PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Idk how anyone can tiptoe around someone like that. The minute i got with my girl i told her what was up. She isn't stupid either so she understands that there is a lot of fiction and bullshit when it comes to gear. And now she prefers when im on over being off or on cruise lol. She's my personal nurse now haha

That's pretty well where I'm at.. I waited until I was a little older to try this shit out, I probably was doing it, either way, but let my girl feel like she helped me decide if I was, or not. Now I make her feel important by calling her "doctor" when it's time for my shots!

One of my boys is going on, and not telling his chick. I asked how he planned to hide it, and he said "I'm just gonna tell her I'm eating a bunch of ground turkey and working out hard".. she's dingy enough to buy it, lucky for him! My girl would know I'm a heartbeat! Luckily it's all about how you sell it, she was completely opposed until I explained it to her, and she saw that I wasn't full of rage, like they tell you we should be. Now it's the same for me, she prefers I'm on, because I feel better, look better, and have more energy..
I didn't fully understand your question
Would you mind elaborating?

As for peaks
A very pure reference standard is needed. HPLC/UPLC peak intensity is determined for this very pure sample.
Best if said very pure standard is diluted to certain purity percentages, for example 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, etc
this way a much better purity calculation can be made
as peak intensity ain't totally LINEAR with purity.

Every substance shows a peak at a particular retention-time
(the horizontal axis in HPLC charts) some substances have two or more main peaks.
Point is peaks aid in substance identification (say Testosterone Enanthate vs Creatine) and peak intensity helps determine purity.

Custom brewing would be great for any source wishing to expand its market share.

I only call shills people who disagree with me
never people genuinely looking for advice
Is that a selfie? [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]

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That's pretty well where I'm at.. I waited until I was a little older to try this shit out, I probably was doing it, either way, but let my girl feel like she helped me decide if I was, or not. Now I make her feel important by calling her "doctor" when it's time for my shots!

One of my boys is going on, and not telling his chick. I asked how he planned to hide it, and he said "I'm just gonna tell her I'm eating a bunch of ground turkey and working out hard".. she's dingy enough to buy it, lucky for him! My girl would know I'm a heartbeat! Luckily it's all about how you sell it, she was completely opposed until I explained it to her, and she saw that I wasn't full of rage, like they tell you we should be. Now it's the same for me, she prefers I'm on, because I feel better, look better, and have more energy..

I am on this board for one reason only, and that is to learn because I have nothing to say for people to learn from as I don't have the type of experience that you guys have. Therefore, I keep my mouth shut and read, read, read, and re-read.
With that being said, I do have a little experience with this. My second cycle was in 2005 and the girlfriend I had at the time knew I was using. Long story short, the relationship came to a screeching halt and she confirmed the old saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". She went after me and my livelihood. She was in fact a crazy bitch and all the trials and tribulations she put me through were worth it in the end as I never would have met my wife or had my daughter. Bottom line, just be careful with who you tell.
@ZDogg, like you, my wife is in on my decision with me starting back up. I trust her 100% but that one experience makes me a nervous wreck. She is going to take Var at 10mg/day so if anything were to ever happen, she'd keep her mouth shut about my usage. That makes me feel much better.

Sorry, I tried to use paragraphs but it decided to post it the way it wanted.
I am on this board for one reason only, and that is to learn because I have nothing to say for people to learn from as I don't have the type of experience that you guys have. Therefore, I keep my mouth shut and read, read, read, and re-read.
With that being said, I do have a little experience with this. My second cycle was in 2005 and the girlfriend I had at the time knew I was using. Long story short, the relationship came to a screeching halt and she confirmed the old saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". She went after me and my livelihood. She was in fact a crazy bitch and all the trials and tribulations she put me through were worth it in the end as I never would have met my wife or had my daughter. Bottom line, just be careful with who you tell.
@ZDogg, like you, my wife is in on my decision with me starting back up. I trust her 100% but that one experience makes me a nervous wreck. She is going to take Var at 10mg/day so if anything were to ever happen, she'd keep her mouth shut about my usage. That makes me feel much better.

Sorry, I tried to use paragraphs but it decided to post it the way it wanted.
Absolutely man i wouldn't be dating a crazy bitch regardless lol. The reason im still with my girl is because she is the most level headed woman i have ever met in my life.
I've been with some crazy ass bitches @Deuce80, but that's pretty fucking brutal! Worst part is they're usually the most fun!

