Pinnacle Elements
There is a difference in being a newbie and being lazy. Spoon feeding used to be frowned upon because it often leads to poor decisions and regurgitation of bad information.
Back in the day when I was a newbie, you don’t even want to post because there are a plethora of information out there, stickies and various threads that you need to read through before you even have to ask questions. Nowadays, people don’t want to go through the trouble and would rather post with bravado and blind ego rather than read the vets thought process and shared experiences.
But then again, things changed, all we talk about now is more drugs and less training and diet.
Even being a “newbie” - you should’ve already been educating yourself on the topics.
You should have 5+ years lifting experience (proper form, routine, exercises), diet dialed in with understanding, etc.
I had educated myself on steroids loooong before I ever pinned. I did flirt with peptides before they were mainstream, around 2018 I was using IPA and CJC no DAC and IGF1LR3 sometimes. Had used prohormones but those are BS and underdosed.
Point is - I knew nearly everything I needed about anabolics, lifting , diet and the lifestyle well before I touched exogenous test.