PurplePandaLabs Raw source

No attitude. I'm just not gonna let some uneducated fool talk shit when it's so pathetic.

But I see your point on the last statement. I didn't realize 1/4 of my face made me so recognizable, but I'm done anyway. His stupidity is rubbing off on me.

If you want to talk in fractions then Three Quarters of your face is presented in that photo. identifiable tattoos, probably your signature "Beanie cap"..... yes you can be recognized and it's actually a detriment to the community not just Meso but the rest of the community.
If you want to talk in fractions then Three Quarters of your face is presented in that photo. identifiable tattoos, probably your signature "Beanie cap"..... yes you can be recognized and it's actually a detriment to the community not just Meso but the rest of the community.
I admit I myself have quite a few older pics with my full face in them as well (didn't know better at that time), and no identifiable tattoos yet (considering getting some tats). Yes definitely a good idea to blur out tats or wear a shirt if there's a lot of tattoos on torso/arms.
@Potato take one for the team and order some Nandrolone Cypionate and blast that shit . The consensus on my end is no one has ever pinned a Nandrolone with a Cypionate Ester so allow yourself the honor of being the vanguard in this undertaking. Good luck brother.
@Potato take one for the team and order some Nandrolone Cypionate and blast that shit to no end. The consensus on my end is no one has ever pinned a Nandrolone with a Cypionate Ester so allow yourself the honor of being the vanguard in this undertaking. Good luck brother.
Or why not ask @jbeg1985 ? He would be the perfect candidate lol. Perhaps the worst would be just some salad oil ;)
If you want to talk in fractions then Three Quarters of your face is presented in that photo. identifiable tattoos, probably your signature "Beanie cap"..... yes you can be recognized and it's actually a detriment to the community not just Meso but the rest of the community.
Brother, @BBC3 is a respected Member here on MESO. You might want to slow down a bit and do more reading and you will see that thick skin here is a must. By thick skin, I mean to take the shots by other people and try to learn from them. The knowledge here is endless, but when you start making enemies right away, it will be a short stay at MESO. I always tell newer members that one day you might need help from him and respect will go a long way, not just with @BBC3, but the entire community. No disrespect, just some friendly advice.

It was all in good fun, spurred on by insomnia and my affinity to sometimes argue. After all, before changing my mind my Sr. year of HS, I was all set and accepted to go to law school to become an attorney, so it runs in the family and is unfortunately in my blood. But I'm done. I'm pretty certain we squashed it last night.

Wow just fucking wow. Now what provoked this JWO cat to pop off like that and @BBC3 to jump in? Someone needs to lay off the Tren lol

Insomnia. In this case, lack of any sleep for 44 hours. Had me a little edgier than usual last night and since I got almost 6 hours of sleep, found The Knockout Room, and decided to let sleeping dogs lie, I'm done. @BBC3 and I started a Bromance.

However, if @HAMMER STILL STANDING ever makes his way back here, all bets and the gloves are off.

If you want to talk in fractions then Three Quarters of your face is presented in that photo. identifiable tattoos, probably your signature "Beanie cap"..... yes you can be recognized and it's actually a detriment to the community not just Meso but the rest of the community.

Agree to disagree. Maybe I'll give you 1/2. The tattoos on the other hand, ya. I actually thought about that when you first brought up the identifiable attributes of the pic last night but didn't want to draw anymore attention to it. However I can cover all of mine up with a long-sleeve shirt and shorts, -1 almost completely unnoticeable one on an appendage. Nope, just 1 of 8-9 I intermittently wear.

But I'm done stirring the pot, as I'm definitely not interested in involving LE with anyone on here, myself included.

If you truly believe it's something that is that identifiable, PM me and I'll PM @Millard Baker to remove it. You've got more experience on this board than myself so I'll take the advice of seasoned vets.

@J.DoubleU.O. if the picture is as identifiable as 2dumb says it is then @Millard Baker will happily take it down for you. Just go back and report it and shoot him a pm

I didn't think it was, but that's just my opinion and maybe I'm wrong.

Now, as previously mentioned by someone else, let's get back back on topic.

Is PPL a legitimate source, or just another unprepared "lab" looking to take advantage of impulsive buyers?
So I would still like to know the legitimacy of PPL..... Can't we all just get along

over on reddit,sst, theres bunches of bloodwork. they have (supposedly) unlimited reship policy and (supposedly) fantastic stealth. Ive heard that before though and heavily disappointed. them boys on reddit have a low standard for incredible stealth.

I engaged them in conversation back on Feb 24 and was about to pull the trigger. But I had issues with their shipping. After a discussion on a thread here, I decided against ordering and went with a different source.
however in the future I might be tempted.
over on reddit,sst, theres bunches of bloodwork. they have (supposedly) unlimited reship policy and (supposedly) fantastic stealth. Ive heard that before though and heavily disappointed. them boys on reddit have a low standard for incredible stealth.

I engaged them in conversation back on Feb 24 and was about to pull the trigger. But I had issues with their shipping. After a discussion on a thread here, I decided against ordering and went with a different source.
however in the future I might be tempted.
Stealth is amazing.
Wait you mean you haven't already done this yet? Lol :rolleyes:

Hey Babe ;) how's my finest piece of ass doing? Nahhh I'm sitting back on this one. I'm still pissing needles from the rough ride you gave me. Besides I don't hve any money to spend on any gear.... so I just like seeing what's what.
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over on reddit,sst, theres bunches of bloodwork. they have (supposedly) unlimited reship policy and (supposedly) fantastic stealth. Ive heard that before though and heavily disappointed. them boys on reddit have a low standard for incredible stealth.

I engaged them in conversation back on Feb 24 and was about to pull the trigger. But I had issues with their shipping. After a discussion on a thread here, I decided against ordering and went with a different source.
however in the future I might be tempted.
What dissuaded you from using them? If you don't mind me asking.
Wait you mean you haven't already done this yet? Lol :rolleyes:

Edit- @lckyrica bro that's what every shill has said on Reddit "stealth is AMAZING" haha :oops:
I'm no where even close to the same league as you @CdnGuy but something does seem a little off about @lckyrica. I'm new but I'm not stupid and as much as I want to believe ppl I need more info.
I'm no where even close to the same league as you @CdnGuy but something does seem a little off about @lckyrica. I'm new but I'm not stupid and as much as I want to believe ppl I need more info.
Lckyrica is a good dude I just have a feeling he maybe getting some freebies to shill.