PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I don't think so... It should actually be lower at 24hrs post pin vs 48hrs because the cypionate ester hasn't allowed the test to reach peak concentration.

However, there is some debate on when the peak actually happens with certain esters because there are multiple factors... For test cyp, I really don't think 24hrs will allow a peak to be achieved.
You could be right and theres definitely a debate with cyp and enth but i guess I'm leaning towards the side thinking peak is around 24 hrs also think the half life is subjective to the individual but still not as long as most believe in anyone. Now those are just from observations and theories. Hopefully we see more experimentation with these esters in the future
Just picked up on the wording you used. What do you mean by retardedly high? How does this compare to what you would expect to see? Thank you for the feedback

Your test levels came back at over 10x which is something that usually happens only to great responders taking a pure product. As to whether or not your deca is actually test is another story.

But I was curious since most people who take 600mg of test seem to get around 3.6k ng/dl
Your test levels came back at over 10x which is something that usually happens only to great responders taking a pure product. As to whether or not your deca is actually test is another story.

But I was curious since most people who take 600mg of test seem to get around 3.6k ng/dl

I have some reading to do tonight. I need a better grasp of those numbers and how to read them.

Does Deca or tren add to that number?
I do 1.25cc e3d. I brewed at 250mg/ml w 10% over. Following those numbers the most I can entertain is about 680 mg a week.

Add the Deca and you get 990 with the 10% added in. That's a little under 9X I think. Deca might be test?
Deca and test cyp powers will be of a totally different texture. The deca will melt very easily as to where the cyp will be more powdery. What did your deca look like? Now deca and test e are very similar in texture...
1.)Alcheme biotechnology. I can't prove that it's my product that I've sent for testing, I'm not sure how one would go about proving that. I'm also not sure how I could prove that the testing reports aren't forged. Yes I would be willing to reimburse customers 100$ for testing.

2.)yes we purchase our Raws from multiple labs here in China.

3.)I have one here(my only one), one on Reddit and one on Evo(I was banned for arguing with a mod though) my username on all of them is purplepandalabs

4.) typically it takes 7-10 days to receive your pack. Yes we have a 100% reship policy, you will get your gear
I do like you more that you argued with a mod on Evo... Hasn't Dylan died from AIDS yet?
Deca and test cyp powers will be of a totally different texture. The deca will melt very easily as to where the cyp will be more powdery. What did your deca look like? Now deca and test e are very similar in texture...
IME deca is a bit less white and smells a bit sweeter than test enan...
Deca and test cyp powers will be of a totally different texture. The deca will melt very easily as to where the cyp will be more powdery. What did your deca look like? Now deca and test e are very similar in texture...
Funny you mention that. I did document things like that. It was similar to the test e but not as waxy. The cyp was different, definitely powdery in comparison.

From what I experienced the enanthate, Deca and tren ace broke down without much issue. I used low heat with all three. Cyp and mast prop seemed to breakdown slower. Same low heat with these two.
@purplepandalabs not trying to threadjack here but how is the stealth (specifically on powder)? Can anyone else chime in on this? Not asking for details, just want to ensure I wont have the DEA knocking on my door.