PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Fascia blaster ftw. My wife has one and I have been wanting to use it on my legs because they're always tight, which I believe is causing some of my lower back pain. Finally did last night and the slight pip I had in my quad is gone this morning.

Cheaper version would be one of those little octopus massager things. Oil up the area amd work the muscle. Drink lots of water after.
Have you had mucj luck w the fascia streching gadget? Not familiar w them at all. Rely solely on deep streches sometimes i have my partner apply additional controlled pressure while stretching. Seems to be working.
Keep me posted.
Thx Scott
Have you had mucj luck w the fascia streching gadget? Not familiar w them at all. Rely solely on deep streches sometimes i have my partner apply additional controlled pressure while stretching. Seems to be working.
Keep me posted.
Thx Scott

Here's what I'll tell you about it. My wife doesn't work out. She bought this thing for cellulite/fat reduction as it's advertised to reduce. I'll testify that it works in that respect when used.

As far as for people who have muscle, I haven't used it enough to really be able to tell, but I think I'm going to give it a shot and use it for a while.
Here's what I'll tell you about it. My wife doesn't work out. She bought this thing for cellulite/fat reduction as it's advertised to reduce. I'll testify that it works in that respect when used.

As far as for people who have muscle, I haven't used it enough to really be able to tell, but I think I'm going to give it a shot and use it for a while.
Nothing to loose. Good luck w it
Keep me posted.
I literally joined this forum just to point out how retarded this is. (By PPL I mean..)

So to add on to your first point..

1.) Not only does this rub it in the laws face but it brings attention to the law quicker or sooner by advertising to a bunch of nobodies that have never looked into sources online or anything similar.

  • What are the chances some young kid is going to google something he saw on a shirt after seeing it once? Not too high..
  • What are the chances you'll see two guys wearing this at the gym? Still unlikely..
  • How much are they really going to earn from advertising on shirts..? Probably not that much...

1 kid does google it. 1 kid tells all of his friends in high school.. All of a sudden 18 year olds and younger are ordering from an ugl source.

That's just one scenario.. There's also the fact that it's usually obvious who uses gear.. But it's not obvious where they get it from. So no big deal. You start getting roided up retards posing in their ppl shirts on social media you're going to find quickly who's a pretty big fish in the sea here. Again, bringing attention to the feds.

I can ramble about this for a while. Tanks are a dumb fucking idea. Keep your customers with high quality products. Loyalty will continue and reviews will bring in more customers. This tank top shit is just making 50% of your customers feeling uneasy that you're increasing your chances of being shut down and putting the customers that order from you at risk who aren't allowed to have this shit legally.

Not everyone cares as little or as much as the next guy about their security or privacy regarding this lifestyle.

Glad this didn't last long.. But what the fuck are you doing posting a child on social media brewing?! WHAT THE FUCK.

  • You're potentially putting a child in harms way.
  • You're making potential customers uneasy about a child brewing their shit. (I understand you said it's only your own stash but still.. Come on..)
  • It's just fucking weird.
  • Again, too open in general and making customers uneasy about a potential bust.

Also dumb.. You'll bring in customers a little slower without reddit, but quality customers and with smaller chances of being busted.

The point is, that your influx of customers due to this type of advertising is very short sighted. You'll earn a bunch of nobodies that barely know what they're doing because you'll be their first lab. Congrats. These guys might not do another cycle, they might not even finish the first. Hopefully they pin properly and aren't scared off by pip or infections.. Because the customers you're scaring away care about privacy but know what they're doing. They're also the customers who would likely be long term.

And I get that it's legal where you're at.. But if your domestic guy gets busted, that scares everyone. Immediate drop in sales I'm sure.

If you get found out and customs stops all of your packages.. That's a lot of customers backing away.

If you end up having to relocate.. That's a pain in the ass for you..

If you end up ruining your reputation doing shit like this.. You'll have to rename, rebrand, and start over. Build the clientele all over again, build the reputation up all over again, and hope that no one realizes you're the idiot who wants to be the chinese dan balzerian by selling illegal shit on public forums.

Sorry for the rant, kept that shit to myself until I finally cracked and made an account here.

This is my welcome post. Hi everyone.

So panda should be concerned about fuck up parents who allow drugs to get into the hands of their kids? Maybe parents should, you know, parent. I guarantee you my kid won't have access to drugs, hopefully till he gets to college, then it's out of my hand, and I've done my part.

Is panda sending his shirts to gyms? Advertising on billboards? Dropping fliers out of airplanes? Now if you get a tank top, and wear it to a Spartan race or something, that's on you. You're doing the advertising. He feels safe way over there in china, where he has a legitimate company. I'll take a tank. I work out at home, so take that for what it's worth.

If he went out of business tomorrow, or got busted, we would all just move on to the next best source either way.

Selling to noobs? Should he really care who buys his gear?

As long as his quality remains high, stays on top of customer service, prices stay reasonable, what do I care what he does with his personal life?

He's In China for fucks sake. If we cant stop them from sending us lead laced dog food and children teething rings...

