Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

first time ordering with source, felt ballsy and went large. 700g+ raw order paid with bitcoin. order placed march 14th and received april 15th to the usa using the reship service. everything is accounted for
Actually how about the prices for...

(1) 600 tabs of

20mg Dbol
20mg Anadrol
20mg Winstrol
20mg anavar
20mg turinabol

Per tab

And ....

(2) what's the minimum vials/kits for this custom blend?

100mg Deca
100mg Equipoise
100mg Masteron E

Per ML
Actually how about the prices for...

(1) 600 tabs of

20mg Dbol
20mg Anadrol
20mg Winstrol
20mg anavar
20mg turinabol

Per tab

And ....

(2) what's the minimum vials/kits for this custom blend?

100mg Deca
100mg Equipoise
100mg Masteron E

Per ML
Price list attached for 600 tabs prices.

MOQ custom blend 3 kits
QSC Semaglutide log update:

Week 1 (0.25 1x/wk)
Starting weight 197 ending 193
Average 1000 cal deficit per day

Week 2 (0.25mg 2x/wk)
Starting weight 192 ending 192
Average 1000 cal deficit per day

Week 3 (0.25mg 2x/wk) (halfway through the week)
Starting weight 192 currently 190
So far average 1000 cal deficit per week

Doubling the dose for week 2-3 really cut down on the drop off I experienced week 1. Most days I’m still hungry normally but not craving or ravenous. Get full extremely quick and stay full longer. Been very easy to keep a high deficit. Obviously training while on TRT is suffering but that’s to be expected with this deficit. Wife is still on 0.25/wk and she’s still getting good affects. Will keep y’all posted.
While we are putting in requests for the US Domestic warehouse can we please get Telmisartan, Arimidex, Tren, Primo, Anavar and Anadrol there to go with the Test and HGH?