PurplePandaLabs Raw source

It's getting so bad I can't walk down stairs.. both sides.. considering I have taken 2 pins.. kinda has me scared

I've had it that bad several times before with test p and mast p... It's just the nature of the compound with most people. If it's not red and has fever in it, you're fine. Give it 4-5 days and it'll be better. I NEVER put prop in my quads. Shoulders and hip are perfect spots for me. No pip whatsoever.
Gonna go back to glutes and try.. it's not red or inflamed.. just fucking painful

You're alright then. Heat it up a little to thin the oil out and pin the glute or shoulder. I might have a little something every now and then in my shoulders, but it's usually my fault, not the prop.
Thanks for all the advice bros.. it's scared me a little due to fact that Tren a and other short esters don't bother me.. but prop fucked me..
It's getting so bad I can't walk down stairs.. both sides.. considering I have taken 2 pins.. kinda has me scared

At least you didn't do calf injects.
I have no personal experience with MCT but a lot of people swear by it with short esters especially prop. Im considering using MCT for my next brew. What's everyone's take on it? Ive always used either sfo or gso.