PurplePandaLabs Raw source

How did you feel exactly, hit any PRs? Jittery/anxious? Nauseous? Sorry for all these questions
I did hit a PR on squat but full disclosure, I used knee wraps for my first time. I went from 455# to 475# but could easily throw on more weight without hesitation. I video my heavy singles and later sets on volume days and watching the video I can 100% say I had plenty of headroom left.

In terms of how I felt, hmmm... well physically I was pumped like you read about. My arms and forearms were out of control pumped. That doesn't happen normally.

I didn't feel nauseous. Can't recall that feeling once. I do feel anxious in general these days so I'm not sure on that one. I felt aggressive though. I felt like attacking the weight rather than approaching the weight. You know the phrase 'moves with a purpose'? That was definitely me that day.

I'm assuming that I'll get better at pin pointing specific details about halo as I take it more. I'm sorry I didn't have a better description for you. I'm going for a heavy 5 X 5 DL tomorrow and hope to see a solid effort and good numbers. I'll let you know how that works out, should be a good one.
I did hit a PR on squat but full disclosure, I used knee wraps for my first time. I went from 455# to 475# but could easily throw on more weight without hesitation. I video my heavy singles and later sets on volume days and watching the video I can 100% say I had plenty of headroom left.

In terms of how I felt, hmmm... well physically I was pumped like you read about. My arms and forearms were out of control pumped. That doesn't happen normally.

I didn't feel nauseous. Can't recall that feeling once. I do feel anxious in general these days so I'm not sure on that one. I felt aggressive though. I felt like attacking the weight rather than approaching the weight. You know the phrase 'moves with a purpose'? That was definitely me that day.

I'm assuming that I'll get better at pin pointing specific details about halo as I take it more. I'm sorry I didn't have a better description for you. I'm going for a heavy 5 X 5 DL tomorrow and hope to see a solid effort and good numbers. I'll let you know how that works out, should be a good one.

Thanks bro looking forward
The halo was strange for me. I'm not a pre-workout type of guy typically but it was working. I think I needed less and maybe a bit more time for it to get into my system, not 100% on those statements though. I took it once so far and I took 20mg.

I will be taking it again tomorrow morning for deads. Maybe with better results...

I pulled the trigger on a g of halo, methyltren and proviron. Their UPLC results claim >99% purity on their halo which is higher than all their other compounds.

Have a sport competition coming up and imma try halo for that. Should be fun if the pumps don't kill me.

Is halo ran for around 2 weeks before an event?
I pulled the trigger on a g of halo, methyltren and proviron. Their UPLC results claim >99% purity on their halo which is higher than all their other compounds.

Have a sport competition coming up and imma try halo for that. Should be fun if the pumps don't kill me.

Is halo ran for around 2 weeks before an event?

All sources claim 99% pure..... Don't fall for that. It could be 80...70%. How would you know? You wouldn't unless you tested it yourself