PurplePandaLabs Raw source

What dissuaded you from using them? If you don't mind me asking.

it was a personal issue in regards to their shipping methods. it was discussed discretely here on meso. I dont want to talk about it directly as it affect their opsec.

Stealth is amazing.
yeah,yeah. I fell for that with tg4y.
standard 10ml vial is relabled as garlic oil,redditors be like:

on the otherhand supposedly ppl takes it to another level. Ill believe when I see it.
@Ickyrica doesn't seem like a shill to me. I just put myself in his shoes. I have been researching @purplepandalabs For a while now, had I pulled the trigger before he arrived to meso, and then was able to give feedback pertaining to his service upon his arrivaI, i would've probably looked like a shill myself.
Also, keep in mind all I've verified is the shipping quality. I will wait for my bloods for any other discussion, as I have been from the beginning.

So here's the deal guys. I've had a good amount of strength development over the last 6 months. I switched over to PL around a year ago and about 6 months ago readjusted my diet and training even more. Before the adjustments I was eating to maintain or loose weight. I am a vain bastard at heart...

A lot of what my perceived gains are could very well be a natural bump being so new to this discipline and this guy's shit could come back severely under dosed. It's possible guys. @Gramps had a thread about the power of placebo. It's a real thing.

In no way shape or form will this PPL experience of mine do anything but help the community, good or bad quality. Also, I have reached out to specific members in an effort to get the actual raw tested. That itself would be of great help and I will happily sponsor that.
My question is why someone would go to all that effort for this guy for nothing??? This lab acts clueless when asked questions by our members lckyrica! Something doesn't feel right about all of this!!!!!!!!!
The bloods needed to happen really, regardless of PPL showing up. I'm on my second cycle, never had any bloods done before this and I'm starting to get decent acne on my back. I'm thinking the acne is just part of the game but it's getting worse and I figured bloods couldn't hurt.

I have to admit, this is a different start than most get on Meso. It's hard to believe people in a place like this sometimes, I get that, but my actions here are for nothing more than truth brother. FWIW, I'm also going to need help reading my bloods haha.
The bloods needed to happen really, regardless of PPL showing up. I'm on my second cycle, never had any bloods done before this and I'm starting to get decent acne on my back. I'm thinking the acne is just part of the game but it's getting worse and I figured bloods couldn't hurt.

I have to admit, this is a different start than most get on Meso. It's hard to believe people in a place like this sometimes, I get that, but my actions here are for nothing more than truth brother. FWIW, I'm also going to need help reading my bloods haha.
Dude since you've joined I've never seen this side of you. Something is up imo....
Dude since you've joined I've never seen this side of you. Something is up imo....
I will say since he started the PL program I have seen him change the way he approaches things. However, I can't say I knew a lot about him before. @Ickyrica seems to be taking the bull by the horns with the PL as I have been enjoying his thread. It's no secret the PL Brothers are a tight group and wish all of MESO could get there as well.
Dude since you've joined I've never seen this side of you. Something is up imo....
I'm not going down any one particular road to defend myself but I'm still the same Ickyrica. I knew the risks of being called out and I feel like it's an appropriate risk.

When my bloods come back we can have an Intelligent discussion on them, other than that nothing can really be discussed other than info derived from someone else's experience.

I'm sad that I would give you these feelings, or anyone for that matter :(
this was awesome to read lol
No disrespect bro. As much as it would be nice to believe everything everyone said on here we are still dealing with things that are illegal and a product that someone can make some good money on even when it's bunk. If what I saw on ppl website is legit then trust me I want him to be the source he is claiming and if you and some other members provide bloods and ppl keeps up with the verification requests then great. Haven't been a pot stirrer or an attacker on here it was mearly an observation not an attack on character. I really do hope you and ppl are legit because as of right now he has what I'm looking for.
Eman you wouldn't understand you've already proven that.

Why deflect and not answer the question? You created falsehoods about me last time rather than engage me in a legitimate conversation, why not try again? I don't think it's because I "wouldn't understand", I think it's because you don't have a leg to stand on. You used to be cool with me right up until the point I disagreed with you, now you hate my fucking guts for not falling in line behind you. Doesn't matter if you want to be that way, I'm going to engage you when I disagree and I disagree with you throwing a genuine member under the bus because he won't join in bashing sources with you. Yet, I'm the one that doesn't understand...

Meso is here for the purpose of reviewing sources. That why it's always referred to as not being a source board. Why are you shitting on a valuable member for giving a review of his experience?
Deflect what? I'm getting a feeling something is off here. You don't like it?To bad pal! How many scammer you busted Eman????? Zero! So don't question my motives. You keep doing you and I'll do me. Got it?
I have been looking and researching about ppl I saw his site before he come here. He used to carry gh till the testing come back bad from what I have been able to read which isn't much I don't go to reddit. He pulled the gh and refunded customers maybe he could tell us more about the gh coming up bunk.

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No disrespect bro. As much as it would be nice to believe everything everyone said on here we are still dealing with things that are illegal and a product that someone can make some good money on even when it's bunk. If what I saw on ppl website is legit then trust me I want him to be the source he is claiming and if you and some other members provide bloods and ppl keeps up with the verification requests then great. Haven't been a pot stirrer or an attacker on here it was mearly an observation not an attack on character. I really do hope you and ppl are legit because as of right now he has what I'm looking for.
No worries, I've got thick skin most of the time. I'm as legit as they come man. PPL is as legit as they make themselves and really not my horse to be grooming. I could contribute to a relevant issue on Meso other than food porn, that's all this is and all it will ever be.

My bloods are frightening me frankly. This does matter to me and in my eyes it matters more to me than any single person on here could understand. If I come back with good bloods PPL will make sales, possibly a lot of sales. If this is a bad source and fuck members over then I am tied into the whole issue. Unavoidable. That isn't something I am going to help facilitate, ever.

If the bloods suck it helps expose a situation for what it is. I just happened to be a guy in a position to contribute. That's all.

@Eman thank you for the vote of confidence. It means a lot to me.

@Ripped you want black or grey tops from a different source if GH is your game...
No worries, I've got thick skin most of the time. I'm as legit as they come man. PPL is as legit as they make themselves and really not my horse to be grooming. I could contribute to a relevant issue on Meso other than food porn, that's all this is and all it will ever be.

My bloods are frightening me frankly. This does matter to me and in my eyes it matters more to me than any single person on here could understand. If I come back with good bloods PPL will make sales, possibly a lot of sales. If this is a bad source and fuck members over then I am tied into the whole issue. Unavoidable. That isn't something I am going to help facilitate, ever.

If the bloods suck it helps expose a situation for what it is. I just happened to be a guy in a position to contribute. That's all.

@Eman thank you for the vote of confidence. It means a lot to me.

@Ripped you want black or grey tops from a different source if GH is your game...
Yeah I will definitely go with him bro when I get ready! I just thought ppl gh issue could be relevant to what's going on now.

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