PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Seriously fina you move extremely fishy, I would tell any member or source to be weary of you because of how you handle yourself.
how the fuck do i move fishy.. i didnt understand at first about packaging, someone explained and then i moved on... never tried to buy or sell to anyone on here, nothing at all fishy of me
He's busy doing melting tests or some shit. I'll answer. I got some basics, test e, var, tbol cialis.

And some not so basics dmaa, and dapoxetine.

I may create a cocktail dmaa cialis and dapo. And fuck my broad till she's purple, or have a heart attack, which ever comes first.
That is by far the most amazing stack I've heard of. Definitely keep this thread posted about that one. I've done some damage with some straight cialis. Couldn't imagine a rock hard dick. Not being able to cum and the best preworkout raging it's way through you. And your girl for that matter.
well i will say this, i dont know how to test raw viagra powder, but to test on my wife, and i will say this, without testing other compunds, i did test the viagra, and it is 100% gtg. i dosed it at 50mg ml, and took one ml and its legit. pandas viagra is real
Seriously fina you move extremely fishy, I would tell any member or source to be weary of you because of how you handle yourself.
how i handle myself? I didnt understand the protocol for posting pics, and when someone explained it to me, i was understanding.. Nothing fishy about me buddy
how i handle myself? I didnt understand the protocol for posting pics, and when someone explained it to me, i was understanding.. Nothing fishy about me buddy
It's alright bro Atleast you did the right thing and took the advice without getting offended.

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Exactly how I feel! I want to order about 7-8 different types but my biggest fear is them getting mixed up. Last thing I want is my DNP to be halo etc. I wonder if I should just order about 2-3 to avoid this. I mean I could go off texture but most of the stuff he has is foreign to me :/
You can tell they get like three letter labels on the bags. I ordered a sampler pack. I am on his tren ace and test e as well as npp. All PPL cycle including ai's except caber...3500.00 a gram is a bit much for me. His mast e is amazing. Veins popping last cycle.
I almost jumped the gun and pulled the trigger on ordering from PPL when I first registered, decided to wait for results and feedback, but gotta say I'm impressed with the feedback...and professionalism by the source. @thetsl should take note, this is how you converse and interact with customers and prospective customers. PPL has been taking his lumps like a champ and has stayed professional the entire way through.

And no, I'm not some ducking shill and not condoning ordering, just pointing out FACTS.
I almost jumped the gun and pulled the trigger on ordering from PPL when I first registered, decided to wait for results and feedback, but gotta say I'm impressed with the feedback...and professionalism by the source. @thetsl should take note, this is how you converse and interact with customers and prospective customers. PPL has been taking his lumps like a champ and has stayed professional the entire way through.

And no, I'm not some ducking shill and not condoning ordering, just pointing out FACTS.
It's common courtesy not to mention or tag other sources in someone else thread but I understand what you mean.

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It's common courtesy not to mention or tag other sources in someone else thread but I understand what you mean.

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Duly noted and I actually thought about it, but seeing how that particular source replies and talks shit about and on his customers, couldn't resist.
Im so glad to see that meso is still as savage as ever lol what's up fellas its been minute.

Ppl is starting to seem promising if i do say so myself. Has anyone provided lab max yet? I skipped through once the good parts were over lol. Thinking of pulling the trigger and if i do i have labmax in hand.
So I brewed up my prop from ppl and pinned last night.. melted to liquid before I brewed.. melted at 117.6.. pretty strong considering 121 is pure.. I have had bloods drawn last week and will mid and post and put them up for everyone.. so far I'm definitely happy with ppl. Customer service...delivery time and atleast we know Viagra is gtg for sure
I got test e vials and tbol. The test seemed weak but no bloods to back my claim but went back to pharma grade and and my progress is better. I haven't taken tbol yet. I will start it Sunday.
I got test e vials and tbol. The test seemed weak but no bloods to back my claim but went back to pharma grade and and my progress is better. I haven't taken tbol yet. I will start it Sunday.
I like the dbol but i did cap it myself
I got test e vials and tbol. The test seemed weak but no bloods to back my claim but went back to pharma grade and and my progress is better. I haven't taken tbol yet. I will start it Sunday.

I have had shit test enanthate raws from 2 sources. Underdosed painful shots. I stick to cyp sust and prop nowadays.
I have had shit test enanthate raws from 2 sources. Underdosed painful shots. I stick to cyp sust and prop nowadays.
Cypionate for me to I see to much bad feed back on enth. Not from here but other places.

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I brew PPL test e at 10%BB and 1%Ba and there is not much pip - I use a slin pin and use tren and trestolone in same injection. That tren has a bite for a minute, but that's just tren. So this is my first 100% PPL only cycle...I'll let you know how its going, but I've used a bunch of his gear and like clockwork its on point.