Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

in my personal experience

sema: Strong GLP-1 only Slows the gut, makes you full fast af. You will still get hungry and have "food noise". Easiest to get sick on and has most sides. Stopped at 1.5mg every 7days cause I was getting nauseous during exercise and could not push myself on cardio or strength work as much as I wanted without feeling sick.

Tirz: weak GLP-1 and strong GIP. Heavy suppression of "food noise" and feeling of hunger, small but noticeable slowing of gut. I have almost forgot to eat on my high carb days because it works so well. The mental suppression to eat is more effective for me and I get no sides. Has a 5 day half life so I dose every 5 days.

Reta: GLP-1 GIP Glucagon. Same mental suppression as tirz with little gut slowing. Has a minor simulant effect at all times and makes me run hotter, sweat more during cardio, makes food taste worse. Just started on low dose so cant speak to higher doses for sides or effectiveness vs tirz. Half life is 6 days so that's how often I dose.

People have reported increased heart rates and arrhythmia on reta. My resting hr stays between 46-52 on all of them.

Some people stack them with degrees of success, if your foods all prepped and you just need to stick the show prep diet they all work on their own imo. Tirz just got the FDA approval as a weight loss drug so if ur gunna pick just one Id say Tirz, most effective with least sides and FDA says its good to go. Retas still in trials.
Thanks for the comparison. My experience has been Tirzepatide is light years ahead of Semaglutide in terms of sides. I could barely eat on Sema and Zofran didn’t help with the sour stomach that was constant. Not to mention the headaches I would experience daily. The headaches were tolerable but still not enjoyable. No negative effects whatsoever on my resting heart rate. I was actually prescribed by my cardiologist to lose weight and get my A1C under control as well as maintain a healthy heart.

Tirzepatide I’ve been so happy with. The weight loss has maintained itself at 5mg weekly with zero sides. I actually eat and want to eat most times of the day but it definitely curbs your appetite. My experience was I did Sema for three unbearable months and then switched to Tirzepatide and have lost a little more body fat along the way and have stabilized glucose levels in conjunction with clean eating and Jardiance (empagliflozin) 10mg once daily. Workouts have gotten better since I am not starving or need to force myself to eat and my mindset and mood are all on point (sure it had something to do with not being able to eat much)
Thanks for the comparison. My experience has been Tirzepatide is light years ahead of Semaglutide in terms of sides. I could barely eat on Sema and Zofran didn’t help with the sour stomach that was constant. Not to mention the headaches I would experience daily. The headaches were tolerable but still not enjoyable. No negative effects whatsoever on my resting heart rate. I was actually prescribed by my cardiologist to lose weight and get my A1C under control as well as maintain a healthy heart.

Tirzepatide I’ve been so happy with. The weight loss has maintained itself at 5mg weekly with zero sides. I actually eat and want to eat most times of the day but it definitely curbs your appetite. My experience was I did Sema for three unbearable months and then switched to Tirzepatide and have lost a little more body fat along the way and have stabilized glucose levels in conjunction with clean eating and Jardiance (empagliflozin) 10mg once daily. Workouts have gotten better since I am not starving or need to force myself to eat and my mindset and mood are all on point (sure it had something to do with not being able to eat much)
I've been on QSC Tirzepatide for about 6 weeks. To me it is a little more effective the Semaglutide. Definitely has a similar effect on how quickly I feel and stay full after a meal. I had a large lunch yesterday and was still stuffed at dinnertime. QSC's product is legit!
Those are two different things. Total testosterone correlates well with overall dose. Free testosterone is affected by more factors other than testosterone dose. Eg, SHBG.
So does this mean my total testosterone should have been higher on 600mg a week compared to my 500 mg a week run? Since you said it correlates well with overall dose. Or since I've been blasting and cruising my blood levels won't be as high as they were last time due to receptor down regulation?
So does this mean my total testosterone should have been higher on 600mg a week compared to my 500 mg a week run? Since you said it correlates well with overall dose. Or since I've been blasting and cruising my blood levels won't be as high as they were last time due to receptor down regulation?
Stop overthinking lol
about 5-6 orders of retatrutide us domestic has been paid, but it's sold out us domestic, will contact customers for either refund or wait for retatrutide 10mg to be back to stock us domestic, another batch already in transit and will be in usa warehouse in a week at earliest.

