Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I mean, it happens in both versions from your sourcing vendor? aod9604 is hgh frag with a disulphide bridge, they are basically the same in body but not chemistry, thats why I asked if cloudy/precipitations happens in both versions

anybody tried with acetic acid? i've tried hgh frag from a source once and it came clear, both 2mg/5mg version, but aod9604 qingdao have some precipitations, but I am injecting anyway
I personally wouldn't use an acid to reconstitute a peptides. They are proteins right amino acids and what happens when you put protein in an acid. It pickles so I don't think it's the best idea but I don't really know.
Recived my Test cypionat international in 3 weeks from payment To europe.

But its super crashed , pure crystalized.

Even after Heat IT Up for 20min in boild water IT will start to Crash again the next days....

That sucks

Any ideas or Tips To make.it more stabile?
I also received the Testo C 2 days ago and they were 10 "crash" vials, but honestly by heating them everything was sorted out, I wanted to try ordering the Testo E but I'm afraid of the PIP, I feel great with the Cypionate one from Tracy, I feel the libido at maximum and no PIP even with 3-4-5ml injections by mixing other products together
You cannot "choose". If it's in stock domestic then you must order domestic.
Yup that's my experience too even if you "choose" international you'll be surprised when the price comes up as domestic and it shows up in a week haha
Anyone used thier MENT or DHB? Just got some and want to know how you guys are using it and results.
DHB has a brutal bite. Give it about two days to start hurting and then hold on for the ride. Pain will peak by day 4. I have to limit to 30mg+30gso to soften the blow ED. I have tried everything else and it still hurts bad. At least this way it is tolerable.
DHB has a brutal bite. Give it about two days to start hurting and then hold on for the ride. Pain will peak by day 4. I have to limit to 30mg+30gso to soften the blow ED. I have tried everything else and it still hurts bad. At least this way it is tolerable.
so you are taking around 200mg per week? Most say 200-500mg per week is what you need. Dam I was going to star at 200mg and do 1ml 2x week
Right. That’s why I buy in bulk when not stocked domestic.

DHB has a brutal bite. Give it about two days to start hurting and then hold on for the ride. Pain will peak by day 4. I have to limit to 30mg+30gso to soften the blow ED. I have tried everything else and it still hurts bad. At least this way it is tolerable.

Plenty of feedback on QSC’s DHB being pip free for most people right here in this thread

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PS: The EQ is in two versions, sticky and sparse (liquid)
Sticky is +98% (for customers who order 1 kilo)
Liquid is 94%(for those who order less, eg. 100g)

PSS: These batchs are available for sale from China and will be available soon in USA warehouse along with other batchs of products, not tested yet, the samples were randomly picked to check the quality of the factory.
Anybody have experience brewing the sticky EQ? Need some advice as the batch i got, i absolutely cannot get to stay in solution even as low as 200mg/ml, whereas the liquid i have easily brewed as high as 600mg/ml with no issues
I got 2 packages in customs for a month w no update, 1 came out of customs for 10 days not moving, it looks like is a mess now with the holidays to order international now
Put in the oven at 125 degrees for like 15 mins.
F or C? F doesn't make sense so i'm clarifying for others.

I personally wouldn't use an acid to reconstitute a peptides. They are proteins right amino acids and what happens when you put protein in an acid. It pickles so I don't think it's the best idea but I don't really know.
I think the aod precipitate issue was addressed. It was mixed with semaglutide (and almost no aod) because Jesse didn't clean the equipment.

HGH 10iu 4.06mg/12.06iu 99%
HGH 15iu 5.55mg/16.6iu 95%
Based off this the quality isn’t the Same. I would like to see QSC re test there HGH and we can see if the 10iu are consistently testing this high.

Why not just reconstitute 3 vials and put into 1 vial?

If they sold 15iu US Dom id buy a lot.
I do that when I travel to cut down on how many vials I take with me.

At home I would just prefer to reconstitute fewer vials to save time.
I recently decided to trial 8iu, split AM/PM, so I go through the vials quickly. Plus with also reconstituting HCG, Reta, BPC, and TB it gets old.

I buy 12iu domestic HGH most of the time from probably the most popular North American HGH source, and when I place an international order with QSC I order some 15iu kits. If the 15iu kits were domestic I would probably buy them exclusively.
I'm not allowed to have whatapp on my phone, My girlfriend won't let me because I used it in the past to talk to my ex.

Is there an alternative way to place orders faster?