PurplePandaLabs Raw source


Bro these guys just telling you how it is but because it's not what YOU want to hear you just post more immature bullshit. Shut the fuck up and listen and learn bro. You will be better off. Best of luck to you.

Bro these guys just telling you how it is but because it's not what YOU want to hear you just post more immature bullshit. Shut the fuck up and listen and learn bro. You will be better off. Best of luck to you.

What exactly were they trying to tell me? My first statement implied the inherent risks associated with suspension products and that they are what they are, no way around it. I proceeded to make the blanket statement that proper injection technique should be used in any injection atleast to not introduce any external contamination as all injections have the potential to cause an infection. This was deemed my "arguement" and that is what triggered this. Not everything has to be a debate, and the information that water houses a plethora of bacteria is common knowledge at the most basic education levels. I don't know if some of these guys think they are just that smart or they think everyone else is that dumb. What the whole point of going on and on and on about water based injections and bacterial infections was is beyond me. What did they hope to accomplish? Make everyone stop using them? Everyone should know the risks, it's not a secret a damn 5th grader would know that...
Not everything people say is supposed to be an argument smdh
Nothing was an argument or a debate until you started with your facetious attitude. Thats the last thing I'm saying on the matter as we have enough banter clogging this thread thus far.
What exactly were they trying to tell me? My first statement implied the inherent risks associated with suspension products and that they are what they are, no way around it. I proceeded to make the blanket statement that proper injection technique should be used in any injection atleast to not introduce any external contamination as all injections have the potential to cause an infection. This was deemed my "arguement" and that is what triggered this. Not everything has to be a debate, and the information that water houses a plethora of bacteria is common knowledge at the most basic education levels. I don't know if some of these guys think they are just that smart or they think everyone else is that dumb. What the whole point of going on and on and on about water based injections and bacterial infections was is beyond me. What did they hope to accomplish? Make everyone stop using them? Everyone should know the risks, it's not a secret a damn 5th grader would know that...
Lets start this by saying this: I'M NOT BEING A DICK! Yes, its obvious you haven't read much here on Meso, because if you have, there are dumb people like that on here everyday. This is why we try to limit reviews and the such to factual based not just assume everyone has the common knowledge to know this stuff. I agree with what your next comment is, yes, they shouldn't be doing gear then, but we can't stop them, only lead the horse to water.
Not quite. You're more likely to have to abandon your bag to get rid of the stench.
I'd wash the bag...anyway my own gym bag now smells like ass now despite putting some Odor Eaters in there. Time to toss my gym bag in the washing machine.
I'd wash the bag...anyway my own gym bag now smells like ass now despite putting some Odor Eaters in there. Time to toss my gym bag in the washing machine.

Its fucking amazing the stupid shit you post. At 7pm on a Friday night you don't have anything better to do then talk about how you're a dirty fucker who's gym bag smells like shit.
Pack landed today. New but just as bad ass stealth. All three times I've ordered the stealth has been different.

The eq is liquid, that's kinda cool. New one for me.

The tren and test base are dry and powdery but the tren base is a little more grainy that the test. The test prop is fine powder.

The halo is super super fine powder.
Pack landed today. New but just as bad ass stealth. All three times I've ordered the stealth has been different.

The eq is liquid, that's kinda cool. New one for me.

The tren and test base are dry and powdery but the tren base is a little more grainy that the test. The test prop is fine powder.

The halo is super super fine powder.

Snort that halo bro
The halo was strange for me. I'm not a pre-workout type of guy typically but it was working. I think I needed less and maybe a bit more time for it to get into my system, not 100% on those statements though. I took it once so far and I took 20mg.

I will be taking it again tomorrow morning for deads. Maybe with better results...
The halo was strange for me. I'm not a pre-workout type of guy typically but it was working. I think I needed less and maybe a bit more time for it to get into my system, not 100% on those statements though. I took it once so far and I took 20mg.

I will be taking it again tomorrow morning for deads. Maybe with better results...

How did you feel exactly, hit any PRs? Jittery/anxious? Nauseous? Sorry for all these questions