If you haven't pay your order yet for domestic reta, don't pay it.
I must respond shitty to Reta. I placed my order during the break and got orange tops. I'm on vial 2 and I'm much hungrier than I was on Tirz.

I do have fewer gastro side effects when I eat a normal sized meal or when I have fast food though.
My girl gets the bland food taste side effect with some things, but I don't.
I have heard people say the same thing about Reta effectiveness if you jumped right from Tirz to reta and still had a little bit of a tolerance from the other drug. But I took a maintenance calorie month off tirz before trying out reta and I found the mental suppression to be very similar.
Thanks for the comparison. My experience has been Tirzepatide is light years ahead of Semaglutide in terms of sides. I could barely eat on Sema and Zofran didn’t help with the sour stomach that was constant. Not to mention the headaches I would experience daily. The headaches were tolerable but still not enjoyable. No negative effects whatsoever on my resting heart rate. I was actually prescribed by my cardiologist to lose weight and get my A1C under control as well as maintain a healthy heart.

Tirzepatide I’ve been so happy with. The weight loss has maintained itself at 5mg weekly with zero sides. I actually eat and want to eat most times of the day but it definitely curbs your appetite. My experience was I did Sema for three unbearable months and then switched to Tirzepatide and have lost a little more body fat along the way and have stabilized glucose levels in conjunction with clean eating and Jardiance (empagliflozin) 10mg once daily. Workouts have gotten better since I am not starving or need to force myself to eat and my mindset and mood are all on point (sure it had something to do with not being able to eat much)
Tirz is definitely a step up! All about finding that balance and losing in a steady and sustained pace while making lifestyle changes you can maintain going forward. glad its working for ya. for ppl who have gastric issues on sema I suggest having a peice of fruit before and after your protein and carb meal to keep enough fiber in ya so everything digests a little smoother, and I feel fuller a little longer.
So I’ve been running QSC HGH for about a year and a half straight either 2 or 3 IU per day. So a bunch of kits. I ran into my first cloudy vial. 6th vial in a kit and the 7th is clear. Just that one vial. It had no vacuum and very cloudy, almost milky. I don’t plan on pinning it but haven’t tossed it yet. Whats the consensus on cloudy vials? Thanks
So I’ve been running QSC HGH for about a year and a half straight either 2 or 3 IU per day. So a bunch of kits. I ran into my first cloudy vial. 6th vial in a kit and the 7th is clear. Just that one vial. It had no vacuum and very cloudy, almost milky. I don’t plan on pinning it but haven’t tossed it yet. Whats the consensus on cloudy vials? Thanks
do it jewish GIF
would be any possibility to make mk677 pills again? or for custom order? i had last time from you and had best sleep ever. As I work 105hrs a week+travel.. i barely have time to sleep and having hard time to fall. Don't wanna die in car..I dont wanna order powder coz every time it becomes like hard caramel...Like I would pay for powder and extra for making them into pills...or you can't make pills at all anymore? I remember there was something about law?
lol. Never gonna happen , get a new job too ..
So I’ve been running QSC HGH for about a year and a half straight either 2 or 3 IU per day. So a bunch of kits. I ran into my first cloudy vial. 6th vial in a kit and the 7th is clear. Just that one vial. It had no vacuum and very cloudy, almost milky. I don’t plan on pinning it but haven’t tossed it yet. Whats the consensus on cloudy vials? Thanks
Cloudy hgh can mean a number of things, it can mean it was banged around during transit, it can mean the amino acid chain is broken, it can mean the potency is low, it can mean bacteria, anf so on. It happens in pharma hgh too. But bottom line is not worth taking the risk, I know people that do use cloudy hgh but I will not take the chance. It's.not worth it. Just toss that shit. Every once in a while.i get a cloudy vial from qsc but I toss it every time.