Like I said welcome to meso.
I use 25g 1" everywhere. Quads, glutes, delts(5/8"), lats. My hands shake a little when I have to push 3cc's into a quad and I get some slight pip with certain things. I take probably 3 min to pin. My wife pins my glutes and pushes too fast causing more pip and even knots at times. Try pushing slower and see if it helps.

I brew my own though and rarely go above 10% bb so most of it is painless except some test e that I brewed around 300mg. Since I homebrew, I just made up some new stuff at 200mg a couple days ago. Should be pip free now hopefully.
Test e at 200? I made some test e that's about 300 with some wicked pip... I need to dilute it with bb... amazing the difference from 250mg test e...it had gotten warm and turned into a gooey mess.. that may have thrown calculations off a bit... weighing it was difficult...
Test e at 200? I made some test e that's about 300 with some wicked pip... I need to dilute it with bb... amazing the difference from 250mg test e...it had gotten warm and turned into a gooey mess.. that may have thrown calculations off a bit... weighing it was difficult...

You and I had the same problem. I think I even commented about it a few days ago. If I remember correctly, my batch came in around 300 from the melted mess. I filtered it, pinned it, said wtf something's wrong, tore the tops off the vials, filtered again, pinned it, wtf, added more oil, bb, ba to make the dose about 275. Been pinning it, but finally said screw it and brewed more at 200. The 275 stuff isn't unbearable, but why have any pip when I have raws to make smooth gear?
You and I had the same problem. I think I even commented about it a few days ago. If I remember correctly, my batch came in around 300 from the melted mess. I filtered it, pinned it, said wtf something's wrong, tore the tops off the vials, filtered again, pinned it, wtf, added more oil, bb, ba to make the dose about 275. Been pinning it, but finally said screw it and brewed more at 200. The 275 stuff isn't unbearable, but why have any pip when I have raws to make smooth gear?
I couldn't agree more... I am gonna drop it at least to 250... possibly lower...

This brings up a point to everyone with mig pip issues... you can grab a few items from Med lab and make a 50/50 mig/gso mix by adding some gso (possibly bb and ba - depending on the compound and im sure you can get the original recipe from panda to tweak)

This will salvage your painful gear and get your feet wet with homebrewing.

If you get me the original recipe and need some help, pm me and I'll do the math and come up with a list of items needed from medlab.

For example, on another board a bunch of dhb was sent out by a source and pip was similar to what is going on here (dhb can be a painful compound)...the source sent vials of mixed gso,BB, ba that was premixed... one per each vial purchased...

If you got presterilized vials from Med lab 20ml, 50ml, or 100ml... depending on how much of the same compound you had... in theory u could draw the vials of mig and add to the empty presterilized vials then add the vials of gso,ba,BB at 1 to 1 ratio to the presterilized vials and shake the heck out of it to mix...

This should cut pip in half or better...of course twice as much oil would have to be injected because strength is cut in half.

Just a thought... be worth a try to salvage some gear... if panda was on board then he could filter the vials of gso,bb,ba that are sent to dilute the mig gear...
quick q my fellow bro-sters... what type of application does test base have??
when and why would I use it?? and don't respond for the gainz bruhh..cuz I already knew that hahaha
If it wasn't for the whole counterfeiting pharma goods he would probably still be doing his thing.
That's what brought the pressure on him.
Yeah it had nothing with him pissing people off and flaunting it all over social media. See when you expose yourself and people become envious all it literally takes is one phone call. That’s why you need to get in and get out, doing anything illegal should not be a long-term career choice. It’s even surprising that steroids carry the hefty sentences they do. Oh I am sorry judge I wanted to be healthy and look good... then you get thrown in jail with rapists and child molesters? Gtfu
Yeah it had nothing with him pissing people off and flaunting it all over social media. See when you expose yourself and people become envious all it literally takes is one phone call. That’s why you need to get in and get out, doing anything illegal should not be a long-term career choice. It’s even surprising that steroids carry the hefty sentences they do. Oh I am sorry judge I wanted to be healthy and look good... then you get thrown in jail with rapists and child molesters? Stupid
what about the gun toting crack dealers??? what theyr contributing members of society??
fyi.. if ur on aas and goto the big house.. the child molesters are the least of your worries..they like children remember.. ur too old for them ;)))
Yeah it had nothing with him pissing people off and flaunting it all over social media. See when you expose yourself and people become envious all it literally takes is one phone call. That’s why you need to get in and get out, doing anything illegal should not be a long-term career choice. It’s even surprising that steroids carry the hefty sentences they do. Oh I am sorry judge I wanted to be healthy and look good... then you get thrown in jail with rapists and child molesters? Gtfu
I never said he was smart or agreed with what he was doing .
But I do believe he would have probably gotten away with it longer if not for using a Pharmaceutical companies name on his gear.
I never said he was smart or agreed with what he was doing .
But I do believe he would have probably gotten away with it longer if not for using a Pharmaceutical companies name on his gear.
I understand just saying you wonder how many hundreds of thousands of dollars he could have made by not being an idiot.