Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yeah, it was just on two different platforms and he copied an excerpt from the email and sent to me in WhatsApp. We lost a kid, so I like to think he has some good in him without being too naive. Know what I mean? Either way. It works on me. lol
Also either way, your advice about interaction style would be spot on.

I honestly do think he remembered you, he's got a surprisingly good memory for unique customers. I just wouldn't set the expectation that he remembers more than like 0.5% of customers. But the advice is valid either way, because due to his organization of his records, it's effectively the same outcome as if he did remember 99% of his customers.
Apples-to-apples includes the whole chain of fees from fiat to receiving product, including exchange fees and buy/sell spreads. Most of us don't do our primary accounting in BTC lmao

Ok, then use cashapp and pay ~1.7% to purchase and nothing for gas fee
Yeah, it was just on two different platforms and he copied an excerpt from the email and sent to me in WhatsApp. We lost a kid, so I like to think he has some good in him without being too naive. Know what I mean? Either way. It works on me. lol
Sorry man. My condolences to you and your family.
Ok, then use cashapp and pay ~1.7% to purchase and nothing for gas fee
For a $200 order you'd then add the $4 of TX fees and it would be 3.7% and now we're arguing over a difference of $4.60 for Alibaba vs. Crypto.

Point is, 5% is not a big deal for most small orders. Larger orders, maybe the $20-50 savings might be worth it. But either way it really isn't much compared to what you're already spending.
I’m truly happy with the order! Fast and high quality service and product. Can’t wait to order masteron or primo! I’m waiting for eu masteron, because I’m afraid of pip with primo. What do u suggest? Did someone experience harsh pip with primo 200? Gonna test it with jano anyway but I’m curious. Thanks in advance.
wait is that the milky bac water?
wait is that the milky bac water?
Since I don't have the previleges to answer that stupid post, I am glad you reminded me about it, that's not even bac water, and he made a whole post about bac water received from us and looking milky while it's a just a crashed steroid oil that he received, and everybody in that thread went full retarded talking shit about our quality based on a new member first post who was confused about what he received and he didn't log in since, and got back to his reddit.

The guys who commented in that thread are the same low level IQ who gonna ask me I think I received water my masteron is too clear to be an oil, well fuck now a new member first post was enough for them to believe that the opac kit was bac water and no one could even think about the possibility that he is maybe just taking a picture of the steroid oil he received and he is just confused.
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Since I don't have the previleges to answer that stupid post, I am glad you reminded me about it, that's not even bac water, and he made a whole post about bac water received from us and looking milky while it's a just a crashed steroid oil that he received, and everybody in that thread went full retarded talking shit about our quality based on a new member first post who was confused about what he received and he didn't log in since, and got back to his reddit.

The guys who commented in that thread are the same low level IQ who gonna ask me I think I received water my masteron is too clear to be an oil, well fuck now a new member first post was enough for them to believe that the opac kit was bac water and no one could even think about the possibility that he is maybe just taking a picture of the steroid oil he received and he is just confused.
So ur saying it IS the milky 'bac water' ;)
6th successful order. Approx 3wks for the reship.

Been on Sema on and off over the last year. As most of you know you adapt to it so even ramping up dosage eventually just leads to enough to take the edge of and eat at maintenance.

This order I tried out the Retatrutide. Omg. Instantly lost my appetite like the first time I started Sema, but without any of the side effects. I’ve been doing 1mg/day of Retat and not once have I gotten nausea nor sulfur burps. Been on for about 6 weeks and have lost 15lbs, hitting my lowest weight ever. Definitely my new favorite GLP-1+
@fike sorry for your loss mate


Placed order, received instructions, send money, received tr #

in a span of 6 days, the only exchange was 2 interactions for each party involved. And that is because the things I ordered are NOT needed for the next 6 months.

Plan ahead and you will not get anxiety and stupid.
For a $200 order you'd then add the $4 of TX fees and it would be 3.7% and now we're arguing over a difference of $4.60 for Alibaba vs. Crypto.

Point is, 5% is not a big deal for most small orders. Larger orders, maybe the $20-50 savings might be worth it. But either way it really isn't much compared to what you're already spending.

My whole point is it’s cheaper and gets cheaper the larger the order total is. If you’re not in the US and can’t use cashapp and are beholden to using an exchange then I can see your point. Exchanges aren’t meant for making payments.

Blind test of test C 250mg/ml by @Bigblackhelicopter

Test Report #36915.png

With QSC now, you can get the best accurately dosed injectable steroids, almost all recent tests are within 1%:

Primo 100mg/ml blind test:

Test Report #36787.png

Mast E 200mg/ml blind test:

Test Report #35385 (1).png

Ripped 300mg/ml (100mg each molecule)
