PurplePandaLabs Raw source

If you got popped with some oils the worst that's going to happen is you're going to get arrested and if you're an average joe that shits getting either dropped or pleaded down big time. You're a career criminal you might do some time depending on how much gear you have or how big of a fuck up you are. They will ask where you got it from and if you roll they will absolutely down grade your charges. If it's raws then you are definitely looking at some serious shit. Intent to sell/distribute and manufacturing. They are going to think you are bigger than you are and you're going to have a lot of explaining to do.
If you get caught with oils, the worst case is they'll sit you down and start cooking some eggs, bacon, and toast. I like high quality oils when cooking my eggs.
If you got popped with some oils the worst that's going to happen is you're going to get arrested and if you're an average joe that shits getting either dropped or pleaded down big time. You're a career criminal you might do some time depending on how much gear you have or how big of a fuck up you are. They will ask where you got it from and if you roll they will absolutely down grade your charges. If it's raws then you are definitely looking at some serious shit. Intent to sell/distribute and manufacturing. They are going to think you are bigger than you are and you're going to have a lot of explaining to do.
How do you think top dope dealers get pinched? LE just rolls up to their house and arrests them? Lol No they arrest a few pooks that don't wanna do any time and they rat lol So all you guys who think awww "nothing will happen". WAKE THE FUCK UP!
How do you think top dope dealers get pinched? LE just rolls up to their house and arrests them? Lol No they arrest a few pooks that don't wanna do any time and they rat lol So all you guys who think awww "nothing will happen". WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Lol for real. If it was a bag of weed i would believe that but a few vials of steroids? Come on now when was the last time you heard a cop say "oh a couple vials juice idc about that shit" NEVER
On a side note @colossus25 that is a pretty green ass gym in your avi. Hell, even the dude on the pull down has a green shirt lol
Lmaoo its like the incredible hulk works out there haha naw its a youfit i went too when i was visiting miami. I would go crazy going to a place like that every fucking day. The lighting was pretty good though haha
How do you think top dope dealers get pinched? LE just rolls up to their house and arrests them? Lol No they arrest a few pooks that don't wanna do any time and they rat lol So all you guys who think awww "nothing will happen". WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Not to be a dick but I'm not really sure if you're implying I'm someone that needs to wake the fuck up. I simplified the process but that's pretty accurate what I wrote. Especially starting at the bottom and working your way up the chain.
Not to be a dick but I'm not really sure if you're implying I'm someone that needs to wake the fuck up. I simplified the process but that's pretty accurate what I wrote. Especially starting at the bottom and working your way up the chain.
After re-reading your post i think you're on the money for the most part but the way some of the other guys made it seem was that cops don't really care about a couple of vials which we both know couldn't be further from the truth. There was a guy not too long ago that made the new for getting pulled over with a loaded syringe......