PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Right. I'm dissapointed that I've never had bloods done before AAS, so that's a bummer.

No lie though guys, I'm going to need a few sets of eye balls on my bloods to help interpret them
At least if your Total Test is over 1500 and Free Test is like over 50 and e2 not too high then something is right.
Tried to navigate this thread, so apologies if these questions/comments have already been addressed.


Who is doing your HPLC testing, and why would we believe it is your product. Also, how do we know it’s not a doctored image? Would you be open to reimbursing members testing costs?

I’m assuming you’re not manufacturing the raws, but are receiving them from another company?

Do you have any other handles on this board, or any others?

What is your standard TA to the US? Do you have a reship policy?
Called labsmd and talked with the sweetest southern lady. She did some digging for me and found that quest has my results as finalized in their system which means they will release them to labsmd today typically. I will get an email and a link will bring me to the results. Fucking waiting game sucks...
We all are waiting to see these bloods homeslice!? Or atleast I am
test1.PNG test2.PNG test3.PNG

Alright boys and girls, here is what I just received via email. Current cycle is:

600 mg wk test cyp --- 300/e3d
350 mg wk tren ace --- 50/ed
250 mg wk deca ------- 125/e3d

if I'm remembering correctly my bloods fell somewhere around 24 hours after my last pin.

Lets discuss shall we?
I think you MIGHT just have some hormone in those raws.... :)
The estradiol seems frightening to me..

The test number also seems really high, am I wrong in that assessment? High for the amount of test that I am taking that is...
but for what it's worth I'm not growing titties or anything but I do have acne that is getting bad on my back :(
You mean backne? Lol

I think your on the money or a little higher.
Dude, definitely backne lol. My wife thinks it's cycstic because of how the pimples are forming and whatnot. I'll post a pic in the mens health area and ask for some thoughts...
The estradiol seems frightening to me..

The test number also seems really high, am I wrong in that assessment? High for the amount of test that I am taking that is...

If you're not experiencing symptoms, I wouldn't be worried about the estro.

For the test, it's difficult to say really... It's a good number though.

What do your labs normally come back at?


yes sir, 10% to all brews

I think that would be why you're coming in a little higher than I'd expect you to be at.
What do your labs normally come back at?
This is my only regret since getting into AAS, I haven't had them done before I cycled. Rookie mistake...

Have you ever used deca before? If so, how does this time compare to the other times?
This is my first time with Deca and all I know is I absolutely love it. My friend is using it as well and he is very well versed, he thinks it's very good.
This is my only regret since getting into AAS, I haven't had them done before I cycled. Rookie mistake...

This is my first time with Deca and all I know is I absolutely love it. My friend is using it as well and he is very well versed, he thinks it's very good.
Just trying to eliminate the possibility of the deca being test, and you actually pinning 850mg test a week.
Just trying to eliminate the possibility of the deca being test, and you actually pinning 850mg test a week.
I've read that before. The guy that I referenced in an earlier post, @Gramps (where the hell is he anyway??) had that happen from Ben Yan I think it was...
how much of a difference do you think the 24 hours in comparison to 48 hours will make?
If you're not experiencing symptoms, I wouldn't be worried about the estro.

For the test, it's difficult to say really... It's a good number though.

What do your labs normally come back at?


I think that would be why you're coming in a little higher than I'd expect you to be at.

I think the 24hrs early has more to do with the high number plus 10% would just make it 660/wk assuming purity is 100%...i think somebody was onto something with thinking test in the deca but holy fuck at the free test! I dont have much experience in free test numbers but that's way outta range

how much of a difference do you think the 24 hours in comparison to 48 hours will make?
Like i said to eman i think it could be significant enough to take it down to ~6000 at 48hrs but that would still be good numbers if cyp is the only test you're pinning. Did you say you were taking an oral too?