PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Have any of you ever used DNP? If you haven't then you don't have an opinion. Just like if you don't vote I don't wanna hear you complain about who's president.
I've used it and saw decent results. Not worth the risk in my opinion.
If your competing in a show that's different. You drop weight and keep a lot of size.
Never used it, never will but I'm not judging anyone for getting into it. It is a polarizing compound, that's probably my biggest draw to it beside reading the issues that people can report.
Guys I'm talking about test tren base suspension not tne. Test suspension. This is water based no oil in there. I don't think there is a way around the pip for water based injections but I could be wrong
I think that's because the crystals don't dissolve as well in water. The pip is from basically having shards of glass in your muscle.
In that case you're probably correct.

I don't have enough knowledge of tren base to comment but you can still find some test suspension that is painless, the raws need to be micronized.

Not really worth it imho - test or tren suspension is going to cause an infection somewhere along the line. And shaking that shit like a madman makes me feel stupid :D

TNE is cool, but it makes me really aggro. Plus I crash hard after. And the smell is just not right.
Not really worth it imho - test or tren suspension is going to cause an infection somewhere along the line. And shaking that shit like a madman makes me feel stupid :D

TNE is cool, but it makes me really aggro. Plus I crash hard after. And the smell is just not right.

TNE is all I use and I fucking love every second of using it!
Everything has the potential to cause an infection down the line doesn't it? Best you can do is follow proper safe injection techniques everytime with ZERO shortcuts ever.

Water based hits you faster and you don't get that shit smell like TNE. There is no smell from it. I fucking love my base pwos but again just the pip
Everything has the potential to cause an infection down the line doesn't it? Best you can do is follow proper safe injection techniques everytime with ZERO shortcuts ever.

Water based hits you faster and you don't get that shit smell like TNE. There is no smell from it. I fucking love my base pwos but again just the pip

Everything can cause infection, yes, but water is a breeding ground for bacteria. I've used both, and can't really feel a slower onset with TNE. The smell is okay. Like a cupboard full of mothballs :D
Everything has the potential to cause an infection down the line doesn't it? Best you can do is follow proper safe injection techniques everytime with ZERO shortcuts ever.

Water based hits you faster and you don't get that shit smell like TNE. There is no smell from it. I fucking love my base pwos but again just the pip
Like brollocks said, water breeds germs, and in the underground anabolics book it shows a shitload of bacteria in every water based suspension they tested
Like brollocks said, water breeds germs, and in the underground anabolics book it shows a shitload of bacteria in every water based suspension they tested

Thank you for stating the obvious sir. What was your point exactly? You want me to throw away all my water based suspension? I don't follow because I already told you I practice safe/sterile injection techniques
What was your point exactly?

The point was that water based suspensions are more likely to cause an infection... Your argument was that, "can't anything cause an infection?" Which is true, but water based tends to be higher risk.

That was the point... No one told you to go throw away all your water based gear, drama queen.
The point was that water based suspensions are more likely to cause an infection... Your argument was that, "can't anything cause an infection?" Which is true, but water based tends to be higher risk.

That was the point... No one told you to go throw away all your water based gear, drama queen.

Thank you soooo much for clarifying I would seriously be lost without you
Thank you soooo much for clarifying I would seriously be lost without you

That was pretty clear, no problem. The drama and sarcasm from you is pretty profound... Not sure what you're so worked up about, they weren't giving you shit, just having a discussion.
Thank you for stating the obvious sir. What was your point exactly? You want me to throw away all my water based suspension? I don't follow because I already told you I practice safe/sterile injection techniques
Just as @Eman stated it wasn't to be a dick putt receive your sarcasm it was an informative post not obvious to anyone who hasnt read the book. Also, your sterile practice techniques mean nothing when you're injecting the bacteria in your muscle. Theres nothing you can do about bacteria in a water based suspension. If you filter you lose the active ingredient in the filter as well. Just food for thought
I don't know how they sterilize suspensions since you can't filter it through a .22 without taking out all the hormone, but that guaiacol is some nasty toxic shit in TNE. Pick your poison I guess.

I hear test base is soluble at 50mg/ml in oil with the standard 2/20 ba/bb though
Just as @Eman stated it wasn't to be a dick putt receive your sarcasm it was an informative post not obvious to anyone who hasnt read the book. Also, your sterile practice techniques mean nothing when you're injecting the bacteria in your muscle. Theres nothing you can do about bacteria in a water based suspension. If you filter you lose the active ingredient in the filter as well. Just food for thought

Oh man you're right! Man my sterile practices/techniques don't matter, I'm just fucked pretty much. Thank you sir, I better go get some antibiotics right now!