PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Micrograms to milligrams is a big difference

All I'm saying is you don't know.... some guys get irked when their test dosage isn't what the vial says... other guys are elated if stuff is overdosed. With those types of things I wouldn't want to leave it to chance.

I can handle over 75mg of DMAA.... more like double that. I can handle 100mg of bronkaid.... I'm technically not Fucking human lol. So who knows how I would handle DNP but Fuck that ... a cat has so many lives before it dies and I got a long summer to look forward to where I can drop what ever bodyfat I do have from Test/Mast and Var.... believe it or not Test acts like a thermogenic for me. I feel my temps heating up.

Secret to dropping BF.... cut your Fucking Carbs, drink a lot of water and walk/run/fuck the fat off lol
All I'm saying is you don't know.... some guys get irked when their test dosage isn't what the vial says... other guys are elated if stuff is overdosed. With those types of things I wouldn't want to leave it to chance.

I can handle over 75mg of DMAA.... more like double that. I can handle 100mg of bronkaid.... I'm technically not Fucking human lol. So who knows how I would handle DNP but Fuck that ... a cat has so many lives before it dies and I got a long summer to look forward to where I can drop what ever bodyfat I do have from Test/Mast and Var.... believe it or not Test acts like a thermogenic for me. I feel my temps heating up.

Secret to dropping BF.... cut your Fucking Carbs, drink a lot of water and walk/run/fuck the fat off lol
This just reinforced why I think you're a complete fucktard. Thank you
This just reinforced why I think you're a complete fucktard. Thank you

You know just when I thought me and you were going our separate ways.... honestly dude. I got nothing to say. You want to pick a fight with me.. do it in person... other than that don't try me online.

I truly mean that too.... don't call me a kid.. because I saw Millard run rough shot over you when you thought you were a chief.... you're just a broken person. What I said is true.

You want to pick a fight and if your such a professional that you are idk what you do for a living but pay for my flight and I'll gladly square up with you....
You guys and the dnp lol. Good luck and be careful!!

I wouldn't fuck with DNP... idc how much pussy I can get when that shredded... not worth spontaneous combustion

Be careful with that dnp...it is like a nuclear bomb.
Have any of you ever used DNP? If you haven't then you don't have an opinion. Just like if you don't vote I don't wanna hear you complain about who's president.
I've used it and saw decent results. Not worth the risk in my opinion.
If your competing in a show that's different. You drop weight and keep a lot of size.
Have any of you ever used DNP? If you haven't then you don't have an opinion. Just like if you don't vote I don't wanna hear you complain about who's president.
I've used it and saw decent results. Not worth the risk in my opinion.
If your competing in a show that's different. You drop weight and keep a lot of size.

I might try one day... fuck it actually peaks my interest now. Just for shits and giggles
Have any of you ever used DNP? If you haven't then you don't have an opinion. Just like if you don't vote I don't wanna hear you complain about who's president.
I've used it and saw decent results. Not worth the risk in my opinion.
If your competing in a show that's different. You drop weight and keep a lot of size.
Never used it but might run it at a low dose. Would run this in the winter however.
If you make your own with raws you can be assured that your doing it right. I have a mixer I built for my powders. I leave it for an hour and switch it back and forth so it's rolled in different directions every 20mins.
Have any of you ever used DNP? If you haven't then you don't have an opinion. Just like if you don't vote I don't wanna hear you complain about who's president.
I've used it and saw decent results. Not worth the risk in my opinion.
If your competing in a show that's different. You drop weight and keep a lot of size.
Thats good to know. I haven't seen much in regards to maintaining muscle mass on it, so that was one of my concerns.
@CdnGuy I'm leaving you alone. You like to cause animosity for no reason. Seriously hope a grand piano falls from the sky..........

I got chest tonight gonna use this to fan the flame.
If you make your own with raws you can be assured that your doing it right. I have a mixer I built for my powders. I leave it for an hour and switch it back and forth so it's rolled in different directions every 20mins.
Heyy I'd like to see that. I was considering that just unsure of how to go about it. I mixed my anavar by hand but very well with a mortar and pestle
@CdnGuy I'm leaving you alone. You like to cause animosty for no reason. Seriously hope a grand piano falls from the sky..........

I got chest tonight gonna use this to fan the flame.
I'm not just randomly picking on you and i got you. People cant see there's more to you then what's on the surface. I CAN! Soon 2dumb....trust me.
I know. Now it peaks my interest. See what happens when someone who used it comes on here and tells us what's what?
It sheds fat and the muscle lost is little to none. I only use it if im in the middle of a bulk and gotta cut for something. Other then that I cardio.
Heyy I'd like to see that. I was considering that just unsure of how to go about it. I mixed my anavar by hand but very well with a mortar and pestle
I have a light resistor on an electronic drill and have it spinning a peanut butter jar and threw in some popsicle sticks to keep the powder moving as it spins slowly.
I'm not just randomly picking on you and i got you. People cant see there's more to you then what's on the surface. I CAN! Soon 2dumb....trust me.

What have you got? Me on Elite gear? you want to go after @biggerben69 and me for talking about Dictator, You wouldn't dare do that. You want to go after guys using elite gear and running bloods and got back excellent results? You wouldn't dare do that... you're a mess. Stay as far away from me as possible.

1. Vets turned their back against you
2. Millard talks down to you
3. You sounds more and more out of line each and every time you post.

Like you told @Eman and Eman told you... do your thing but stay away from me.
What have you got? Me on Elite gear? you want to go after @biggerben69 and me for talking about Dictator, You wouldn't dare do that. You want to go after guys using elite gear and running bloods and got back excellent results? You wouldn't dare do that... you're a mess. Stay as far away from me as possible.

1. Vets turned their back against you
2. Millard talks down to you
3. You sounds more and more out of line each and every time you post.

Like you told @Eman and Eman told you... do your thing but stay away from me.
And none of this ^^^^^ will slow me down 2dumb!!!! I dont give a fuck what anyone thinks! When this comes out i will sit back and laugh at every single hater or anyone who doubted me. MARK MY WORDS!
I used DNP 250mg a day for 10 days. Dropped a lot of weight in the beginning then seemed to plateau. Weird poop texture resulting in never ending wipe, and felt like I had bricks on my foot on certain mornings. Wearing a tank top in 36 degree weather and feeling fine. Night sweats.

Overall I'd rather cut normally while on a modest dose of gear. Feels much cleaner with better energy.