PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Forgot to tag you in this lol @PurplePandaLabs Rep.
No they aren't .

Did you find out if we can request GSO with domestic now?
No I was told that everything was being brewed with Gso about a week ago maybe still wouldn't hurt to add it to the comments on your order.

@PurplePandaLabs Rep. - do any of the oils contain EO, like the Primo E 200 mg (when that gets restocked)? How about the Primo 100 mg?
I'm pretty sure they don't. They maybe a couple of mix that has something else added but I don't believe it's eo.
No they aren't .

No I was told that everything was being brewed with Gso about a week ago maybe still wouldn't hurt to add it to the comments on your order.

I'm pretty sure they don't. They maybe a couple of mix that has something else added but I don't believe it's eo.

I'd rather wait until I know it's finished and currently being sold. I'd rather not request GSO when it may not even be available. Can you ask when they are going to start selling it?
Ordered some growth hormone from PP domestic. Got an email it's not in stock (still in stock on the website) and they could replace with stuff of equal value or keep the >400 as store credit! wtf! If it's not in stock take it off the website and don't keep peoples money if you don't have it.
Why not get 400 worth international?
I requested that but they haven't replied for the past 2 days.
I made one domestic order for some dbol raws just to test it out and the packaging kind of sucked. And for the price difference is totally not worth it. As far as the quality of the product I assume it's the same but don't have any feedback yet for that. I have gotten everything I've ordered international and the packaging and stealth is always stellar its always a risk but so far so good.
I read that the plea deal from district attorney is recommending 135 months... what really got him was that onyx pharma company did there own investigation (private investigator turned things over to LE). As far as time ...money laundering carries 20yrs max and counterfeiting the steroids (using onyx name) carries 20 yrs too the other charges controlled substances and sales carry a lot less time...we will see what the judge does...
The judge has very little to do with the amount of time the young man ends up having to serve. The prosecuting US Attorney decides what crimes he ends up pleading guilty to. He is responsible for coming up with the Offense Level which is one of the two things used to calculate a sentence in the federal system. The other being the defendants Criminal Category. Muscleheads Criminal Category was six from a possible one through six. To those of us who have been in the system we know "Six" translates to an extensive criminal history. He's at risk of being labeled a "Career Criminal" which is an enhancement of sorts that has sentences averaging 12yrs.
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines and everything that is related to it takes the power away from judges as they are required to consult them and sentence defendants accordingly. They do have a bit more of a say so than they did just a decade ago.
They even have appeared, dare I say COMPASSIONATE, with the adjusting of the crack cocaine guidelines as they relate to powder cocaine and how the 2 forms of cocaine are viewed and punished.
Then there is still the debate on how marijuana is viewed and punished. State laws have been challenged...wrong word...state laws have been decimated, shredded, ignored, and side swiped by federal law in recent years. The Schedule 1 drug by definition has no/zip/zero medical uses according to the feds. The AMA has acknowledged the medicinal uses of cannabis which itself is a gov't entity.
Anyway, got off track. @ANABOLIC/ENERGY take a look at things from where I'm sitting. Perspective is EVERYTHING!


So panda should be concerned about fuck up parents who allow drugs to get into the hands of their kids? Maybe parents should, you know, parent. I guarantee you my kid won't have access to drugs, hopefully till he gets to college, then it's out of my hand, and I've done my part.

First of all, I have a lot of respect for any parent that as you put it so eloquently, parents. However, let's not be too naive to think it's out of the realm of possibilities that even great parents have kids who fuck up. Some more than others. Peer pressure and all that. Expectations, disappointments, etc... Whatever leads them to the decision that's made.

All I'm saying is that if PPL becomes the ugl lab that's most known and easy to get a hold of the feds won't like that under-aged kids are buying this shit and they found out about it because of tank tops being advertised on social media. It's just too easy to locate.

Either way, not that significant of an issue to be completely honest. This just falls back on customers sense of security. Not one person under the age of 21 may ever buy PPL gear.. But the fact that it's advertised the way it is.. again makes people cautious. Hence all the fucking comments question the decision. You're too focused on a very specific hypothetical situation I presented. Focus on the sense of security and privacy of other customers.

Is panda sending his shirts to gyms? Advertising on billboards? Dropping fliers out of airplanes? Now if you get a tank top, and wear it to a Spartan race or something, that's on you. You're doing the advertising. He feels safe way over there in china, where he has a legitimate company. I'll take a tank. I work out at home, so take that for what it's worth.

Is panda selling to gym, billboards, airplanes, etc. Short answer is no. Obviously..

If someone wears it to a spartan race.. Well. Good job on that idiot. I don't care if he gets himself busted. Most people here won't care. He's the idiot that did it..

What people do care though is that they ordered from the same fucking supplier. I'm not sure why the point I'm trying to make is being so easily glossed over by you.

Even if that guy doesn't get busted.. Customers are again going to be hesitant about ordering because of the increased potential of him being busted. Unnecessary increased potential...

If he went out of business tomorrow, or got busted, we would all just move on to the next best source either way.

Yeah, so what's wrong with giving advice to what is currently a pretty good source? No one wants panda to have to rebrand or dip out besides his competition maybe.

Selling to noobs? Should he really care who buys his gear?

Fair enough I guess. Again, not addressing my main point but it would be excessive to repeat it again.

As long as his quality remains high, stays on top of customer service, prices stay reasonable, what do I care what he does with his personal life?

Again.. refer to unnecessary increased potential of bust and worry from past, current, and what were once potentially future customers.

He's In China for fucks sake. If we cant stop them from sending us lead laced dog food and children teething rings...

That's true.. But we're comparing apples to oranges here and it falls back on having to rebrand or relocate one day.

Like I said welcome to meso.

Hey, thanks again.
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I made one domestic order for some dbol raws just to test it out and the packaging kind of sucked. And for the price difference is totally not worth it. As far as the quality of the product I assume it's the same but don't have any feedback yet for that. I have gotten everything I've ordered international and the packaging and stealth is always stellar its always a risk but so far so good.

The packaging sucked because it's domestic. It doesn't have to go through customs so they don't really have to hide it from anyone except a nosy mailman