You can be sure that I've never visited your discord...if that's what you are implying? If there is someone using a handle that close to my handle why don't you go on an ban them for that.Well mister BBW69, in my discord, rule number one is the "No Drama" rule, and I am allergic to clowns, he already know he was playing with fire since day he joined, people got kicked out of the server for less than that. It's okay to be a clown here in Meso, you know clowns here can even get an "Elite clown +10 years circus member" badge.
I end up giving up trying to understand what made you that butthurt, so maximum I can do is hook you up with some vaseline to help your stink recover faster, after that you can go and share your sad victim experience being unfairly treated by mean Tracy with your racist anti-meso UGBB bruvs.
Maybe you don't think you've ID'd me? In any event, wherever I happen to be folks know its me. I have no plans on showing up in your discord or a thread you have anyplace else. I am a founding member at UGBB and if you show up attempting to infect my pad I will stop in and give you or your lackeys the lube.
As I said, you aren't long for the Community. Your hatred and contempt for Americans shines through and once folks have had enough then you will be through. Absolutely that won't happen until someone pops up with pricing to match yours. That's all it will take. The rest of your game sucks.
Talks are taking place. Ownership here and elsewhere is disgusted by your disdain for Community members. Be sure THIS clown will be there to laugh and tell you that I told you so. I've even been known not to fight fair as long as I have my heart in the right place...which it most certainly is. So....keep your eyed wide open....that source that has its sights set on you could be just around the next corner or thread.