PurplePandaLabs Raw source

What I'm more concerned with is the ALT number. It reads as a viable way to determine liver damage from an assortment of issues. I'm a little freaked out ATM, but I do see a little bit of reprieve. I'm reading some things about strenuous exercise and things of that nature can drive that number high. I'm getting it checked anyway maybe. I'm a little freaked, and baked...

I vaguely remember my first visit my ALT number was a bit high. I was told it could have been a result of vigorous exercise the day before or even Tylenol, alcohol.

The NPP raws I got from them stinks like hell which is the characteristic NPP smell. Very slightly yellowish in MCT oil. Crashed eventually at 200mg/ml. Seems to line up with legit NPP. So if their deca is test it'd be weird since NPP is faked more than deca.

Have not pinned it yet and do not plan to run any 19-Nors any time soon. My penis seems to very sensitive to 19-nors.

Are you sure you're pinning exactly 1ml? I had a friend that didnt measure his pins upside down
Are you sure you're pinning exactly 1ml? I had a friend that didnt measure his pins upside down
I've been pinning 1.25ml under the assumption that it was 250mg/ml. I feel more and more like I miscalculated my brew somehow. I've talked with my friend who is also using PPL Deca, that I brewed, and he is saying up/down/left/right that it is legit. I do trust him and his knowledge.

I'm not pleased to stand here in front of everyone and say it but I think I fucked up a little bit...
I've been pinning 1.25ml under the assumption that it was 250mg/ml. I feel more and more like I miscalculated my brew somehow. I've talked with my friend who is also using PPL Deca, that I brewed, and he is saying up/down/left/right that it is legit. I do trust him and his knowledge.

I'm not pleased to stand here in front of everyone and say it but I think I fucked up a little bit...
Fuck it...at least we know it's not bunk!!! Thanks btw
View attachment 65302 View attachment 65303 View attachment 65304

Alright boys and girls, here is what I just received via email. Current cycle is:

600 mg wk test cyp --- 300/e3d
350 mg wk tren ace --- 50/ed
250 mg wk deca ------- 125/e3d

if I'm remembering correctly my bloods fell somewhere around 24 hours after my last pin.

Lets discuss shall we?

Fantastic numbers! Do you recall exactly which test panel you used that gave your actual Free test numbers?
What I'm more concerned with is the ALT number. It reads as a viable way to determine liver damage from an assortment of issues. I'm a little freaked out ATM, but I do see a little bit of reprieve. I'm reading some things about strenuous exercise and things of that nature can drive that number high. I'm getting it checked anyway maybe. I'm a little freaked, and baked...

Both ALT and AST relate to the amount of enzymes built up in the liver, the more enzymes evidence the liver is working hard(er) and is not a efficient. In other words, not flushing out the toxins as fast as they develop; crudely speaking as I'm no doctor, but this is how my Endo explained it to me. So not so much as liver "damage" but stress on the liver. Drink a shit load of water, and take some liver supports. Although you ALT is above "normal" it's no where near astronomical. Besides, your AST is still within normal, and these two values typically move together, especially if there was any actual damage happening.
How so? Post up the math you're concerned about.

Don't beat yourself up too much either, you're at almost 8000ng/dl...
Looking at what my numbers were and what i have for physical product I'm almost positive that I missed about 10% of the required carrier. Not that my numbers were off, more so that I just didn't add enough mct.

I was a little stressed last night, maybe put more thought into things than needed...
Fantastic numbers! Do you recall exactly which test panel you used that gave your actual Free test numbers?
Hormone panel with f/t from labsmd.com

For you guys that haven't gotten bloods, do it. You'll feel great just having knowledge about what's going on inside your body. Worth it, short money...
With such retardedly high test and free test, how were your gains?
about 70# on a single rep squat and about 60/70# on a single pull DL. Bench has been on the back burner but is currently in my crosshairs...

8 weeks and I'm going to be peaking, check back then :)
about 70# on a single rep squat and about 60/70# on a single pull DL. Bench has been on the back burner but is currently in my crosshairs...

8 weeks and I'm going to be peaking, check back then :)
Fucking amazing results thus far bud! You got before pics so when your done you have some afters? Just do the @Wunderpus face
Still don't think the numbers are right on mg vs TT you got. Even with you over brewing 100% purity by 10% and forgetting, say 10% of the oil you shouldnt be getting that high of a reading.

What would give you that high of a reading would be if deca was straight test. Now those numbers match.
Just my opinion. Don't see how deca would make test higher even in the case with that woman's NPP being test. If that was the case the why do you have to run test with deca or NPP?

The numbers just don't add up for me.
My 2¢ on the matter.
Still don't think the numbers are right on mg vs TT you got. Even with you over brewing 100% purity by 10% and forgetting, say 10% of the oil you shouldnt be getting that high of a reading.

What would give you that high of a reading would be if deca was straight test. Now those numbers match.
Just my opinion. Don't see how deca would make test higher even in the case with that woman's NPP being test. If that was the case the why do you have to run test with deca or NPP?

The numbers just don't add up for me.
My 2¢ on the matter.

That was the first I ever heard of it too. But the debate was on depending on the blood testing methods, the npp gave a false reading. Meaning the testosterone levels weren't elevated but that the testing method reads npp as testosterone (much like tren shows up as estrogen depending on blood test sensitivity)

It may have been bs. I couldn't find any information on it when I searched.
He's actually running 825mg of test a week if he's shooting a true E3D.
