PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I have had shit test enanthate raws from 2 sources. Underdosed painful shots. I stick to cyp sust and prop nowadays.
I don't think i ever had test e without some degree of pip. I don't know why but i have never had any noticeable pip with cyp, always smooth and pain free.
Got around to Tren ace today.. melted powder prior to brewing as I did with prop.. melted at 95.6c... If I recall correctly Tren is 94 to 98 or 99.. I always have used Fina and never needed to test but I pinned after finishing and went smooth.. I know these melt tests don't guarantee shit but if panda is not legit then he has figured out how to melt shit at the right temps.. so far I'm extremely happy and will keep u bros posted on results in gym which hopefully I see quickly since I'm running all short esters
hey bros, sorry to get off subject but this is my first time on prop. So i brewed it couple days ago and took shots 2 days straight. one in each quad...both quads are so sore it hurts to walk... Does prop have a bad pip... Enathate and cyp dont ever make me sore like this? I always hit my quads with my test and never get sore so is it the prop.. i pin with 22g 3/4"
Short esters tend to be more painful. You could try warming the bottle first. Emphasis on only warming. You could also use 25g 1" for injection. Also what were ba/bb ratio and carrier oil.
hey bros, sorry to get off subject but this is my first time on prop. So i brewed it couple days ago and took shots 2 days straight. one in each quad...both quads are so sore it hurts to walk... Does prop have a bad pip... Enathate and cyp dont ever make me sore like this? I always hit my quads with my test and never get sore so is it the prop.. i pin with 22g 3/4"

It can. Sounds like something else is off if it's that bad.
hey bros, sorry to get off subject but this is my first time on prop. So i brewed it couple days ago and took shots 2 days straight. one in each quad...both quads are so sore it hurts to walk... Does prop have a bad pip... Enathate and cyp dont ever make me sore like this? I always hit my quads with my test and never get sore so is it the prop.. i pin with 22g 3/4"
What concentration did you brew the gear at?
hey bros, sorry to get off subject but this is my first time on prop. So i brewed it couple days ago and took shots 2 days straight. one in each quad...both quads are so sore it hurts to walk... Does prop have a bad pip... Enathate and cyp dont ever make me sore like this? I always hit my quads with my test and never get sore so is it the prop.. i pin with 22g 3/4"
I back load insulin syringes. For me my quads were my go to spot with 23g 1" but hit nerves so I switched it up.. Try glutes... Prop has more pip for sure.... I try to shoot it with prop in the syringe to make it smooth.
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hey bros, sorry to get off subject but this is my first time on prop. So i brewed it couple days ago and took shots 2 days straight. one in each quad...both quads are so sore it hurts to walk... Does prop have a bad pip... Enathate and cyp dont ever make me sore like this? I always hit my quads with my test and never get sore so is it the prop.. i pin with 22g 3/4"

Prop can be painful.
hey bros, sorry to get off subject but this is my first time on prop. So i brewed it couple days ago and took shots 2 days straight. one in each quad...both quads are so sore it hurts to walk... Does prop have a bad pip... Enathate and cyp dont ever make me sore like this? I always hit my quads with my test and never get sore so is it the prop.. i pin with 22g 3/4"
Mix with other compounds, I'm sure you're running more than just prop. 22ga ouch... good luck
hey bros, sorry to get off subject but this is my first time on prop. So i brewed it couple days ago and took shots 2 days straight. one in each quad...both quads are so sore it hurts to walk... Does prop have a bad pip... Enathate and cyp dont ever make me sore like this? I always hit my quads with my test and never get sore so is it the prop.. i pin with 22g 3/4"
I think the gauge of that pin is what is causing that much pip bro. I use 22 gauge to draw, thats a horse needle man lol. Try using a 25g and see if that helps. Also what ratio did you brew the prop at?