PurplePandaLabs Raw source

You can buy 3cc syringes without the needle, then buy the size that you're most comfortable with.

i was going to do the same, so that i could use a 3cc syringe with my beloved 1/2 inch needles, when i finally decide to blast off again.

Just buy the syringe with the needle size you draw with. That way it's ready to draw out of the wrapper. Then put on whatever size you use to pin
Cant imagine the scar tissue ud get from those especially running short esters.

I've been at this for 25 years and have used 1 1/2" 23g faithfully for glutes and 1" 23g for quads. I buy my pins 3cc with a 21g for drawing then switch to the 23g I need depending on where I'm injecting. I can't notice scar tissue anywhere. I do try to move Injection spots around so I don't stick the exact same spot though.

I believe the reason @Deisel26 is suggesting a larger needle is so you can inject without having to push so hard to force the oil through such a tiny needle. This alone can cause pip from moving around while trying to squeeze the plunger hard enough to inject the oil. It is easy to inject oils through a 23g and painless for the most part even though it is a bit larger than your 27g darts.
Found these but they are not luer lock. I'd be worried about the needle pushing off the syringe. Anybody try these luer slips?


Had something similar before.
Didn't like them at all.

Had one of them blow off the end of the syringe once, mid injection. Spewed half a ml on to the floor, needle still firmly inserted in my delt.

Unless it's a fixed needle or a luer lock, i ain't touching it!
I don't mean massage after pinning, I mean daily foam rolling, or weekly/monthly deep tissue work and Graston? This greatly reduces pip. If you're pinning a muscle that you're not regularly doing soft tissue work on, it's bound to get more sore

Fascia blaster ftw. My wife has one and I have been wanting to use it on my legs because they're always tight, which I believe is causing some of my lower back pain. Finally did last night and the slight pip I had in my quad is gone this morning.

Cheaper version would be one of those little octopus massager things. Oil up the area amd work the muscle. Drink lots of water after.
Wasnt trying to be a dick but even if i didn't wipe with a pad or let i dry. I doubt that would cause pip but most likely an infection or abcess lol. Never had one of those. I like slin pins cus i can pin like a pro with them. But now that im doin 1.5ccs e3d im using a 3cc syringe with a 27g 1.5" needle.
You might be using too small a pin. Especially if you have to use your palm to push the oil out. Try 25 or even 23. I use 25 in delts and 23 in glutes.

You wanna be able to push the oil out at a smooth steady rate. If you're using your palm cuz it's too hard to push through, the needle has to be wiggling around in there.
I've been at this for 25 years and have used 1 1/2" 23g faithfully for glutes and 1" 23g for quads. I buy my pins 3cc with a 21g for drawing then switch to the 23g I need depending on where I'm injecting. I can't notice scar tissue anywhere. I do try to move Injection spots around so I don't stick the exact same spot though.

I believe the reason @Deisel26 is suggesting a larger needle is so you can inject without having to push so hard to force the oil through such a tiny needle. This alone can cause pip from moving around while trying to squeeze the plunger hard enough to inject the oil. It is easy to inject oils through a 23g and painless for the most part even though it is a bit larger than your 27g darts.

Yea you beat me to it.
You might be using too small a pin. Especially if you have to use your palm to push the oil out. Try 25 or even 23. I use 25 in delts and 23 in glutes.

You wanna be able to push the oil out at a smooth steady rate. If you're using your palm cuz it's too hard to push through, the needle has to be wiggling around in there.

Yea you beat me to it.

Ok your probably right. Ill try my 25g's next glute injection. I won't go any bigger than that tho lol. Thanks.
Ok your probably right. Ill try my 25g's next glute injection. I won't go any bigger than that tho lol. Thanks.

I use 25g 1" everywhere. Quads, glutes, delts(5/8"), lats. My hands shake a little when I have to push 3cc's into a quad and I get some slight pip with certain things. I take probably 3 min to pin. My wife pins my glutes and pushes too fast causing more pip and even knots at times. Try pushing slower and see if it helps.

I brew my own though and rarely go above 10% bb so most of it is painless except some test e that I brewed around 300mg. Since I homebrew, I just made up some new stuff at 200mg a couple days ago. Should be pip free now hopefully.
I use 25g 1" everywhere. Quads, glutes, delts(5/8"), lats. My hands shake a little when I have to push 3cc's into a quad and I get some slight pip with certain things. I take probably 3 min to pin. My wife pins my glutes and pushes too fast causing more pip and even knots at times. Try pushing slower and see if it helps.

