Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

have the same problems... The pharma hgh does all what the generics do, only better and without side effects. Do you can also go
higher dose with genotropin without cts?
I’ve never gone above 3iu with geno’s as I’m using it for anti aging/recovery so no sides to report. The dose doesn’t matter for generics no matter my protocol, the sides come, I’ve tried everything from 1iu for months, slowly ramping up, backing down etc I feel and look terrible especially in my face which is usually slim and defined. That being said I have friends who can run generics no problem, I think it all comes down to the individual
its raw. so you can control it
Ohhh I that they were capped…hmmm that’s interesting I’ve never been able to get that raw….I don’t know much about capping raws.. would it be just like it 1 gram raw can make an 800 mg cap like the ones I get but they’re pills
I will look it up, it was in one of @Type-IIx posts. To get an accurate igf-1 reading it was somewhere around the 6 week time mark to get bloodwork done.
The 6 week mark (at a constant rhGH dose) is when serum IGF-I peaks on an rhGH regimen, and provides an accurate measure of the user's GH response or sensitivity of liver somatotrophs.

RhGH (recombinant human growth hormone) stimulates a significant increase to IGF-I within hours... but so do any variety of secretagogue peptides (Ghrelin mimetics, GHS-R agonists; GHRP-R agonists; GHRH-R agonists) and insulin (recombinant formulations, etc.)

You use the 6 week IGF-I bloodwork measure to quantify your GH response, not to authenticate/verify or quality/purity test a formulation. For that you'd use HP/LC testing like what janoshik provides.
Tracy,tell engineer to make dimethyl version of m1t so be it dimetyl1testosterone. That would have to be epic haha...i know it wont happen but let me keep dreaming
It's not about is it elevated or not, its about getting the correct igf-1 reading which is bs after 2 weeks as it will usually go down at the 4-6 week mark.

I thought we were holding off on calling IGF-1 measurements after specific periods of time "BS" until we could find refs?

IGF-1 definitely doesn't budge within 24 hours - Sci-Hub | Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of recombinant human growth hormone by subcutaneous jet- or needle-injection in patients with growth hormone deficiency. Acta Paediatrica, 86(12), 1301–1307 | 10.1111/j.1651-2227.1997.tb14902.x

Still looking for refs showing IGF-1 after 2-6 weeks of GH administration.

The 6 week mark (at a constant rhGH dose) is when serum IGF-I peaks on an rhGH regimen, and provides an accurate measure of the user's GH response or sensitivity of liver somatotrophs.

RhGH (recombinant human growth hormone) stimulates a significant increase to IGF-I within hours... but so do any variety of secretagogue peptides (Ghrelin mimetics, GHS-R agonists; GHRP-R agonists; GHRH-R agonists) and insulin (recombinant formulations, etc.)

You use the 6 week IGF-I bloodwork measure to quantify your GH response, not to authenticate/verify or quality/purity test a formulation. For that you'd use HP/LC testing like what janoshik provides.

I found one ref showing no rise in IGF-1 24 hours after GH administration: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1651-2227.1997.tb14902.x

@HB_22 @melissa1991
it always will be brother.

Some people join here just to look for a source. They will ask a question, find out how to order. Never come back again.

That was part of my original intentions but I found a board I enjoyed to go to. I wanted to learn and make sure I wasn't doing stupid shit.
Same here. I've done a couple posts and comments not here, but this thread is wildly entertaining so when I'm not looking for something elsewhere in the forum I catch up here
The 6 week mark (at a constant rhGH dose) is when serum IGF-I peaks on an rhGH regimen, and provides an accurate measure of the user's GH response or sensitivity of liver somatotrophs.

RhGH (recombinant human growth hormone) stimulates a significant increase to IGF-I within hours... but so do any variety of secretagogue peptides (Ghrelin mimetics, GHS-R agonists; GHRP-R agonists; GHRH-R agonists) and insulin (recombinant formulations, etc.)

You use the 6 week IGF-I bloodwork measure to quantify your GH response, not to authenticate/verify or quality/purity test a formulation. For that you'd use HP/LC testing like what janoshik provides.
That's what I was referring to, I just suck at putting it into words as this is not my other tongue. Thanks again for sharing this.
HGH pens are available in Spanish and USA warehouses

5x36iu boxes

1 box = 5 big vials of 36iu each = 180 IU

The pen will be sent for testing to Janoshik

But the refillable pens are not available, we can send them from China or you can simply buy them from this link on alibaba:


If you can find the same reference on amazon or some other website for faster delivery feel free to buy it.

I will decide the price of kits in few hours.