Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

would be any possibility to make mk677 pills again? or for custom order? i had last time from you and had best sleep ever. As I work 105hrs a week+travel.. i barely have time to sleep and having hard time to fall. Don't wanna die in car..I dont wanna order powder coz every time it becomes like hard caramel...Like I would pay for powder and extra for making them into pills...or you can't make pills at all anymore? I remember there was something about law?
Haha yeah I know exactly what you mean, whenever I have mk677 powder if I don't cap it up as soon as I open it, it turns into a solid brown sticky rock or caramel as you call it. I usually buy my mk677 tablets from a source that makes them at 25mg because that's what I dose at so it works perfectly for me, but it just costs a lot vs buying powder
Does anybody know how long tirzepatide stays good for once you reconstitute it? Cuz like if you have 15mg vials and are only taking say 4mg a week. Is it going to rapidly degrade over the next 4 weeks. And I know obviously keep it in the fridge.
You can't say " I believe it is underdosed because..."
Your free test is very high, which is really good and basically want you want.

Those are two different things. Total testosterone correlates well with overall dose. Free testosterone is affected by more factors other than testosterone dose. Eg, SHBG.
Does anybody know how long tirzepatide stays good for once you reconstitute it? Cuz like if you have 15mg vials and are only taking say 4mg a week. Is it going to rapidly degrade over the next 4 weeks. And I know obviously keep it in the fridge.
I make mine in 3ml cartridges for Humapen to cover two months of doses, and don’t see any drop off in effectiveness with the last dose after two months. I keep the pen in the fridge.
Do you guys ever get a confirmation that payment was received and/or a tracking number when it goes out? Or does it just show up one day? Domestic USA

Also, how long do you wait to email back when you submit an order and don’t get a response? I like QSC a lot but I’m starting to wonder if their volume has gone up to the point where it’s harder to communicate
Yes its the volume, it takes longer now, 2-3 days for tracking, and then an extra day or to to get pack sent out… it is the excess volume, it is overload.
Yes its the volume, it takes longer now, 2-3 days for tracking, and then an extra day or to to get pack sent out… it is the excess volume, it is overload.
For me it’s usually tracking number 8 days after payment then another 8-10 days before they actually ship it
in my personal experience

sema: Strong GLP-1 only Slows the gut, makes you full fast af. You will still get hungry and have "food noise". Easiest to get sick on and has most sides. Stopped at 1.5mg every 7days cause I was getting nauseous during exercise and could not push myself on cardio or strength work as much as I wanted without feeling sick.

Tirz: weak GLP-1 and strong GIP. Heavy suppression of "food noise" and feeling of hunger, small but noticeable slowing of gut. I have almost forgot to eat on my high carb days because it works so well. The mental suppression to eat is more effective for me and I get no sides. Has a 5 day half life so I dose every 5 days.

Reta: GLP-1 GIP Glucagon. Same mental suppression as tirz with little gut slowing. Has a minor simulant effect at all times and makes me run hotter, sweat more during cardio, makes food taste worse. Just started on low dose so cant speak to higher doses for sides or effectiveness vs tirz. Half life is 6 days so that's how often I dose.

People have reported increased heart rates and arrhythmia on reta. My resting hr stays between 46-52 on all of them.

Some people stack them with degrees of success, if your foods all prepped and you just need to stick the show prep diet they all work on their own imo. Tirz just got the FDA approval as a weight loss drug so if ur gunna pick just one Id say Tirz, most effective with least sides and FDA says its good to go. Retas still in trials.
I must respond shitty to Reta. I placed my order during the break and got orange tops. I'm on vial 2 and I'm much hungrier than I was on Tirz.

I do have fewer gastro side effects when I eat a normal sized meal or when I have fast food though.
My girl gets the bland food taste side effect with some things, but I don't.
I must respond shitty to Reta. I placed my order during the break and got orange tops. I'm on vial 2 and I'm much hungrier than I was on Tirz.

I do have fewer gastro side effects when I eat a normal sized meal or when I have fast food though.
My girl gets the bland food taste side effect with some things, but I don't.
how is the fat loss compared to tirz?
would be any possibility to make mk677 pills again? or for custom order? i had last time from you and had best sleep ever. As I work 105hrs a week+travel.. i barely have time to sleep and having hard time to fall. Don't wanna die in car..I dont wanna order powder coz every time it becomes like hard caramel...Like I would pay for powder and extra for making them into pills...or you can't make pills at all anymore? I remember there was something about law?
why were you planning on running mk677 at the same time as these weight loss drugs?