I'm totally with you, my girl, my trainer/diet chick, and 2 buddies that both do the same shit, are the only people that know what I'm up to. There are people that suspect, and ask me, I just tell them to take their creatine, get up early, and hit the weights hard, kinda dodge the questions! Luckily I'm in a pretty decent situation, where it would be pretty hard to get me in trouble with anyone, but I'm 100% with you on being smart and not telling anyone shit, I definitely am not a guy to flaunt anything, which is the easiest way to stay out of the line of Fire!!

I'm in the same boat as you, I've been doing shit on and off for a few years, but I also got some real knucklehead advice when I started. I need to learn. I'm pretty sharp on the eating and training, but the knowledge on the gear side of things, on this forum is pure gold. I have a lot to learn, and a long way to go!
I've been with some crazy ass bitches @Deuce80, but that's pretty fucking brutal! Worst part is they're usually the most fun!

I'm totally with you, my girl, my trainer/diet chick, and 2 buddies that both do the same shit, are the only people that know what I'm up to. There are people that suspect, and ask me, I just tell them to take their creatine, get up early, and hit the weights hard, kinda dodge the questions! Luckily I'm in a pretty decent situation, where it would be pretty hard to get me in trouble with anyone, but I'm 100% with you on being smart and not telling anyone shit, I definitely am not a guy to flaunt anything, which is the easiest way to stay out of the line of Fire!!

I'm in the same boat as you, I've been doing shit on and off for a few years, but I also got some real knucklehead advice when I started. I need to learn. I'm pretty sharp on the eating and training, but the knowledge on the gear side of things, on this forum is pure gold. I have a lot to learn, and a long way to go!
Whenever a stranger ask me what im taking i tell them celltech lmaoo
When Ive gotten asked I look around to check if anyone else is listning then I tell them a dozen raw eggs and 3 raw yams a day:D I'm kinda mean:oops:
You wanna talk about mean? This kid asked me how i was getting so cut when i was on prep and i told him i was taking hydroxycut. Next day i see him run up to me with two bottles of that shit lol i felt so bad.
You wanna talk about mean? This kid asked me how i was getting so cut when i was on prep and i told him i was taking hydroxycut. Next day i see him run up to me with two bottles of that shit lol i felt so bad.
Yeah that is mean you should be ashamed kid just spent $100 on some bullshit.lol20170418_153806.pngI'd like to walk into the gym just once and see a mother fucker eating a raw sweet potato :oops:
Dang, you guys are so much more creative! I gotta step up my game, and get some Celltech and raw eggs!!
Yeah that is mean you should be ashamed kid just spent $100 on some bullshit.lolView attachment 66933I'd like to walk into the gym just once and see a mother fucker eating a raw sweet potato :oops:
LMFAOO Facts!! I mean what are you suppose to tell them? Im on 700mg of tren, 500mg of test, 700mg mast, 60mg of winny, 5iu of gh, and 60mg of clen? I think one day im just gonna tell that to a newbie just to see what their reaction is lol
That was for the ass until I realized everyone was joking about bio-identicals. Thank God I didn't lose it up there. It's still G2G!
LMFAOO Facts!! I mean what are you suppose to tell them? Im on 700mg of tren, 500mg of test, 700mg mast, 60mg of winny, 5iu of gh, and 60mg of clen? I think one day im just gonna tell that to a newbie just to see what their reaction is lol

Haha! Just carry a shopping list, printed on a card to hand out. "Here ya go kid, knock yourself out!" He'll be wishing it was only $100!!
For real lol everybody wants to be jacked until they find out how much it cost.....

No shit! And most of them think we just pin and sit on the couch, let the hormones do all the magic. They don't consider the hours in the gym, and fucking meal prep, which is gonna be what does me in!! I can deal with cycles, but GH is my next endeavor, which ups the price tag, as it looks like you're aware of! Still working on the research, there. I talked to a doctor, about it a couple of years ago, and shit is outrageous, that route. I've learned a bunch on Meso, and think I can do it affordably with some of that knowledge.
No shit! And most of them think we just pin and sit on the couch, let the hormones do all the magic. They don't consider the hours in the gym, and fucking meal prep, which is gonna be what does me in!! I can deal with cycles, but GH is my next endeavor, which ups the price tag, as it looks like you're aware of! Still working on the research, there. I talked to a doctor, about it a couple of years ago, and shit is outrageous, that route. I've learned a bunch on Meso, and think I can do it affordably with some of that knowledge.
When you start talking about diet, gym and supplies the cost is insane. But the biggest investment is time for sure. I can't even afford to run gh any more lol my source upped the price because pharma was getting harder to obtain. Spending 500 a month is just out of the question for me lol