PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Had to go to the ER last night. Fever, sweats, and a leg the size of a balloon. They said it' a severe infection. This is from pandas test c injection 4 days ago. WTF!!! I will never use this source again, clearly the gear is either dirty or they have no idea how to brew this new carrier oil. I'm extremely fucking pissed this is unbelievable
90%+ of the infections/SEVERE reactions I have seen are from quad shots... Not saying this is/was your fault, just a note to other members. This is why I generally avoid pinning quads....

Hope you're better, I know it's scary.
Panda is no longer Honoring the 10% off for Meso. Here is what they said:


I'm sorry Meso 10% discount is for the first month we were in the forum,the promotion is over.

Purple Panda Labs

Have u tried this one...589d6c05
It's from another board but not sure if it's still active.
Because people like to post specifics. Like it's your first pack ever. You're a kid at Christmas who's never ordered steroids before. So right after you jack off and came all over the place you got on the internet and told the entire world about the stealth packing. People don't know how to shut their f****** mouth
Lol, true story
Women from China have no tits...show us your ass!!!
90%+ of the infections/SEVERE reactions I have seen are from quad shots... Not saying this is/was your fault, just a note to other members. This is why I generally avoid pinning quads....

Hope you're better, I know it's scary.

I've been saying this for years now. Bad quad shot always end up be severe, never mild.

Quads are my go to!! I’ve never had an issue.. but I guess everyone is different. (Knock on wood)
The judge has very little to do with the amount of time the young man ends up having to serve. The prosecuting US Attorney decides what crimes he ends up pleading guilty to. He is responsible for coming up with the Offense Level which is one of the two things used to calculate a sentence in the federal system. The other being the defendants Criminal Category. Muscleheads Criminal Category was six from a possible one through six. To those of us who have been in the system we know "Six" translates to an extensive criminal history. He's at risk of being labeled a "Career Criminal" which is an enhancement of sorts that has sentences averaging 12yrs.
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines and everything that is related to it takes the power away from judges as they are required to consult them and sentence defendants accordingly. They do have a bit more of a say so than they did just a decade ago.
They even have appeared, dare I say COMPASSIONATE, with the adjusting of the crack cocaine guidelines as they relate to powder cocaine and how the 2 forms of cocaine are viewed and punished.
Then there is still the debate on how marijuana is viewed and punished. State laws have been challenged...wrong word...state laws have been decimated, shredded, ignored, and side swiped by federal law in recent years. The Schedule 1 drug by definition has no/zip/zero medical uses according to the feds. The AMA has acknowledged the medicinal uses of cannabis which itself is a gov't entity.
Anyway, got off track. @ANABOLIC/ENERGY take a look at things from where I'm sitting. Perspective is EVERYTHING!

Plea Bargains

Plea bargains are voluntary agreements, made as a result of negotiations between prosecutors and defendants, that avoid a trial in exchange for a certain sentence. At least 90 percent of criminal cases in the United States are disposed of through plea bargaining. The prosecutor avoids the time and expense of a trial and the defendant is getting something less than the worst punishment a jury could give. Both sides avoid the uncertainty of a jury verdict.

The court must approve plea bargains. Because judges often work with the same prosecutors in their court on a daily basis, it is not common for a judge to refuse a plea bargain.

Above text was a quote from: https://www.clientspace.org/guide.asp?firm=591EF0E9&level=2&id=151 (Plea Bargains)

However, the judge could make an example out of this situation and add up the total maximum sentence time and run it consecutive, which wouild result in nearly a 60 year sentence or more in this case.

The judge over my case made an example out of me and rejected my 8.5 year deal and sentenced me to 12 years.
I draw with a 21g needle and i must of poked the same hole couple times bcus i had some floaties in my masteron vial from the rubber stopper. I always make sure there's no pieces floating in my syringe before injecting now.
Did you check the vial before you used it?
Had to go to the ER last night. Fever, sweats, and a leg the size of a balloon. They said it' a severe infection. This is from pandas test c injection 4 days ago. WTF!!! I will never use this source again, clearly the gear is either dirty or they have no idea how to brew this new carrier oil. I'm extremely fucking pissed this is unbelievable
Did you tell them u injected in the leg? Are u allergic to mct or mig?
Plea Bargains
Plea bargains are voluntary agreements, made as a result of negotiations between prosecutors and defendants, that avoid a trial in exchange for a certain sentence. At least 90 percent of criminal cases in the United States are disposed of through plea bargaining. The prosecutor avoids the time and expense of a trial and the defendant is getting something less than the worst punishment a jury could give. Both sides avoid the uncertainty of a jury verdict.

The court must approve plea bargains. Because judges often work with the same prosecutors in their court on a daily basis, it is not common for a judge to refuse a plea bargain.

Above text was a quote from: https://www.clientspace.org/guide.asp?firm=591EF0E9&level=2&id=151 (Plea Bargains)

However, the judge could make an example out of this situation and add up the total maximum sentence time and run it consecutive, which wouild result in nearly a 60 year sentence or more in this case.

The judge over my case made an example out of me and rejected my 8.5 year deal and sentenced me to 12 years.

sorry to hear dude.. did they hit you with restitution as well??
I had the same reaction years ago to fake British Dragon gear so I can tell you right now it's not an infection. It's just a very severe reaction that causes swelling in both the muscle tissue and the dermal layers. I was on high doses of ibuprofen/acetaminophen for a little over a week and I used hot/cold compress many times per day. When the hardness/swelling goes down a bit start to gently massage the area a few times per day as that will help open up blood flow. Keep leg elevated as well.

I was off work for almost 2 weeks and that's also when i stopped doing quad shots!

Hope you recover soon brother.
He said he seen a doctor. Are you more qualified to diagnose cellulitis then an MD? How do you know that you didn't have an infection?

