Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It might not be great to send crypto directly from your exchange (eg, Binance, Coinbase, etc.) to the vendor.

People have been getting kicked off Coinbase for sending crypto to certain vendors.

If you can figure out how to pay using Binance, you can download a wallet, send crypto there first, then from there to the vendor. It's the same process, just rinse wash repeat.
Buy crypto on Robinhood transfer to cake wallet they will sell your bit coin from bit coin to xmr then send xmr to it to feather wallet and pay and you will pay they all take a cut. Safest way I know and I don't think the FBI is gonna spend 200 man hours on a 300 dollar prderthat they already use. They are a bunch of crooks any how it's all political these days.
Everyone here will just tell you its crypto is simple, quick and safe; everybody is doing it already.
Crypto is bullshit. Fucking imaginary money till converting to cash. Banks are required to report cash deposits over lower and lower amounts every year
. They need that money witch they steal for pennies on the trillion dollara so there crack smoking kid can pay all dads bills. We have not fought a war since world war 2 that we have not completely destroyed to people we were supposed to rescue be cause the media tells us how great things are. Every fucking thing we buy has gone up except for the giant flat screen TV. Pretty soon the will be giving the away to make sure maximum propaganda exposure. We have kill o er 20,000,000 men women and children since 9/11. Lost 7000 of our own children and the only thing we accomplish was making fuckers in DC rich and 20,000,000 families that will do anything to hurt this country for ever and it sound like they have a good argument
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Buy crypto on Robinhood transfer to cake wallet they will sell your bit coin from bit coin to xmr then send xmr to it to feather wallet and pay and you will pay they all take a cut. Safest way I know and I don't think the FBI is gonna spend 200 man hours on a 300 dollar prderthat they already use. They are a bunch of crooks any how it's all political these days.

Crypto is bullshit. Fucking imaginary money till converting to cash. Banks are required to report cash deposits over lower and lower amounts every year
. They need that money witch they steal for pennies on the trillion dollara so there crack smoking kid can pay all dads bills. We have not fought a war since world war 2 that we have not completely destroyed to people we were supposed to rescue be cause the media tells us how great things are. Every fucking thing we buy has gone up except for the giant flat screen TV. Pretty soon the will be giving the away to make sure maximum propaganda exposure. We have kill o er 20,000,000 men women and children since 9/11. Lost 7000 of our own children and the only thing we accomplish was making fuckers in DC rich and 20,000,000 families that will do anything to hurt this country for ever and it sound like they have a good argument
Hey man, I just came here to get gains and buy imaginary drugs bro.

Btw, you should track down the guy who reverse scammed qsc through alibaba hence they quit using that payment option.
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I haven't ordered for like a year so I forgot: If I'm in the US, is it better to order from the US warehouse price list or it doesn't matter that much? Shipping time is not a big concern, I ordered from the international list last time and got it fast.

I wish there were more options for Retatrutide quantity, I don't want to order ten 15mg vials on my first go-round with reta which I haven't tried before, I would rather order a smaller amount first to see how I like it. The international list has more options for retatrutide. Thanks. The best vendor!
For HGH, are these guys able to send to EU countries from inside EU aswell? For instance from Italy to Germany? So as to minimize custom risks.
For HGH, are these guys able to send to EU countries from inside EU aswell? For instance from Italy to Germany? So as to minimize custom risks.
Yes, they have 2 warehouses in the EU. i think one in germany and one in italy. So if you order from the EU list it will be shipped from there.
I've been reading about an Epitalon + Thymalin stack and it has me interested. Searching in this thread I see older references by QSC to Thymalin stock but the current price list only offers Thymulin (similar name, but not the same thing).

Was there a problem (or poor sales) that led to it being discontinued...?
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
There is no debate here.
If you doubt your products, test it.
At least with Qsc, price are low so to compare with other labs, even if you test your product, it still cheaper than any other.
On average tren ace is abt 50$ per vial (500$ the pack of ten)
Qsc 10$ per vial (100$ pack of ten)
Even you spend let say 200$ on testing you still 'save' 200$.

Even well known labs aren't perfect and must be tested in a doubt.

I m a qsc customer since they appear in here, even with mistakes done on the way, they worth it. I belive they learned from their mistakes and how to deal with people who keep complaining on silly things...
You folks all concerned about hiding your anonymity by jumping through crazy hoops using multiple apps and services just to pay for gear while thinking you are totally anonymous must be making HUUUGE moves and ordering insane amounts to sell yourself.

I guess I would be more precautious if I were doing that too. But I’m not and good old simple Cashapp bitcoin sent directly to source is a breeze. I’ll take my chances. If LEO decides to call the national guard to surround my property for 20 vials of testosterone and some random peptides then I’ll just chalk it up to bad luck.

There are not enough prisons built to house all the folks like me ordering prescription, ancillary drugs and some hormones to my house through the mail. I will continue to go the simple route without learning crazy IT anonymity protocols just to hide my purchases of Testosterone and HGH and I’m willing to bet nothing will ever come of it.

If I was ordering real drugs like research chemical precursors, fent, meth, China white and coca, then you bet your ass I’d learn how to live online anonymously. I’d even line the inside of my computer bunker with extra thick tinfoil.

But not for some fucking hormones. LE in my area enjoys the gears just as much or more than many of us anyway ☺️

* Disclaimer: I do not nor have ever ordered, purchased or ingested any illegal substances of any kind. The above was for entertainment purposes only. Gears are bad, Mkay.

And to stay on topic, I’m glad to see QSC has hired some folks and are working at remaining the ultimate source for bulk sales and orders. Thank you to my Chinese overlords.
I haven't ordered for like a year so I forgot: If I'm in the US, is it better to order from the US warehouse price list or it doesn't matter that much? Shipping time is not a big concern, I ordered from the international list last time and got it fast.

I wish there were more options for Retatrutide quantity, I don't want to order ten 15mg vials on my first go-round with reta which I haven't tried before, I would rather order a smaller amount first to see how I like it. The international list has more options for retatrutide. Thanks. The best vendor!
Get your trial Reta run through Aminos- Research. They double test each batch through two labs. Pretty pricey but you can get a single vial and great T/A and they take many types of payment. They are also doing some exciting work in the peptide community including Cagrisema.
Hello. I have problem with testo enanthate filtering for several months, few parts bought and still same. There is no problem with other products. It filters very very slow, no matter what temp of oil. Do you all have the same problem? How do you deal with it?

18% BB, 1,5% BA, CSO
trying different concentrations, always same.
Also some people report PIP with testo E, but it is old problem with it.

