party. Could you screen shot it please
You said there was something on my website that stated we're ted him as a third party. Could you screenshot that please
You are the 3rd party if you didnt send anything for testing sir! Lol smh A customer sends it Jano and you then received the results from Jano and posted them.Try and keep up here sir...

Edit- What if the customer had tampered with the sample prior to sending? You would have no idea..correct?
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You are the 3rd party if you didnt send anything for testing sir! Lol smh A customer sends it Jano and you then received the results from Jano and posted them.Try and keep up here sir...
I've never posted any results of Janos tests anywhere, nor have I ever received test results from Jano
Well I rest my case since the evidence speaks louder than your bullshit sir. Just another liar....good day!

The evidence says to me that they never used Jano for testing and it makes sense that they wouldn't.... You didn't post any evidence in that post that jano was doing testing, they were talking about posting there own lab reports.
Ya...I just found that conversation. Jano admits to being involved. I don't like that. Dude is total fucking liar. You better do something and fast. You don't look good at all.
Right on que Eman lol Maybe one day you will be able to identify a fake. Won't hold my breathe since this potentially, would make 5 or 6 guys you backed then proven wrong. All good though everyone has an opinion. Question Eman are you a country boy by any chance? Definitely not from the streets....
Right on que Eman lol Maybe one day you will be able to identify a fake. Won't hold my breathe my friend since this potentially would make 5 or 6 guys you backed and then proven wrong. All good though everyone has an opinion. Question Eman are you a country boy by any chance? Definitely not from the streets....

I've never backed a fucking source here so enough of your lies. I've never been proven wrong either that I'm aware of I just don't jump to obscure conclusions like yourself. You clearly don't like being questioned... I don't give a shit.

You trash every source here, which is okay up to a point but you rarely accomplish a God damn thing aside from confuse new members who are watching and trying to make a decision on a source.

Don't fucking worry where I'm from, carry on with your nonsense.
So let's say a source answers every question, posts every picture required, donates to anabolic lab, girls tits, everything. @CdnGuy are You gonna give him the thumbs up? I'm pretty sure I know the answer. Of course you won't. So what's the end plan?
Thank you for confirming exactly what I suspected Eman. Book smarts...cheers!

Lol you have Canadian street smarts then?

I think there were more shootings in the city where I went to college than there were in the last two years in the entire country of Canada lol...