Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I have seen quite a few negative comments about the length of time it is taking packages to land. So I figured I would share my experience. I first spoke to them on the sixth and by the time a somewhat frustrating payment (due to the proton thing) was made it was the seventh and now the eighth in China. I opted for express (US) in hopes of beating the CNY and I received it today. I was pleased with my experience. Although next time I probably will not use Express for the simple fact that it is not guaranteed. Hope this helps someone.
Not that I have seen but I only ordered Dhb so I knew it was that, previously when I ordered 2 it was labelled - glad it did crash a bit though as fills me with more confidence it is DHB - I do think QSC are very reliable, never had any issues before with them
I’m running QSC’s DHB and mine crashed too. Took literally 1 min with a lighter to get it back to normal. DHB is my new favorite compound. I’m killing it every week at the gym. I look at DHB like organic tren lol gains like tren but I just feel a little healthier on it.
I’m running QSC’s DHB and mine crashed too. Took literally 1 min with a lighter to get it back to normal. DHB is my new favorite compound. I’m killing it every week at the gym. I look at DHB like organic tren lol gains like tren but I just feel a little healthier on it.
Just pinned 300mg of DHB today, PIP is noticeably more than usual for me, however, it's not a problem at all, feels fine - Cannot wait for it to properly kick in, in around 3 weeks time
Just pinned 300mg of DHB today, PIP is noticeably more than usual for me, however, it's not a problem at all, feels fine - Cannot wait for it to properly kick in, in around 3 weeks time
Well 300mg is a big ass shot of DHB. I would be in pain too. I only pin 75-100mg, so 1ml or less at a time and warm in up prior. Warming it seems to help a lot to where I don’t get any pain unless I rush and do a sloppy shot. I think it disperses better through the muscle when warm. You should like it. I would say just shy of the 3 week mark my veins started popping more and very noticeable strength increases. Unlike tren I can actually eat alot on DHB. Tren I feel great but lose my appetite.
Well 300mg is a big ass shot of DHB. I would be in pain too. I only pin 75-100mg, so 1ml or less at a time and warm in up prior. Warming it seems to help a lot to where I don’t get any pain unless I rush and do a sloppy shot. I think it disperses better through the muscle when warm. You should like it. I would say just shy of the 3 week mark my veins started popping more and very noticeable strength increases. Unlike tren I can actually eat alot on DHB. Tren I feel great but lose my appetite.
Going forward I'll be doing .75 DHB and .25test x4 per week, it's just I've done a bit of front loading to try and get it into the system faster, it was x3 subq too, but the following shot will be in the ass until the fat recovers lol - Can't wait fir the strength gains I feel that's really needed for me to break this plateu, I didn't really handle tren very well, most noticeably blood pressure so hopefully DHB will be king to my blood pressure and of course, hopefully my liver
Oil based winstrol from QSC arrived like this! How do I fix it?


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I used to put stuff in hot water but it's not the smartest thing to do after learning more. Water is the last thing you want around any kind of oil injectables. It's a lot safer to warm it up on a coffee warmer.
Have always warmed my vials of castor oil test enanthate in ~50°C water for 30 seconds to make it easier to push through a slin pin…

What's the reasoning behind keeping it dry if the vials are crimped and sealed properly?
Received my order at 3 weeks on the dot, with holidays and all. Still waiting on rep’s response which label is which, but overall much quicker than expected.
Have always warmed my vials of castor oil test enanthate in ~50°C water for 30 seconds to make it easier to push through a slin pin…

What's the reasoning behind keeping it dry if the vials are crimped and sealed properly?
I am guessing water is a bacterial playground and you don't want that near a needle
Just wanted to chime in. I made an order just before Christmas and received it today (EU). Everything seems to be in good order. It was packaged well, all emails have been replied to promptly and overall it's been a good experience.
I have seen quite a few negative comments about the length of time it is taking packages to land. So I figured I would share my experience. I first spoke to them on the sixth and by the time a somewhat frustrating payment (due to the proton thing) was made it was the seventh and now the eighth in China. I opted for express (US) in hopes of beating the CNY and I received it today. I was pleased with my experience. Although next time I probably will not use Express for the simple fact that it is not guaranteed. Hope this helps someone.
Do you mean express as in UPS/fedex? How long was your package in their customs? I was debating this shipping method myself for my next order

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Is there a policy on testing your products? Do you offer any store credit or anything?