Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So last week you didn't notice the underdosing until now?

Because this is how you reacted to the thread of oils lab tests.

You even made the first excited comment..:p

View attachment 158613View attachment 158612

Products are marketed as real dosage, you can't talk about underdosing.

Price list attached

Oups! forgot you are on the ignore list
Excited to tear you apart for the underdosing

Edit: and let’s not forget who egged you on to post said results :p
God dammit, and that TB500 and BPC-157 was looking mighty good. How are we sure this under dosing issue isn't happening with rc/peptide sellers domestically? I'm sure all these guys are probably getting their raws from Chinese distributors.
God dammit, and that TB500 and BPC-157 was looking mighty good. How are we sure this under dosing issue isn't happening with rc/peptide sellers domestically? I'm sure all these guys are probably getting their raws from Chinese distributors.
Yes i was looking at alot of stuff too.

Someone or quidao should send another vial to test, to jano
Yes i was looking at alot of stuff too.

Someone or quidao should send another vial to test, to jano

We are working on HCG right now, since we know that generic hcg can have this kind of problems.
If we ain't able to provide a very reliable local solution for HCG, we will probably have no choice except testing it by Jano for all future batches.

HCG is quite specific, because we used to do only ELISA quantitative tests for it not like peptides and HGH (all tested by HPLC for purity), then we fill the vials.

Our HGH frag and HGH were tested in french Meso, and I've thought seen some MT2 testing before (not sure since i can't find it). we are very confident about all our peptides and HGH, also raws, oils were never tested before, it's our very first time to do quantitative tests for finished oils, and they all are public, I can even reimburse 100% lab test if it comes not as expected for tested oils or if peptides/HGH comes not as expected.
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This is a reliable source. Whether it's shipping or packaging. No problem with their oil and hgh.
I guess the test results of these crap are competitors smearing them.
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we are very confident about all our peptides and HGH, also raws, oils were never tested before, it's our very first time to do quantitative tests for finished oils, and they all are public, I can even reimburse 100% lab test if it comes not as expected for tested oils or if peptides/HGH comes not as expected.
“Very confident about all our peptides” … we’re you confident with your hcg?

“Oils were never tested before” … your brewers can’t do basic math?

“I can reimburse 100% lab test if it comes not as expected for tested oils or if peptides/HGH comes not as expected.” … what about if they didn’t have it tested but someone else did and their gear is from the same batch? Any reimbursement? Or just for those that send tests?
We are working on HCG right now, since we know that generic hcg can have this kind of problems.
If we ain't able to provide a very reliable local solution for HCG, we will probably have no choice except testing it by Jano for all future batches.

HCG is quite specific, because we used to do only ELISA quantitative tests for it not like peptides and HGH (all tested by HPLC for purity), then we fill the vials.

Our HGH frag and HGH were tested in french Meso, and I've thought seen some MT2 testing before (not sure since i can't find it). we are very confident about all our peptides and HGH, also raws, oils were never tested before, it's our very first time to do quantitative tests for finished oils, and they all are public, I can even reimburse 100% lab test if it comes not as expected for tested oils or if peptides/HGH comes not as expected.
Here’s another question… if I send this hcg for testing, the one already tested by another member, you’ll reimburse me for the test if it’s underdosed by about 50%?
Im not a pro or agains @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals but tbh with those prices i cannot complain, at least they say "yeah we fucked up"

Obviously if tests show you under dosed and member tested your "5000iu" HCG to only find out its 2500iu thats big bag of white poop with whip cream on top and you should fix it and make it right with that client.

Same for all the lab testing you did for the oils, kudus to you for publishing them even as they are not cherry picked great results but thats the time to check whats up with the brewers and fix that.

And then after a couple of months of good tests results this thread will be full with members praising your company and you will have more orders then ever before.

Just couple of things to think about.

Stay hydrated.
This thread can be summed up easily.... DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN.

What happened to MESO??? Is this now a "Source Board"?? Here we have another cunty rude Chinaman deflecting what the vets here say and a whole bunch of newbs shilling for some cheap crap that has very limited testing. 149 pages in this thread, but wasn't Qingdao ran off during their first attempt?

When the source ignores guys like @Sp2.0 it should be RED FLAGS. You all are going to be taken for a lot of money when orders stop landing and there's a one month lag period where idiots keep placing orders. This is going to end very badly. Too many white knight newbs....
Welcome to ignore list too, if anyone here pits me or my business down you go on my ignore list. If you want ask for testing you go on my ignore list. If you point out an issue with my products you go on my ignore list. It is our companies long standing policy to ignore customers that have anything negative to say
Fixed it for you
What happened to MESO??? Is this now a "Source Board"?? Here we have another cunty rude Chinaman deflecting what the vets here say and a whole bunch of newbs shilling for some cheap crap that has very limited testing
There was a group of members banned. I am not getting into why they were banned but. They all were the most vocal keeping these labs in line and pushing the Harm Reduction agenda. Now that they are gone, the shills, the shitty sources like @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals and @robertbrown with Naps are thinking its their time to turn Meso into a source board. They even think becoming a sponsor of Meso will give them more power. There arent many left that will call out a source these days here.

Unless more members that are here start recognizing the signs of bad sources, and call them and their shills out. Sadly,eso is going to become just another source board
This thread can be summed up easily.... DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN.

What happened to MESO??? Is this now a "Source Board"?? Here we have another cunty rude Chinaman deflecting what the vets here say and a whole bunch of newbs shilling for some cheap crap that has very limited testing. 149 pages in this thread, but wasn't Qingdao ran off during their first attempt?

When the source ignores guys like @Sp2.0 it should be RED FLAGS. You all are going to be taken for a lot of money when orders stop landing and there's a one month lag period where idiots keep placing orders. This is going to end very badly. Too many white knight newbs....
All very well said. Welcome back to Meso.
This thread can be summed up easily.... DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN.

What happened to MESO??? Is this now a "Source Board"?? Here we have another cunty rude Chinaman deflecting what the vets here say and a whole bunch of newbs shilling for some cheap crap that has very limited testing. 149 pages in this thread, but wasn't Qingdao ran off during their first attempt?

When the source ignores guys like @Sp2.0 it should be RED FLAGS. You all are going to be taken for a lot of money when orders stop landing and there's a one month lag period where idiots keep placing orders. This is going to end very badly. Too many white knight newbs....
Hmm, do you not know all or 90% of the raw material comes from China? The issue is the customer service, which I hope they get that fixed. I'm sure if you look hard enough, you can find a supplier just as these guys. So, even if you're buying year in Canada, US, or anywhere in the world you're working with China.
Hmm, do you not know all or 90% of the raw material comes from China? The issue is the customer service, which I hope they get that fixed. I'm sure if you look hard enough, you can find a supplier just as these guys. So, even if you're buying year in Canada, US, or anywhere in the world you're working with China.

Case in point is @mrbishop here. Joined December 5 2021. Has 44 of his 47 posts exclusively in this thread. Call this guy out.