I brew my own though and rarely go above 10% bb so most of it is painless except some test e that I brewed around 300mg. Since I homebrew, I just made up some new stuff at 200mg a couple days ago. Should be pip free now hopefully.

I brew most of mine stuff with 18% BB out of laziness and never get pip except with tren ace but it's more of a dull ache a few hours after the pin.
This lab is headed in a very horrible direction.


You said he isn't bragging on instagram or anything but let's analyze his actions lately.

1. He makes panda tank tops- to advertise his illegal lab aka rubbing in the law enforcements face.

2. He starts becoming more open on Instagram

3. He's on Reddit for gods sake.

As you stated he is in a country where it might not be illegal
For the manufacturing but the people ordering aren't in that country and many where they live... this is illegal.

his actions to me, says he has no concerns about the people...

He is getting very sloppy and egotistical ... soon he will need a tub of butter just to slide past the doors with the big head he is getting.

For me, this business model is something that is making me very nervous for fellow members and I would suggest to them to start keeping a further distance as time goes on.

Edit: I see he took his instagram down. But I hope he thinks more sharply and look at all angles before he makes any moves like this in the future regarding consequences that could arise from such actions

I literally joined this forum just to point out how retarded this is. (By PPL I mean..)

So to add on to your first point..

1. He makes panda tank tops- to advertise his illegal lab aka rubbing in the law enforcements face.

1.) Not only does this rub it in the laws face but it brings attention to the law quicker or sooner by advertising to a bunch of nobodies that have never looked into sources online or anything similar.

  • What are the chances some young kid is going to google something he saw on a shirt after seeing it once? Not too high..
  • What are the chances you'll see two guys wearing this at the gym? Still unlikely..
  • How much are they really going to earn from advertising on shirts..? Probably not that much...

1 kid does google it. 1 kid tells all of his friends in high school.. All of a sudden 18 year olds and younger are ordering from an ugl source.

That's just one scenario.. There's also the fact that it's usually obvious who uses gear.. But it's not obvious where they get it from. So no big deal. You start getting roided up retards posing in their ppl shirts on social media you're going to find quickly who's a pretty big fish in the sea here. Again, bringing attention to the feds.

I can ramble about this for a while. Tanks are a dumb fucking idea. Keep your customers with high quality products. Loyalty will continue and reviews will bring in more customers. This tank top shit is just making 50% of your customers feeling uneasy that you're increasing your chances of being shut down and putting the customers that order from you at risk who aren't allowed to have this shit legally.

Not everyone cares as little or as much as the next guy about their security or privacy regarding this lifestyle.

2.) He starts becoming more open on Instagram

Glad this didn't last long.. But what the fuck are you doing posting a child on social media brewing?! WHAT THE FUCK.

  • You're potentially putting a child in harms way.
  • You're making potential customers uneasy about a child brewing their shit. (I understand you said it's only your own stash but still.. Come on..)
  • It's just fucking weird.
  • Again, too open in general and making customers uneasy about a potential bust.
3. He's on Reddit for gods sake.

Also dumb.. You'll bring in customers a little slower without reddit, but quality customers and with smaller chances of being busted.

The point is, that your influx of customers due to this type of advertising is very short sighted. You'll earn a bunch of nobodies that barely know what they're doing because you'll be their first lab. Congrats. These guys might not do another cycle, they might not even finish the first. Hopefully they pin properly and aren't scared off by pip or infections.. Because the customers you're scaring away care about privacy but know what they're doing. They're also the customers who would likely be long term.

And I get that it's legal where you're at.. But if your domestic guy gets busted, that scares everyone. Immediate drop in sales I'm sure.

If you get found out and customs stops all of your packages.. That's a lot of customers backing away.

If you end up having to relocate.. That's a pain in the ass for you..

If you end up ruining your reputation doing shit like this.. You'll have to rename, rebrand, and start over. Build the clientele all over again, build the reputation up all over again, and hope that no one realizes you're the idiot who wants to be the chinese dan balzerian by selling illegal shit on public forums.

Sorry for the rant, kept that shit to myself until I finally cracked and made an account here.

This is my welcome post. Hi everyone.