Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I think we all know the cops are on gear too, but let's not pretend like prosecutions don't happen.

And if you're not saying not to be careful, what are you saying? Nobody needs to be using WhatsApp, but Tracy has basically given us no option. I've been waiting 8 days, others have been waiting longer.

Again if your personal risk tolerance is that you're cool doing drug deals via WhatsApp upside down on a motorcycle in the rain, that's cool, but I'd appreciate having the option to use email instead
You do have an option. Wait for email reply, or shop elsewhere.

The complaining is annoying. Don't like walmart? Shop at target.
You do have an option. Wait for email reply, or shop elsewhere.

The complaining is annoying. Don't like walmart? Shop at target.
Right, yeah, how dare we hold sources to higher standards on Meso. So annoying.

For what it's worth Tracy already has my money for part of an order I'm trying to complete and I think I've been pretty patient. What's annoying is when he keeps popping in here to say he's active on WhatsApp and basically to go fuck myself.

Maybe Tracy will punish me for saying this stuff publicly, I don't know, but I feel pretty strongly that I have a duty to all y'all to call shots like I see them, and I'm really uncomfortable with what's happening here.

Flip side, if they do right by me, I'll be sure to let people know. I'm not a whiner by nature. Everybody can win here.
Right, yeah, how dare we hold sources to higher standards on Meso. So annoying.

For what it's worth Tracy already has my money for part of an order I'm trying to complete and I think I've been pretty patient. What's annoying is when he keeps popping in here to say he's active on WhatsApp and basically to go fuck myself.

Maybe Tracy will punish me for saying this stuff publicly, I don't know, but I feel pretty strongly that I have a duty to all y'all to call shots like I see them, and I'm really uncomfortable with what's happening here.

Flip side, if they do right by me, I'll be sure to let people know. I'm not a whiner by nature. Everybody can win here.
Your analogy makes no sense. You're not concerned about the product, you are concerned about your PREFERENCE of communication. You don't decide what method of communication a source uses, They do. If you don't like that, Then I guess tough luck? This guy makes millions, I doubt he's going to miss you orders.
Your analogy makes no sense. You're not concerned about the product, you are concerned about your PREFERENCE of communication. You don't decide what method of communication a source uses, They do. If you don't like that, Then I guess tough luck? This guy makes millions, I doubt he's going to miss you orders.
I actually agree with you, if a source says "WhatsApp only" then I can make a decision ahead of time not to use them, just like I'd make the decision not to use a source that only accepts bank transfers. And while I wouldn't suggest that anyone should, just for basic common sense opsec reasons, I respect their right to do it anyway.

The problem is when the source has been saying email is ok and putting it in their price list, and then just defacto moves over to WhatsApp only without any notice. Not even notice after the fact, rather just leaves everybody hanging for like what, 10 days now?

Meanwhile he's already got some of my money for a transaction we haven't actually completed via email.

You're right, their stuff is good, I've said so before and that's why I'm ordering it, and it's why I hope they decide they still want business from email-only users like me in the future.

But if you were in my situation you'd probably be frustrated too.
It's not this. I'm not worried about the messages, which are encrypted anyway.

For the below, I'm speaking specifically about US law, but it will probably be similar in any nation with a common law system.

There is a different "privacy standard" for the content of a message, versus the metadata of a message (information about the message itself).

Basically the cops need no justification to get your metadata, whereas the actual contents of your communications are highly privileged.

And boy are you fucked if the cops intercept a package full of illegal drugs addressed to you two weeks after the metadata indicates your cell phone messaged the WhatsApp number of a known vendor.

If you think you're too small fry to go to jail, that's okay. Live your best life. I guess I'm just one of those losers that wears a seatbelt and doesn't commit crimes via WhatsApp.

I should add that I'm not really blaming Tracy here, QSC probably (I hope) just got a nice new CRM package for WhatsApp and it's making his life so much easier he doesn't even want to use email anymore.

So, Tracy, I'm sorry if I'm fucking up a good thing for you here. But uh guys QSC transacts in illegal drugs, not party balloons. If you want me to use a messenger app, I'm willing to use Signal, that doesn't record any metadata. Meta is just about the least privacy-respecting company on the fucking planet. Using their product for drug deals is lunacy.
As long as you know what you are ordering. The more illegal, the deeper the counter measures.
So I created a whats app to contact and make orders and when I put in the number given it says they are not on what’s app yet. Anyone know what I’m doing wrong here? Need some help lol
So I created a whats app to contact and make orders and when I put in the number given it says they are not on what’s app yet. Anyone know what I’m doing wrong here? Need some help lol
I had the same problem. I had to close the app, reopen it, click on send message, and put the number in there instead of trying to add a contact first.
I had the same problem. I had to close the app, reopen it, click on send message, and put the number in there instead of trying to add a contact first.
I just tried that too . Do I need to have my country selected for the number I’m entering like where it says +1 ? Or do I need to have the country with +86 selected ? I’ve tried both ways an have got the same result both ways
I just tried that too . Do I need to have my country selected for the number I’m entering like where it says +1 ? Or do I need to have the country with +86 selected ? I’ve tried both ways an have got the same result both ways
Change the dropdown from "United States" to "China" and then put the rest of the number in.
Check your vials guys, got my promo order with test cyp and looks to be tiny filter fibers in about half the vials. Here's a pic of most obvious one.
Half expected this since it's happened before from them.
One thing to consider with the rise of GLPs... Regular house moms are ordered from people like QSC. Then if they don't get their order in a a week or two they're flipping out. At that point they're calling their credit card to dispute, Alibaba for disputes, and even calling USPS for packages not moving fast enough. It's mind boggling to read.

GLPs also really causes a boom with other peptides being ordered by your mom's friend, or your uncle Roger.

What comes of all that? Who knows, but the idea that these companies aren't at an increased chance of being monitored are getting slim at this point.
For the lazy paranoids who don't want to use their own phone or even get another physical burner for whatsapp, you could probably just download an android emulator and download whatsapp on there. Get a number from textverified or some other service to register and you should be good to go.
For the lazy paranoids who don't want to use their own phone or even get another physical burner for whatsapp, you could probably just download an android emulator and download whatsapp on there. Get a number from textverified or some other service to register and you should be good to go.
still gotta post your name and address
The old bodybuilding mantra, "do as much GH as you can afford," is relevant again.

Dosing 5 minutes or 5 hours earlier (minutiae), vs 4 or 20 IU hGH/d?
Not sure what you're asking but I usually keep it to 1-3 injections a day for hgh 5 hours apart usually.
One thing to consider with the rise of GLPs... Regular house moms are ordered from people like QSC. Then if they don't get their order in a a week or two they're flipping out. At that point they're calling their credit card to dispute, Alibaba for disputes, and even calling USPS for packages not moving fast enough. It's mind boggling to read.

GLPs also really causes a boom with other peptides being ordered by your mom's friend, or your uncle Roger.

What comes of all that? Who knows, but the idea that these companies aren't at an increased chance of being monitored are getting slim at this point.
It's the Amazon/Dreddit mentality..I want it now and if I don't get it, I'll raise shit with anyone who will listen to me and could care less abut exposing themselves or their supplier.
I think we all know the cops are on gear too, but let's not pretend like prosecutions don't happen.

For sure, but if we know anything it's that people are gate keeping "i got mine" bitches. They all get their hook up from the same doc who convinces them it's a legit medical reason, and anyone who would dare use it without a doctor's supervision is the scum of the earth and must be stopped.