PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I want to get the communities ideas for new products they would like to see in our store, so if you have an idea please post it. I am excited to announce the release of some new products:

Masteron E 200mg/ml- $40

Testosterone acetate 100mg/ml-$20

Testosterone U 250mg/ml-$30

Next week we will be adding:

Trestolone acetate 100mg/ml-$60

1-test cyp 100mg/ml- $35

Dnp tabs 200mg/cap(50caps)- 50$
I've had good luck with them as of recent. I love the shipping and the communication has been spot on.

I'm not a WKM though, don't trust me.
And looking at our stats. @Ickyrica How the he'll am I one and you are not? Must be a glitch.
I became a WKM after a couple months. I was talking with a guy, Melly hell or something, and he made a really good point about the status in comparison to real world knowledge.

I have a very low degree of real world experience and the last thing I wanted was a newbie to listen to my less than stellar knowledge. I spent most of my early months reading and asking more than anything I think but I asked Millard to just make me a member for that reason.

Kinda stupid but it's a true story
I became a WKM after a couple months. I was talking with a guy, Melly hell or something, and he made a really good point about the status in comparison to real world knowledge.

I have a very low degree of real world experience and the last thing I wanted was a newbie to listen to my less than stellar knowledge. I spent most of my early months reading and asking more than anything I think but I asked Millard to just make me a member for that reason.

Kinda stupid but it's a true story
Exactly what I thought when I became a wkm.

BUT, I think I'll keep the title.
They did come back good. after a review of all variables I think I'm actually on 990mg test a week so I had like a 7.8X I think.
I could be wrong but wasn't the deca in question. Is that why the test is so high. Double dosing test. Or was it your brew.
Slight mix of both. I am on an e3d for test, effectively removing the .5 from my pinning schedule so that's a day difference per week and I'm pretty sure I made an error with how much carrier I used, making my concentration higher than advertised. Plus, I overdosed by 10% by design.

So yeah, at the end of the day I have a ways to go in the brewing department. Need better checks and balances under production.