Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Just a suggestion - could you sticky the current price list on your first page? I may not be doing this the most efficient way, but searching through hundreds of pages on this thread for the most recent price update is always a pain.

Also, I stumbled across instructions for how you want order emails formatted, but I can't find it now - maybe sticky that on the first page too?

Lastly, any chance inventory could be updated there as well? Countless forum posts about this item and that item running low/out of stock/restocked, etc.

It would be very helpful to have one consistent place to find this info.
All you got to do is literally Search the word "list" in this forum and it pops up every time.
Then put qsc as the member. Been doing this a year. Works perfect dick breath.
Fagtard, don't be projecting your sexual frustrations onto others in the forum. Keep practicing those blowjobs and maybe if you get good enough at them, your little buttranger buddy might let you be on top one day.
yeah I ordered a kit of the 10mg the day they went out of stock. Had to pay an extra $91 to get (2) x 5mg.

But if I would have waited for a restock I would have lapsed in my dosing as I’m halfway through a 5mg kit right now. Still grateful for QSC because Tirze is super pricey everywhere else I’ve seen it.
Yeah I ordered the smaller one last time but I’m sure I’ll end up needing the larger dosage so it’d be cool to just get the bigger kit if it’s in stock soon. I’m hoping it gives me less sides than sema, it works great but I get nauseous and wicked heartburn at night.
idk man would i rather be 85 , lived a shitty life , dont nothing, looked like shit throughout my life
or died at 60 and reached whatever the potential was for me
This is easy to say when you are young and healthy. Your thoughts change the closer you get to death. I've been on the edge before and I was only 33, looking good is the last thing on your mind.
This is always silly because nobody knows what those numbers actually are, and so they just pull numbers out of their ass that fit the conclusion they want to make.

What if, instead of 60 vs 85, that's 50 vs 85? Or 40 vs 85?

Also, the guy you replied to didn't say anything about sacrificing your potential, he just suggested doing it as safely as possible.
First of all you can’t predict anything in life, especialy your death, it can happen tomorrow or. In few years. That’s the reality of life, you all live in a dream world at thinking rhat if you don’t take steroids you will live until 90.
Lmao wrong, and i knew a guys that aven at 500mg test / w. Had a multiple side effects and very soft gains, so again Everybody is different