Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

People gain the weight because obesity is a chronic, relapsing disease, and medicine is starting to recognize it. It's just one of the few diseases you can still get criticized for having. Drugs like semaglutide are meant to be lifelong, just like insulin or antidepressants or anything else used to treat chronic disease.
Correct a lot of us older folks would need to stay on it for life. I'm someone that would benefit staying on it forever.I've never been obese but I'm borderline diabetic even eating healthy. I've never become diabetic but I have poor insulin sensitivity and Insulin resistance. Sometimes my fasted glucose before semiglutide looks like I was on HGH even when I wasn't. Diabetes runs in my family and I've never had it but I'm borderline. it's not from a healthy diet I eat a lot of salmon a lot of broccoli a lot of vegetables.... sometimes you just can't escape it as you get older and it's genetics.
I performed some measurements last night with the micro scoops

All measurements done with the A&D Newton EJ-303.
All scoops using big side, level and not packed and multiple measurement to compare scoops:

Telmisartan: orange scoop 4mg
Turnibol: Orange scoop 13mg
Var: Orange scoop 15mg
glutathione: Orange scoop 10 mg
Carderine GW501516: Orange scoop 20mg / red scoop 10mg
Tretinoin: Orange scoop 4mg (this is the topical solution that is like retinol-a)
Berberine: Orange scoop 7mg
TUDCA: Orange scoop 16mg

I am on the search for a slightly larger scoop that is a common scoop, for the Telmisartan and TUDCA..

on a sidenote, if anybody purchases the telmisartan raws. make sure that you have plenty of silicia gel packs. this raw really absorbs moisture like crazy.

I was wondering if anyone was using the Telmisartin. I was planning on getting some in the future.
It seems GTG to you?
I see you are using berberine, by chance have you tried their metformin?
I’ve used metformin for years and would prefer to stick with that instead of trying berberine.
They ship it into Canada, then repackage it and ship it out domestic, way less likely to get the parcel seized. Yea you get a domestic tracking number
But it still comes from china right? It's in the same packaging if it makes it through customs your good. The only time I've seen something seized domestic is when someone tried shipping a bag of weed that stunk and it returned to seller and cannabis vendors whos shipping company name got flagged
But it still comes from china right? It's in the same packaging if it makes it through customs your good. The only time I've seen something seized domestic is when someone tried shipping a bag of weed that stunk and it returned to seller and cannabis vendors whos shipping company name got flagged
Yea, the reship ensures that if it does get seized they reship again.

only BTC.
Thank you!