PurplePandaLabs Raw source

If the value of BTC keeps climbing like it is today my order will be made soon. Wanting to wait on what scabby thinks first.
BUT since I'm planning on ordering from PPL I already had a conversation with her. This is kinda how it went:
Me: so babe you know all that money I spend on those GNC preworkouts and vitamins?
Me: well I found a place online that sells the stuff that's inside them but the only thing is that I have mix up the powder and do it myself. I know it's annoying but it's so much cheaper.
Her: doesn't really care, completely okay with it


Lmao I had the exact same conversation with my wife yesterday except mine was vitamins
I didn't lie. Just didn't have a full disclosure conversation first. She was actually receptive and gave minimal push back. She had questions and concerns but after going over the entire process and how it works in the body etc. She was cool with it. Now she wants to try Anavar lol. She fights in some krav maga studio, I want to slip her some halo!!
I didn't lie. Just didn't have a full disclosure conversation first. She was actually receptive and gave minimal push back. She had questions and concerns but after going over the entire process and how it works in the body etc. She was cool with it. Now she wants to try Anavar lol. She fights in some krav maga studio, I want to slip her some halo!!
I wouldn't do that...she won't know the meaning of "tapping" anymore. Ha
I didn't lie. Just didn't have a full disclosure conversation first. She was actually receptive and gave minimal push back. She had questions and concerns but after going over the entire process and how it works in the body etc. She was cool with it. Now she wants to try Anavar lol. She fights in some krav maga studio, I want to slip her some halo!!

Be careful I hear her voice will never go back, esp with stuff like halo
I didn't lie. Just didn't have a full disclosure conversation first. She was actually receptive and gave minimal push back. She had questions and concerns but after going over the entire process and how it works in the body etc. She was cool with it. Now she wants to try Anavar lol. She fights in some krav maga studio, I want to slip her some halo!!

My gf loves anavar. Problem is getting her to come off
Halo was a joke, lol. Var would be ok with me, primo is another widely accepted one with females, correct? She is only interested in var thankfully...
My gf loves anavar. Problem is getting her to come off
Does it make her super horny? My wife was reading another girls log and was under the impression that it does that. Not sure if that's a personal thing or a common side for females on var..
Who wants to lie to their significant other? I know my wife would just cry and then if I EVER got mad for any reason, even legitimate, my AAS usage would make it my fault... she would just blame the stuff I'm taking
I know right, that's all I hear from anyone that knows I'm on. Roidrage. It's like gimme a break!! I have to be extra nice, it's kinda funny.
I know right, that's all I hear from anyone that knows I'm on. Roidrage. It's like gimme a break!! I have to be extra nice, it's kinda funny.

So fucking true! People accused me of "being on roids" for years, because of my temper, before I ever was. Now that I am, I just play nice with everyone to overcompensate!
So fucking true! People accused me of "being on roids" for years, because of my temper, before I ever was. Now that I am, I just play nice with everyone to overcompensate!
I've only seen "rage" when people come off, not when they're ono_O I was a Dick when my test was down around 180 before I got on trt:oops: but I'm golden now. I'll see what tren does to me this fall but I doubt I have any anger issues I'm normally the guy that has to defuse stupid situations :rolleyes:
I've only seen "rage" when people come off, not when they're ono_O I was a Dick when my test was down around 180 before I got on trt:oops: but I'm golden now. I'll see what tren does to me this fall but I doubt I have any anger issues I'm normally the guy that has to defuse stupid situations :rolleyes:
I was developing an anger issue while on tren ace but wasn't fully prepped with proviron etc. I could have had better execution with it...
Does it make her super horny? My wife was reading another girls log and was under the impression that it does that. Not sure if that's a personal thing or a common side for females on var..

Didn't turn her into a horn bag but she was definitely talking about sex more. That's all I gathered.
That whole stigma is one of the main reasons I keep it a.secret from her. It's like giving her arsenal, plus she would just cry
That whole stigma is one of the main reasons I keep it a.secret from her. It's like giving her arsenal, plus she would just cry
That sucks. Shouldn't have to do that but everyone is different and has different opinions.
I didn't lie. Just didn't have a full disclosure conversation first. She was actually receptive and gave minimal push back. She had questions and concerns but after going over the entire process and how it works in the body etc. She was cool with it. Now she wants to try Anavar lol. She fights in some krav maga studio, I want to slip her some halo!!
That's sorta how I play! Not lie but only partial truth. She knows I'm on TRT, just doesn't know I blast or add orals. So I guess I'm only half a liar! Lol

Only at page 32 so don't know if this has been addressed yet.

So that dea testing pdf, well those are for synthesized 100% pure, you can't use those for anybody else unless it's prescribed legit pharma. let's say two samples of test-c are here, sample a = 100% purity and sample b = 77% purity, well then the data/graphs will be different. Look at it like taking a testosterone booster compared to taking actual testosterone. Big difference, depending on the purity it will have different melting points different peaks and pretty much everything else will be different other than both samples being of the same product.

I didn't fully understand your question
Would you mind elaborating?

As for peaks
A very pure reference standard is needed. HPLC/UPLC peak intensity is determined for this very pure sample.
Best if said very pure standard is diluted to certain purity percentages, for example 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, etc
this way a much better purity calculation can be made
as peak intensity ain't totally LINEAR with purity.

Every substance shows a peak at a particular retention-time
(the horizontal axis in HPLC charts) some substances have two or more main peaks.
Point is peaks aid in substance identification (say Testosterone Enanthate vs Creatine) and peak intensity helps determine purity.

@purplepandalabs would/could you possibly make custom compound-dosage pills/capsules with your raws? I would be VERY interested in this. I want to order about 12 different items but I would never have the time to capsulate them. I'm sure others with busy schedules would appreciate the service aswell that's why I'm asking on the open board. Any charge would be perfectly fine, that comes with the extra effort. Or even if you just mix the correct amount/doses of compounds into one raw baggy and then only send that (easier for you). That way it's easier to capsulate from one bag. As long as it's labelled easy enough to tell :) looking extremely forward to your answer
Custom brewing would be great for any source wishing to expand its market share.

Don't bother he will just call you a shill or something of that effect. @master.on don't have any idea what he is talking about he just likes to Google shit and share it like he is smart. Anybody that will tell someone to frontload high doses of AI shouldn't be taken serious.

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I only call shills people who disagree with me
never people genuinely looking for advice
There's always a little twist! I try to keep my old lady somewhat in the loop, mostly because I make her pin me, it's so much easier than doing it myself!
There's always a little twist! I try to keep my old lady somewhat in the loop, mostly because I make her pin me, it's so much easier than doing it myself!
Idk how anyone can tiptoe around someone like that. The minute i got with my girl i told her what was up. She isn't stupid either so she understands that there is a lot of fiction and bullshit when it comes to gear. And now she prefers when im on over being off or on cruise lol. She's my personal nurse now haha