PurplePandaLabs Raw source

@colossus25, yeah, I would want to be closer to $300-$350 a month, which I don't even know if that's doable.. I'm hoping 4iu is effective, possibly 5 on, 2off, and i have no delusions of it being pharma, for that budget.. maybe I'm high, and it won't be happening.. I need to price black tops, and put a plan together, to see where I'm at..

How effective is it, for you? I hear guys that say it's the greatest thing ever, and others that are like "yeah, it's pretty good"..
@colossus25, yeah, I would want to be closer to $300-$350 a month, which I don't even know if that's doable.. I'm hoping 4iu is effective, possibly 5 on, 2off, and i have no delusions of it being pharma, for that budget.. maybe I'm high, and it won't be happening.. I need to price black tops, and put a plan together, to see where I'm at..

How effective is it, for you? I hear guys that say it's the greatest thing ever, and others that are like "yeah, it's pretty good"..
I was getting 4 30iu norditropin kits for 375 before now he wats 5 bills for the same. I couldn't afford to spend that before and definitely can't now. 4iu of pharma is plenty.
Yeah that is mean you should be ashamed kid just spent $100 on some bullshit.lolView attachment 66933I'd like to walk into the gym just once and see a mother fucker eating a raw sweet potato :oops:
I have my whey protein shake and some diced sweat potatoes right after the gym. Right as I'm done with my workout actually. Got it all in my gym bag so even if I'm bullshitting with a friend I can stand there and eat without wasting time.
LMFAOO Facts!! I mean what are you suppose to tell them? Im on 700mg of tren, 500mg of test, 700mg mast, 60mg of winny, 5iu of gh, and 60mg of clen? I think one day im just gonna tell that to a newbie just to see what their reaction is lol
I have seriously thought about doing this before. Then, when they say "Really?!" Id say "No. Not really." Ha
I was getting 4 30iu norditropin kits for 375 before now he wats 5 bills for the same. I couldn't afford to spend that before and definitely can't now. 4iu of pharma is plenty.

Yeah, that's a rough price hike. Exactly why I'm still researching. if I'm gonna pull the trigger, I'd like to start in the next month, and run it for like the next 6 months, to see how it goes.. I guess we'll see, at some point i need to prioritize some of this shit, and call it a day. Shit fucking consumes you!!
Add sacrifice to that list
I found the gym after my divorce. Needed a place to go to vent that wasn't a bar filled with a bunch of other divorced drunks. I work a 60 hour week every week and the only break I take from the gym is April may and June when my job goes from 60 to 85/90 plus hours a week. I keep the steroid shit to myself because no one sees what it takes to get here. They think it's the lazy way. When in reality it's really hard because if you don't give it all you got then you're wasting your time and money.
While your prices look great you didn't give very detailed information. Domestic or intl? I also see you carry finished products as well. Filtering methods? Carrier oil used? What steps to do take to ensure strerlization?
Same can be asked about many other sources
View attachment 64166 View attachment 64167 View attachment 64159 View attachment 64160 View attachment 64161 View attachment 64162 View attachment 64163 View attachment 64164 Here's the pics of our lab setup. Included are pictures of our work bench, autoclave, water purifier, dryer, air purifier. They were brewing the smaller quantities of gear today so they weren't using our large volume oil filter(it's in the second to last photo on the top shelf of the dryer), we have two filtration setups because the large filter eats a few vials of gear every time we use it, so when we brew less then one liter of gear we use the vacuum filter.
Thank you. This was reassuring. May have to check this out
Sometimes I feel like you're a spy bot prowling the web. The way you dig up past information is incredibly. You might as well be working for the FBI lol
You must have missed all this we are passed that now.

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